Translating Strategy using Specific-General Style Translating Strategy using General-Specific Pattern

3. Translating Strategy using Specific-General Style

Concerning to this strategy, the writer only describes three examples. They are: Example 1 Source text : kalo kopinya masih panas, diseruput aja dikit-dikit… Target text : If the coffee is still hot, just sip it a little bit… Example 2 Source text : Masakan sendiri emang ma’nyus Target text : Home cooking is truly delicious Example 3 Source text : Obatnya manjur Target text : The medicine works In the source language, the cultural concept contained in the expression “ seruput” has a very specific meaning a typical way of drinking usually hot beverages noisily or a slurp yet it is translated into “sip” that in target language has more general concept which means drinking by taking just a small amount at a time. In the second example, the term “ ma’nyus” which is used to describe a certain level of food fine taste and is usually expressed when someone is appreciative and satisfied with the meals, is translated into a more general term “delicious” which also has similar language concept i.e. to describe that the food is tasty or has a very pleasant taste. In the third example, the term “works” which introduces a general concept in target language and means that the medicine has successfully perform its particular function, becomes a translation 26 of the term “manjur” which in source language has more specific concept that may include efficacious, strong, effective, and powerful.

4. Translating Strategy using General-Specific Pattern

Concerning to this strategy, the writer only describes two examples. They are: Example 1 Source text : Hati-hati sama tukang jambret… Target text : Stay alert to purse snatcher… Example 2 Source text : Ini uang halal loh Target text : This is honest money In the source language, the term “ tukang jambret” has a general meaning i.e. a person who grabs people’s belongings such as purse, necklace, suitcase, and so on yet it is specifically translated into “purse snatcher”; in this case the translator makes purse as the representative or sample object which is mostly snatched. In the second example, the term “ halal” is also specifically translated into “honest”; for clarifying where the “money” comes from, the term “honest” is acceptable in the international level of communication to represent “ halal” even though the word “ halal” actually has more universal meaning and definition. 27

5. Translating Strategy using Absorbed Words with and without modification