Place and Time Method and Research Design

E. The Technique of Data Collecting

The data of the research was taken from instrument of the research that was speaking test. The test was given to all of the groups. The test was given twice that was pre-test which was given at the first meeting and posttest which was given at the end of the meeting. In the pre-test and posttest the students work in pair. They were given a handout about an activity that his or her friend did last night and they gave 7 minutes to complete it. What they have to do is to complete information about it by asking his or her friend. Pre-test was given in order to know the first condition of both the groups before the treatments was given. Afterwards, the experimental class was given four treatments by using information gap activities in teaching speaking and the controlled class was taught speaking using conventional technique. When the treatments were finished to be applied, the posttest was held.

F. The Technique of Data Analyzing

The writer used comparison technique to find out whether the use of the informa tion gap activities gives positive influence to the students’ speaking skill or not. Then the writer compared the treatment group and control group. She compared the score of each group by calculating the mean of each group. After the data is gained from pre-test and post-test, then it calculated to get the result of the research by using T-test analysis from Sudijono. 4 t o = Mx : Mean of the Difference of Experiment Class My : Mean of the Difference of Control Class SE Mx : Standard Error of Experiment Class 4 See: Anas Sudijono, Pengantar Statistika Pendidikan, Jakarta: Rajawali Pers, 2010, pp. 314 —316. SE My : Standard Error of Control Class X : using information gap activities in Experiment Class Y : using conventional trchnique in Control Class The procedures of calculation were as follow: 1. Determining mean of variable X the formulation is: M x = 2. Determining mean of variable Y the formulation is: M y = 3. Determining standard of deviation score of variable X the formulation is: SD x = 4. Determining standard of deviation score of variable Y the formulation is: SD y = 5. Determining standard error of mean of variable X the formulation is: SE x = 6. Determining standard error of mean of variable Y the formulation is: SE y = 7. Determining standard error of different mean of variable X and variable Y the formulation is: SE MX-MY =

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