A. Data Description

In the previous chapter, to collect the data the writer used a test which is given to the samples of the research. The test was oral test form. The students were asked to work in pair to make a dialogue, comprehend and present the dialogue in front of the class. Those are who also included as the samples of this research were taken by purposive sampling technique. Thus, the writer took 40 students in Senior High School Darussalam Ciputat. The samples consisted of twenty students as the experimental class form XI IPS 3 and twenty students as the controlled class from XI IPS 4. The experimental class and the controlled class were taught with different technique in teaching speaking. The experimental class was taught using the information gap activities, whereas the controlled class used conventional technique. In the experimental class, the writer asked every student in that class to share about her or his information that they have gotten. They must share it to their friends who did not get the information. Then, the oral test score of each group can be seen in the tables for data analysis as follow:

1. Experimental Class

In the experimental class the writer gave the test. The results of the test as follow: Table 4.1 Score of the Experimental Class X Student Pre-Test Post-Test Gain Score S1 54 74 20 S2 54 72 18 S3 56 74 18 S4 52 74 22 S5 74 86 12 S6 64 80 16 S7 60 70 10 S8 60 66 6 S9 54 68 14 S10 54 68 14 S11 52 66 14 S12 52 68 16 S13 64 82 18 S14 54 64 10 S15 54 68 14 S16 56 66 10 S17 48 74 26 S18 52 70 18 S19 48 68 20 S20 48 70 22 ∑=1110 ∑=1428 ∑X=318 Based on the table 4.1, the highest score in experimental class was 86 obtained by one student whereas the lowest score in experimental class was 64 obtained by one student. The differences score obtained between the highest score and the lowest score which showed 12 for the highest score and 10 for the lowest score as the result in the gain score, it can be concluded that there was significant influence in teaching speaking using information gap activities.

2. Controlled Class

In the controlled class the writer also gave the test. The results of the test as follow: Table 4.2 Score of the Controlled Class Y Student Pre-Test Post-Test Gain Score S1 54 62 8 S2 46 56 10 S3 52 58 6 S4 54 58 4 S5 54 64 10 S6 52 62 10 S7 68 62 -6 S8 54 64 10 S9 56 66 10 S10 52 62 10 S11 38 56 18 S12 54 54 S13 50 62 12 S14 48 60 12 S15 54 60 6 S16 54 60 6

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