A. Place and Time

This study was conducted at Senior High School Darussalam JL. Otista No. 36 Cimanggis Ciputat Kota Tangerang Selatan. It was taken place for about one month from 24 October until 18 November 2013.

B. Method and Research Design

The writer used experimental research as the method, which is part of quantitative research. Then, the writer chose a quasi-experimental study as the research design that is specifically use two classes; the treatment class which is taught speaking using information gap activities then the control class which the writer taught in conventional technique. In this study the writer used pre-test and post-test design to take the score of students’ speaking skill. C. Population and Sample The population of this study was all of the students of Senior High School Darussalam Ciputat in the academic year of 2013-2014. Because the population is too large so the writer took sample of this study. The writer decided to take sample using purposive sample. According to Arikunto who states that purposive sample means taking the subject of the research without considering the strata or random but based on the particular purposes. 1 There are four classes of second grade students in Senior High School Darussalam Ciputat. It is consisted of a Science class XI IPA 1, three classes of Social class XI IPS 2-XI IPS 4. Because of the Science class is only one class so the writer chose the Social class as the sample therefore the writer needed two classes as her sample of this research. The students of the social class have the same characteristic and intelligence. Other considerations are limited time and fund. The 1 See: Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik, Jakarta: PT Rineka Cipta, 2010, p.183. writer took the sample of XI second grade at Senior High School Darussalam Ciputat in the academic year of 2013-2014. They are XI IPS 3 and XI IPS 4. The writer only took 20 students in each class control class and treatment class as the sample in gaining the data. The 20 students were collected based on their appearance and participation when pre-test and posttest was established.

D. Instrument of the Research

The data was collected by the writer using test as the instrument of this study. According to Arikunto, test is one of the types in evaluating the students; it consists of some exercises to measure skill, intelligence, ability or talent which is on the individual or the group. 2 The test that was used in this study is oral test. The students gave 7 minutes to prepare the test. The students work in pair which is consisted of student A and student B. Each of the student A and student B give a handout. Then, what the student A have to do to student B is to complete the question about “what did she or he do last night”. After the information has completed each other, they have to present it in front of the class.

1. Instrument in Measuring Speaking Skill

a. Conceptual Definition

Speaking is an activity between two people or more in sharing their ideas, opinions, and feeling orally.

b. Operational Definition

Speaking is the result of the score from students’ speaking performance that was from presenting a dialogue . The result of the students’ score is based on 5 criteria of Harris’ speaking scale form 3 : 1 pronunciation, 2 grammar, 3 vocabulary, 4 fluency, and 5 comprehension. 2 Ibid, p.193 3 See: David P. Harris, Testing English as a Second Language, India: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1977, p. 84.

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