Background of The Study

C. Limitation of Study

Based on the problems are identified above, the problem of this study will be limited on: teaching descriptive writing at seventh grade students of MTs. Matla ’ul Anwar Nurul Kamal YAMANKA Bogor at second semester of academic year 20142015, and will be limited on the use of Mind Mapping technique on students’ writing of descriptive text.

D. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the problem mentioned previously, this research is totally on finding the answers to question, ―Is there any effect of mind mapping technique on students’ writing of descriptive text at the seventh grade of MTs. Yayasan Matla ’ul Anwar Nurul Kamal YAMANKA Bogor in Academic year 2014- 2015? ‖`

E. The Objective of the Research

Based on the formulation of the problem that was stated above, the objective of this research was to obtain the empirical evidence about the effect mind mapping technique on students’ writing of descriptive text.

F. Significance of the Research

Based on the objective of the research, this research is to obtain the empirical evidence of the effect of Mind Mapping Technique on students ’ writing descriptive text. The result or the finding of this research is expected to give benefit not only theoretical but also practically go to: - Students The student was expected that this study can overcome the difficulties of students’ in organizing their writing descriptive text and it can help the students to be interested in learning writing descriptive text. The students get interesting way to learn writing, especially their descriptive one, through mind mapping technique. - Teachers The teacher can apply mind mapping technique especially English teachers ’ in MTs. Yayasan Matla ’ul Anwar Nurul Kamal YAMANKA Bogor, generally for all English teachers in the other school to help his or her students in developing their writing descriptive text. By reading this study, the teacher of English are expected to increase their strategy in teaching writing descriptive text and the writer hopes that this study will give a contribution in the educational side to the development of language teaching and learning about writing descriptive text through mind mapping. - Stockholders The stockholders can consider Mind Mapping technique to apply it in their school to improve the quality of the teacher’s skill in teaching. 6


This chapter presents and discusses the theories about writing, descriptive text, and mind mapping technique that are based on the experts in their each areas.

A. Writing

1. Concept of writing

According Charles and Ronald, Communicating is one of humankind’s most characteristic acts, and writing is one of the most widespread and potentially one of the most effective means of communication 1 . Barbara Fassler said. ―Writing is a useful tool for discovering and thinking. Leaping from computer to computer, or passing from one person. ‖ 2 Rise B. Axelrod and Charles R. Cooper said, ―Writing is a complex process and such contain element of mastery and surprise. But we know and believe that writing is a skill that anyone can learn to manage.‖ 3 According to Langan, writing is a skill, like driving, typing, or cooking, and like any skill, it can be learned. 4 Then Barnet and Stubb’s define ―Writing as a physical acts, to be performed fully, to bring pleasure, to both performer and audience, it requires practice. 5 Ken Hyland defines writing as a way of sharing personal meanings, writing courses emphasize the power of the individual to construct her or his own views on a topic. 6 Paula Iley gives definition of writing more detail, she stated that writing is a process in making decision at all levels, whether it is ideas, facts that include in it; how it is organized, then how to sequence them as a words; what 1 Bridges, Charles W, Writing:Discovering form and meaning, California: Wadsworth Publishing Company. 1984, p. 5. 2 Walvrood, Barbara Fassler, Writing: Strategies for all disciplines, New Jersey: Prentice Hall Inc., 1985, p. 1. 3 Rise B. Axelrod and Charles R. Cooper, The St Martin’s Guide to writing, New York: St. Martin’s press, 1985, p. 3. 4 Langan, John, English Skill Eight Edition, New York: McGraw-Hill, 2008, p. 13. 5 Barnet and Stubbs’s, Practical Guide to writing 4 th edition, Canada; Brown Company, 1983, p. 3. 6 Ken Hyland, Second Language Writing, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2003, p. 9.

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