Roles of the Researcher Method of Data Collection

47 have learnt the English-Indonesian Translation subject, so they know about the plus and minus of the translation form.

3.5 Roles of the Researcher

As the study was carried out by only one researcher, the researcher plays some different roles. The writer roles in this study are as the data observer, the data collector, the data analyzer, and the data reporter. As a data observer, the writer reads all the data of both the English version and the Indonesian version of the subtitle in the movie. After reading the entire data, the writer list all the data in a table for easy reading. After listing the data, the writer analyse and classify them to get the answers of the problems. The writer analyse and classify the primary data by using Gottlieb‟s theory of subtitling strategies which underlies this research. The writer was also analyzed the questionnaire data which are gained from the informants. The researcher herself collect and calculate the questionnaire. In the last, the writer report the data analysis by describing the writer findings and providing detail discussion of the analysis.

3.6 Method of Data Collection

The procedure of collecting data in this research was conducted through data analysis. The data was taken from the dialogue in the movie Maleficent both English version and Indonesian version in the form of subtitle. The observation would be done by watching the movie and identifying the translation method used 48 in each sentence found in the movie. When the sentence consists of two clauses which have different subtitling strategy, it was chunked from the sentence into clause. The division of the data was not based on the type of data phrase, clause, and sentence, but it was classified based on the subtitling strategy used. Furthermore, I used questionnaire for collecting the data about the readability level of translation. Related to that, I used Readability-rating instrument proposed by Nababan in Silalahi 2009 to assess readability level of translation. The questionnaire was in the form of closed and opened question. The closed question required the informants to choose one of the answer from some alternative answers. And to support the answer of closed question, the researcher provided the opened question so that the rater can give the reason whether the translation product is easy or difficult to read. I asked 15 informants to watch Maleficent movie first. Then, they were asked to fulfill the questionnaire and to give comments. 3.7 Method of Data Analysis 3.7.1 Subtitling Strategies