Advantages of Using Information Gap Activities

observation and reflection. The result of this research shows that through information gap activities in teaching speaking, it can motivate the students to speak English and improve their speaking ability. 31 The second is Nurmila who has done her research by the title “The Effectiveness of Using Information Gap Activities in Developing Students’ Speaking Skill”. In this research the writer used pre-experimental research. She did it on one class that is at SMP Negeri 153 Jakarta. Before she did the treatment, she gave pre-test to find out the students’ basic competence. She taught speaking by using information gap activities. Finally, she gave post-test to know whether the use of information gap activities gave significant influence of the students’ speaking skill. The result was the data from pre-test and post-test showed that the coefficient is 11,82. It meant that there was a significance increase in teaching speaking through information gap activities. 32 The third is Muhamad Nugroho: 2010 under the title “The Use of Realia in Tea ching Speaking”. In this study he takes quantitative method which the writer makes comparative method. The writer use realia in experiment class in teaching speaking and without realia in control class to the first grade students of SMA PGRI 3 Jakarta. He gives pre-test and post-test. After getting the data from pre-test and post-test of both classes, the writer analyses and process by using statistic calculation of the t-test formula with significance degree 5 and 1. The result is t o t observation is higher than t t t table 2.02 5.302.7. It means that there are any significant influences between students’ achievement in learning speaking by using realia and without realia. 33 31 Rhohmatilah, “Improving Students’ Speaking Ability Using Information Gap Activities,” A Thesis, in UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Jakarta, 2010, tidak dipublikasikan. 32 Nurmilah, “The Effectiveness of Using Information Gap Activities in Developing Students’ Speaking Skill,” A Thesis, in UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Jakarta: 2012, tidak dipublikasikan. 33 Muhamad Nugroho, “The Use of Realia in Teaching Speaking”, A Thesis, in UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Jakarta: 2010 , tidak dipublikasikan.

F. Conceptual Framework

Speaking is an activity to share the ideas, feelings, and emotion between sender and receiver through oral communication. Actually, the target language is not quite applied in the speaking classroom activity. Most of students consider that it is really difficult to speak in English. For instance, too many grammatical rules, embarrassed, less of confidence, etc. One of communicative activities which can be done in speaking classroom activities is information gap activities. Information gap activity is an activity where one student and another student have different bit information to be shared. The use of information gap activities in the classroom can make the class in real communication situation. Moreover, these activities can be developed by the teachers in many various ways in different practice, for instance identifying picture, discovering missing information, discovering differences, etc. These activities give the students opportunity to share their ideas more in producing utterances using the target language. It also encourages the students to be more active in following teaching and learning activities. Information gap activities provide the students to express and share their own ideas. It can make teaching and learning speaking more enjoyable. Moreover, the students have the same chances in giving their expressions, feeling, and ideas when they learn speaking in the class. Information gap activities will encourage one student to complete the information that they need through asking his or her friends who has the different information. Whereas, the use of conventional technique is one of teaching technique which the teachers have the main role in delivering the materials, the students just listen it carefully or it can be called lecturing type. The students in conventional method class commonly use memorization and drilling technique in accepting materials. Both of memorization and drilling technique are applicable for the students who are in elementary and basic level. Through this technique they can acquire the materials

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