Method of Data Analysis .1 Subtitling Strategies

48 in each sentence found in the movie. When the sentence consists of two clauses which have different subtitling strategy, it was chunked from the sentence into clause. The division of the data was not based on the type of data phrase, clause, and sentence, but it was classified based on the subtitling strategy used. Furthermore, I used questionnaire for collecting the data about the readability level of translation. Related to that, I used Readability-rating instrument proposed by Nababan in Silalahi 2009 to assess readability level of translation. The questionnaire was in the form of closed and opened question. The closed question required the informants to choose one of the answer from some alternative answers. And to support the answer of closed question, the researcher provided the opened question so that the rater can give the reason whether the translation product is easy or difficult to read. I asked 15 informants to watch Maleficent movie first. Then, they were asked to fulfill the questionnaire and to give comments. 3.7 Method of Data Analysis 3.7.1 Subtitling Strategies The first aims of this study are to describe the strategies used and to find out which strategies are frequently occured in the Indonesia Subtitle of Maleficent movie. In order to obtain the results, the data which had been collected were analyzed as follows: 49 1 First of all, I put the sentences in English and Indonesia in a table side by side. Then I analyzed the subtitling strategy in each sentence. Here, the data will be classified based on the strategies proposed by Gottlieb. Then the data will be classified on the table 3.1. The table below is the sample of the data, for the complete samples can be seen in the appendices. Table 3.1 Table of Data Analysis Data No. Dialogue No. Source Language English Target Language Indonesian Subtitling Strategy Description 1. 1. She is vanquished? Dia sudah mati? Transfer The subtitler translates the dialogue literally. 2. 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Etc. 2 After analyzing, the data would be classified and gathered based on Gottlieb‟s subtitling strategy, such as expansion, paraphrase, transfer, imitation, transcription, dislocation, condensation, decimation, deletion, and resignation. The clauses will be classified based on each strategy in the table below. 50 Table 3.2 The List of Strategy Usage No. Types of Subtitling Strategy Data No. Dialogue No. Source Language English Target Language Indonesian Description 1. Transfer 1 1 She is vanquished? Dia sudah mati? The subtitler translates the dialogue literally. 2. 3. 3 After having classified, the data will be counted to know the frequency and percentage of each strategies. The data will be presented in the following table: Table 3.3 Table of Data Tabulation No. Subtitling Strategy Frequency Percentage 1. 2. 3. Total 4 Analyzing the strategies used by the translator in subtitling and the percentage of each strategy. 51

3.7.2 Readability Quality

The another goal of this study is to investigate the translation readability quality of the Indonesia subtitle in the Maleficent. I will try to find out the readability level of the movie by the following steps: 1 I ask the 15 informants to answer the questionnaire below, in order to collect the data. Table 3.4 Readability Rating Instrument Dialogue No. Subtitle Score English Indonesia 3 2 1 1. 2. 3. Etc. Here are the classifications of the readability scores are: a Score 3: The translation is very readable; the viewer can easily understand the meaning. b Score 2: The translation is readable enough; the viewer can understand the meaning, but there are still one or two terms in the sentence that are not easy to understand and takes time to get the point. c Score 1: The translation is unreadable; the viewer is difficult to catch the meaning and still need to reread the sentences. 52 2 The data score were counted with the table below: Table 3.5 Readability Level Summary Dialogue No. Subtitle Frequency of Readability Score English Indonesian 3 2 1 1. 2. 3. Etc. Total Readability Level Score Percentage Since the questionnaires are used to score system, I made a percentage of the result to describe the readability of the subtitle. The percentage are determined by: 3 The data were analyzed by combining the percentage of each score, the comments and how they are interrelated. 53