Translation Technique In Iphone 3gs User Guide Into Bahasa Indonesia









First of all, I want to thank you to the Almighty God, Jesus Christ for everything He has done in my life, giving his health, strength, encouragement and ability to finish this thesis perfectly. And also give thanks for abundant blessing, answer and prayer that He has already given to my life.

Secondly, I want to say thank you very much to the Head of English Department USU, Drs. Muhizar Muchtar, M.S., who also become my academic advisor and supervisor, and the secretary of English Department, Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A. Ph.D, who has given me a great opportunity and fully supported to accomplish this thesis. I also give my gratitude to my supervisor, Drs. H. Muhizar Muchtar, M.S. and my co-supervisor, Drs Umar Mono, Dip. Trans. M. Hum who has given their precious time to teach, guide, and make me understand about this thesis so that I can accomplish this thesis. I also want to give high gratitude to Alm. Bang Am (Amran) as the former staff of English Department and Bang Mistam as the staff of English Department for their contribution in accomplishing the administration matters.

Especially, I would like to give my special love and thanks to my beloved parents and family, my father, Johnny Siregar, and my mother Meriati Simatupang, my sister Rini Theresia Siregar, and Kevin Adrian Siregar. Thank you for all your love, faith, hope, motivation and pray. I make my promises and dreams come true.


I also would like to give thanks to my friends, the class of 2010 B, especially for all men in Class B, Boy, Dicky, Marthin, Petrus, Yudi, etc and for all girls in 2010 B, Apri, Elsye Hanny, Hetty, Novita, Santi , Zega, and also for those who I cannot mention one by one. Best thanks to my partner, Wina Viqa Sari who always fight with to finish this thesis.

Special thanks and love to Sonia Benedicta Simanjuntak, who is always patient and understand when I do this thesis, always ready to help me in finishing his thesis. Thank you for your sad, happiness, laughs, love, and pray that we have shared together for 4 years. God bless you and us.

Special thanks and love to my best friends, Johanes (Jojo), Veby, Tiara (tier) and Deffid, thanks for your support and motivation about our future. God bless you all.

Finally, I fully realize that there are some weaknesses in this thesis. Nevertheless I hope this thesis is able to give a lot of contributions as reference. Critics and suggestion are fully appreciated and needed to help me for the better future.

Medan, 22 April 2014 I

Denny Jeremia Siregar Reg. No 100705028



Skripsi ini berjudul “Translation Technique in iPhone 3Gs User Guide into

Bahasa Indonesia”. Skripsi ini berisi tentang definisi, penerapan, proses, fungsi, teori,

dan analisis berkaitan dengan terjemahan, dengan topik yang dikhususkan mengenai ulasan penerapan teknik – teknik terjemahan pada teks sumber.

Teori yang digunakan dalam menganalisis data adalah teori yang dikemukakan oleh Molina dan Albir. Teori ini menjelaskan mengenai jenis-jenis teknik terjemahan, seperti adaptation, amplification, borrowing, calque, compensation, description,

discursive creation, established equivalent, generalization, linguistic amplification, linguistic compression, literal translation, modulation, particularization, reduction, substitution, transposition, dan variation.

Tujuan dari skripsi ini adalah untuk membantu dan sebagai sumber referensi baik secara umum maupun khusus dalam memahami terjemahan dan penerapannya dan bagaimana cara menganalisis data berdasarkan teknik terjemahannya.

Metodologi yang digunakan pada skripsi ini adalah metode deskripsi kualitatif. Tahapan dalam metodologi dalam skripsi ini adalah sumber data, tahapan pengumpulan data, tahapan penelitian, dan analisis data.

Adapun hasil dari analisis data dari Technique Translation in iPhone 3Gs User

Guide into Bahasa Indonesia, yaitu data yang telah ditemukan berjumlah 95 data dengan

rincian 6 buah data Adaptation, 35 buah data Borrowing, 5 buah data Calque, 1 buah data Discursive Creation, 29 buah data Established Equivalent, 1 buah data

Generalization, 1 buah data Particularization, 11 buah data Borrowing + Established Equivalent, 1 buah data Borrowing + Reduction dan 1 buah data Established Equivalent + Reduction.

Kata Kunci : terjemahan, teknik terjemahan, user guide, calque, established equivalent dan terminology.



This thesis entitled “Translation Technique in the iPhone 3Gs User Guide into Bahasa Indonesian“. This thesis contains the definition, implementation, process, function, theory, and analysis related to the translation, which is devoted to the topic of review of application of translation technique in the source text.

The theory is used in analyzing the data proposed by Molina and Albir. This theory explains about the technique of translation, such as adaptation, amplification, borrowing, calque, compensation, description, discursive creation, established equivalent, generalization, linguistic amplification, linguistic compression, literal translation, modulation, particularization, reduction, substitution, transposition, and variation.

The objective of this paper is to help and as a source of reference both in general and specifically to understand the translation and implementation and how to analyze the data based translation techniques.

The methodology used in this thesis is a qualitative description. Stages of the methodology in this thesis are research design, source of the data, data collection procedures, step of research and data analysis.

The results of the analysis of data from Technique Translation in the iPhone 3Gs User Guide into Bahasa Indonesia, which is data that has been found to amount to 95 occurences of data with details of data Adaptation 6, Borrowing 35, 5 pieces of data calque, 1 piece Discursive Creation of data, 35 pieces of data Established Equivalent, 1 piece of data Generalization, 1 piece of data particularization, 11 pieces of data Borrowing + Established Equivalent, 1 piece of data Borrowing + Reduction and 1 piece of data Established + Reduction Equivalent.

Keyword : translation, technique of translation, user guide, calque, established equivalent and terminology.




1.1. Background of the Study ……… 1

1.2. Problem of Analysis ………... 6

1.3. Objective of Analysis ………. 6

1.4. Scope of Analysis ………... 7

1.5. Significance of Analysis ………. 7

CHAPTER II : REVIEW OF RELEVANT LITERATURES 2.1 Overview of Translation ……….… 8

2.2 Function of Translation ……….. 10

2.3 Process of Translation ……… 11


2.3.2 Strategy of Translation ……… 16

2.4 Ideology of Translation ……….. 18

2.4.1 Foreignizing Translation ………... 19

2.4.1 Domesticating Translation ………... 20

2.5 Translation Methods ………... 20

2.5.1 SL Emphasis ……….... 21

2.5.2 TL Emphasis ……….... 22

2.6 Technique of Translation ………... 23

CHAPTER III : METHOD OF RESEARCH 3.1 Research Design ………. 31

3.2 Sources of Data ……….. 32

3.3 Data Collection Procedures ………... 32

3.4 Step of the Research ……….. 32

3.5 Data Analysis ………. 33



4.1 Data Description ……….. 35

4.1.1 Collecting Data ………... 35

4.1.2 Indentifying the Translation Technique ………..……. 38

4.1.3 Classifying and Analyzing the Data Based on the Technique of Translation ……….... 41 Adaptation ………. 41 Borrowing ………. 43 Pure Borrowing ……….. 45 Naturalized Borrowing ………... 48 Calque ……….... 54 Discursive Creation ……….….. 56 Established Equivalent ……….……. 57 Generalization ……….….. 64 Literal Translation ………. 65 Particularization ………..….. 66

(9) Borrowing + Reduction ………... 72 Established Equivalent + Reduction ……….. 73 Amplification .……….... 74 Compensation ………... 74 Description ………... 74 Linguistic Amplification ………... 74 Linguistic Compression ………... 74 Modulation ………... 75 Reduction ……….. 75 Substitution ………... 75 Transposition ………... 76 Variation ………... 76

4.2 Finding ……….. 76


5.2 Suggestion ………. 81




Adj Adjective

Adv Adverb

n Noun

SL Source Language ST Source Text TL Target Language TT Target Text



Skripsi ini berjudul “Translation Technique in iPhone 3Gs User Guide into

Bahasa Indonesia”. Skripsi ini berisi tentang definisi, penerapan, proses, fungsi, teori,

dan analisis berkaitan dengan terjemahan, dengan topik yang dikhususkan mengenai ulasan penerapan teknik – teknik terjemahan pada teks sumber.

Teori yang digunakan dalam menganalisis data adalah teori yang dikemukakan oleh Molina dan Albir. Teori ini menjelaskan mengenai jenis-jenis teknik terjemahan, seperti adaptation, amplification, borrowing, calque, compensation, description,

discursive creation, established equivalent, generalization, linguistic amplification, linguistic compression, literal translation, modulation, particularization, reduction, substitution, transposition, dan variation.

Tujuan dari skripsi ini adalah untuk membantu dan sebagai sumber referensi baik secara umum maupun khusus dalam memahami terjemahan dan penerapannya dan bagaimana cara menganalisis data berdasarkan teknik terjemahannya.

Metodologi yang digunakan pada skripsi ini adalah metode deskripsi kualitatif. Tahapan dalam metodologi dalam skripsi ini adalah sumber data, tahapan pengumpulan data, tahapan penelitian, dan analisis data.

Adapun hasil dari analisis data dari Technique Translation in iPhone 3Gs User

Guide into Bahasa Indonesia, yaitu data yang telah ditemukan berjumlah 95 data dengan

rincian 6 buah data Adaptation, 35 buah data Borrowing, 5 buah data Calque, 1 buah data Discursive Creation, 29 buah data Established Equivalent, 1 buah data

Generalization, 1 buah data Particularization, 11 buah data Borrowing + Established Equivalent, 1 buah data Borrowing + Reduction dan 1 buah data Established Equivalent + Reduction.

Kata Kunci : terjemahan, teknik terjemahan, user guide, calque, established equivalent dan terminology.



This thesis entitled “Translation Technique in the iPhone 3Gs User Guide into Bahasa Indonesian“. This thesis contains the definition, implementation, process, function, theory, and analysis related to the translation, which is devoted to the topic of review of application of translation technique in the source text.

The theory is used in analyzing the data proposed by Molina and Albir. This theory explains about the technique of translation, such as adaptation, amplification, borrowing, calque, compensation, description, discursive creation, established equivalent, generalization, linguistic amplification, linguistic compression, literal translation, modulation, particularization, reduction, substitution, transposition, and variation.

The objective of this paper is to help and as a source of reference both in general and specifically to understand the translation and implementation and how to analyze the data based translation techniques.

The methodology used in this thesis is a qualitative description. Stages of the methodology in this thesis are research design, source of the data, data collection procedures, step of research and data analysis.

The results of the analysis of data from Technique Translation in the iPhone 3Gs User Guide into Bahasa Indonesia, which is data that has been found to amount to 95 occurences of data with details of data Adaptation 6, Borrowing 35, 5 pieces of data calque, 1 piece Discursive Creation of data, 35 pieces of data Established Equivalent, 1 piece of data Generalization, 1 piece of data particularization, 11 pieces of data Borrowing + Established Equivalent, 1 piece of data Borrowing + Reduction and 1 piece of data Established + Reduction Equivalent.

Keyword : translation, technique of translation, user guide, calque, established equivalent and terminology.



1.1. Background of the study

Language has main role, not only for linguists, students, and lecturers or in education, but also for business persons, politician, and other subject that need language as a medium to communicate. In another word, language actively manages life of people to get on with. Kramsch (in Rahyono 2011:21) states that language is the principal means whereby we conduct our social lives. When it is used in contexts of communication, it is bound up with culture in multiple and complex ways. As an example of the application of Kramsch’s definition about language; for instances, some international events are broadcasted on television, internet or newspaper needs language as the medium to communicate the message or information as well as possible. Therefore, we cannot deny the existence of the language which occurs in our social lives.

Language always becomes a fundamental part in our life, because it refers to the way we manage our social life. Pertaining to it, language works in another different way, namely, technology. Due to the rapid development of technology in 21st century, technology becomes a major part of the language itself to be a medium to communicate. It is spreading so fast in the world. We cannot stop the speed of technology development in human life. Furthermore, it gives us an opportunity to access everything easily without any bothering or any obstacle; as an obvious example, all humans in this world do not need to access internet by walking to


internet station anymore or waiting for their turn to access internet; however, they have a lot of option to use internet whether using by phone, PC (Personal Computer) or laptop without limiting space and time. Consequently, the advancement of technology leads mankind to depend on technology which is applied in our computer, television, and GPS (global positioning system), even on our phone. Also technology cannot be spread into our life without language. The relationship between technology and language is very tight, because technology is one medium to communicate with someone. When communicating with someone, we need language as the medium to convey messages.

Unfortunately, we are not living in the world which unites humanity in one language. Stephen Juan, PhD, an anthropologist of University of Sydney, states (via that more than 6,800 living languages spoken in the world. With that huge number of languages, humanity needs a solution to prevent the misunderstood meaning while communicating; therefore, translation is the only way to solve the language problem.

Newmark (1981:7) says, “Translation is a craft consisting in the attempt to replace a written message and/or statement in one language by the same message and/or statement in another language.” Translation is not merely changing words, but also transferring of culture equivalence with the culture of the original language and the recipient of that language as well as possible and implement it according to the recipient language (Muchtar 2013: 2). The better translation must be accepted by all


people in logic and based on fact; thus, the message contained in the source language can satisfy the target-language reader with the information within.

Prochazka in Garvin’s A Prague School Reader on Esthetics, Literary Structure

and Style (in Venutti 2000:131) defines a good translation in terms of certain

requirements which must be made by the translator, namely (1) “He must understand the original word thematically and stylistically”; (2) “he must overcome the differences between the two linguistic structures”; and (3) “he must reconstruct the stylistic structures of the original work in his translation.”

The beneficial effect of translation is absolutely we may look at in many ways; for instances, in various written text, such as books, magazines, newspaper, poem, etc. Translation truly helps people to know about information which at the beginning, we do not know at all because of the language problem, and then we know everything because the text is translated or transferred into our native tongue.

Translation is not translation literally, if people forget the role of translator. Translation and translator are like two pieces of coin which cannot be separated. Translator truly makes source language text become known for native people who do not know about the text before. Translator also helps to introduce the culture of both source language and target language to the reader.

One of the real examples which we can look about the result of translation is user guide book or text. Commonly, user guide is made for the reader, so they know how operate some device or utensil exactly, such as television, radio, air conditioner, phone, and et cetera. The function of user guide is to communicate about how the


technology works applied in the device and to help the readers by giving some information which guides the readers to know how useful the device is.

It is important to know that most of the user guide is a written text. Generally, this written text is written in two languages or more. Because it facilitates the readers for getting know the information through their language. Here, translation plays a role. The role of translation, in this case is expressed in the form of user guide (written text) is as the bridge to connect one language to another language or more. Better to know that bearing in mind user guide is very sensitive text for the translator to translate and for the reader to read, because it will mislead the reader if the translator does not take into account the transferring meaning process of the user guide. Therefore, most of the user guide is done by professional translator to cut down on the percentage of wrong translation, even to rule out the mistaken translation.

As a real prove of product or result of translation, in this case, the user guide. iPhone 3Gs user guide become the object of the research. In addition, iPhone is one of the well-known mobile phone in the world produced and created by Apple and it has been sold more than 1 million units over the world (based on Due to its popularity in common phone user

and it is used by everyone over the world. Apple realizes to help the user by giving User Guide as guidance for the user and the reader to understand and comprehend how to use this phone easily. Most of the user guides is written in English, due to English is international language. In Indonesia, Apple also gives the user guide not


only in English text, but also in Indonesian and of course the translation is done by highly professional translator.

This research analyses about the technique of translation of iPhone 3GS User Guide into Indonesian. This research is very interesting topic; for the reason that the user guide which consists of two languages, English as source language (SL) and Indonesian as target language (TL) is able to indicates a form of translation and demonstrates the use of technique of translation within technical terminology.

Technical terminology actually consists of two words, technical and terminology.

Technical in Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary (2008:455) is of a particular

subject or concerned with the practical use in machinery, methods, etc in science or industry. Terminology in Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary (2008:458) is special words and expressions used in a particular subject. Thus, Technical terminology can be concluded as word or phrase of a particular subject used as the name of something; for instance, set up, voice control, and intelligent keyboard.

Related to analysis, the technical terminology becomes main object of this analysis, because it shows changes that occur when a term in English translated into Indonesian. Some changes are indicated by a change in the structure and form of the word; some words are translated more longer than SL, and some word are shortened after translated, some word also shows meaning shift; nevertheless, the changes that occur still refers to the technique of translation which applied by the translator.

In this analysis, some terms are shown in technical form; for instances, gadget and feature; then, the analysis shows how the form after translating and what


technique the translator applied in the text; for instance, Finger Tips is translated into

Semudah menjentikkan Jari Tangan, it is an example of discursive creation

technique, because the translation is totally unpredictable out of context and some words have no relation in meaning if the phrase is translated literally. All findings of the analysis are shown in tabular. Furthermore, this study will open the reader's mind about how important the translation from SL to TL in giving comprehension and understanding about the product iPhone 3GS.

1.2. Problem of Analysis

There are three problems to be analyzed as follows:

1. How are the techniques of translation of technical terminologies in “iPhone 3GS User Guide”?

2. What techniques are applied in the translation of “iPhone 3GS User Guide”? 3. Which is the most dominant technique of translation used in “iPhone 3GS

User Guide”? 1.3. Objective of Analysis

There are three objectives of the study in this analysis as the answers to the problems which have been mentioned before, they are:

1. To find out how the translation of the technical terminology of "iPhone 3GS User Guide translated in Indonesia.


2. To find out the techniques applied in translation of “iPhone 3GS User Guide” in Indonesian.

3. To find out the most dominant technique which the translator used in translation of “iPhone 3GS User Guide” into Indonesian.

1.4. Scope of Analysis

The scope of the analysis is only focused on the translation of technical terminology in “iPhone 3GS User Guide” from English to Indonesian and technique of translation based on Molina and Albir (2002:509-511).

1.5. Significance of Study

The Significances of the study are as follows:

1. As the reference and the guidance for students and the teachers of translation in general; and the translator in particular to enlarge the comprehension about the translation, especially about the technique of translation and to do other related researches about translation.

2. As a reference and the guidance for students and the teachers of translation in general; and the translator in particular, especially about the implementation of technique of translation applied in technical terminology or other objects theoretically and practically.



REVIEW OF RELEVANT LITERATURES 2.1 Overview of Translation

Translation is derived from the word “translate” and “–ion”. Translate or to translate has a definition as to give the meaning of something said or written into another language as found in Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English (1974:919) and –ion is a suffix which means forming nouns denoting the action of a verb (Martinus 2008:102). Oxford Learner Pocket Dictionary (2008:473) defines the word “translate” as to put something written or spoken into a different language. Some experts have defined the meaning of translation to give a better explanation to the reader; for instances, Larson (1984:51) states that a text form in the source language is replaced by the text form in the target language.

Newmark (1988:5) states translation as “rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author intended the text.” He also adds translation is to transfer as many SL (Source Language) words to the TL (Target Language). Supporting Newmark’s idea about the definition of translation, Muchtar (2013:7) also says “Basically translation is transferring messages from SL to TL”.

While Newmark and Muchtar is trying to define the translation based on meaning, Catford (1965:20) tries to bring out another perception about translation. He says , “Translation is the replacement of textual material in one language (SL) by


equivalent textual material in another language (TL)”. From this definition, Catford is apt to emphasize on material replacement than concern about transferring meaning.

Bell (1991:5) says, “Translation is the expression in another language (or the target language) of what has been expressed in another source, language, preserving semantic and stylistic equivalence” (His translation from J, Dubois, Dictionaire de

Linguistique). From this definition, Bell gives clear explanations and meaning about the

concept of translation that translator as the subject who works on translating, must concern about the aspect of linguistic and style.

Nida (1982:12) says, “Translation consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style. According to Nida, When we translate or transfer some words from the source language text into the target language; the closest meaning, equivalence, and natural from a source language is the necessity. Therefore, Nida suggests that the translator should concern about the equivalence of meaning.

The last, Beckman and Callow (in Silalahi 2012:11) states that penerjemahan

adalah mengkomuni-kasikan satu pesan dari satu bahasa ke bahasa yang berbeda. (the

translation is to communicate one message from one language to another different language). Of course, the last definition about translation proposed by Beckman and Callow embrace all the definition above. The main purpose of translation is indeed to try communicating from language to another language. Hence, based on those definitions above, it can be concluded that translation is to render one message from the text or speaking of the source language to target language without changing the real meaning;


indeed, concerning the equivalence and making the result sounds natural in terms of communicating and or is basically an action which applied by replacing one language to another language in order to get the meaning or reproduce the new words of text which absolutely have equivalence in meaning from source language to target language.

2.2 Function of Translation

Language has determined its position on the top of the world for so many centuries. The role of language becomes the main key in connecting one nation to another nation. “7,000 languages are found on this earth and the world's most widely spoken languages by number of native speakers and as a second language, according to figures from UNESCO (The United Nations’ Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), are: Mandarin Chinese, English, Spanish, Hindi, Arabic, Bengali, Russian, Portuguese, Japanese, German and French.” (based on

The existence of language is accordance with the development of cultural life. Newmark (1988:94) says “Culture as the way of life and its manifestations that are peculiar to community that uses a particular language as its means of expression.” Thus, language and culture is two substantives which can be denied its existence in common life.

The relation between culture and language have brought forth a new activity which implicating those substantives, namely translating. Translating or translation involves culture and language as the object of research. Therefore, while translating one literature object, the translator needs to implement and deal with the aspect of culture, because the relation between culture and language cannot be separated.


Based on the connection between language and culture, Beekman and Callow (in Silalahi 2012:11) states that penerjemahan adalah mengkomunikasikan satu pesan dari

satu bahasa ke bahasa yang berbeda. (Translation is to communicate one message from

one language to another different language). The definition by Callow is clearly stated that translation is one of activity which tries to bring culture from one nation into another different culture of the nation.

Substantiating Callow’s definition on translation relates to the function of translation, Newmark (1988:10) states “Translation is now used as much to transit knowledge and to create understanding between groups and nations, as to transmit culture.” From Newmark’s statement, it clearly confirms and supports the function of translation which is not only just to render one message of language to another language, but also more dealing with the aspect of culture; thus, the message through which the real writer conveys would be directly sent to the reader without any misconception. 2.3 Process of Translations

Nida (in Venutti 2000:131) says “Live languages are constantly changing and stylistic preferences undergoes continual modification. Thus, a translation acceptable in one period is often quite acceptable at a later time.” The statement of Nida indicates us that the life of language always follows the development of the world and time as well as the translation does.

The life of language is in line with the process of translation as the way conveying information to another individual or group. Translator and translation are two nouns which cannot be separated. Furthermore, relating with the translator as the subject


who carry on the translation, the translator should acknowledge transferring a written message from a source language into the target language without changing the meaning of the source language. So to speak, translating is not something easy to do, because it requires process to do.

De Groot (in Silalahi 2012:11) defines the translation as “sebagai kegiatan merumuskan kembali teks tulis bahasa sumber dalam teks tulis bahasa sasaran.” (An activity which re-formulating the source text into the target language). Groot’s definition of translation brings out translation as a process to recreate or reproduce new form of source target which applied in target language.

Furthermore, supporting the idea of Groot’s definition, Nida (in Venutti 2000:127), in his book Principles of Correspondence, states about some factor while translating sort of text; consist of (1) the nature of the message, (2) the purpose or purposes of the author and, by proxy, of the translator, and (3) the type of audience.

Groot’s definition and Nida’s factors in translating refer to a linguistic operation done by translator to transfer the message from the source text into the target language and the linguistic operation is embodied into three stages as Nida and Taber (1989:33) says (1) Analyzing, in terms of comprehending the grammatical relationship and meaning of words and combinations of words, (2) Transferring, related to how the translator consider the analyzed material, then rendering the material from SL to TL, and (3) Restructuring, in terms of organizing the material to make the message more acceptable to TL.


Supporting the idea which proposed by Nida, Nababan (in Muchtar 2013:19) states that the translation process is divided into three steps, namely:

1. Analysis

The most determinant steps for translator, because it is dealt with the context, message, and meaning which is within TL and decision which translator would apply in transferring step.

2. Transferring

Transferring is the next step after analyzing which done by the translator to render the content, message or meaning which is contained in SL into TL. 3. Restructuring

The last step in translating process in which the translator set in motion to re-arrange the content, meaning and message which obtained from SL and the translator re-writes the result into text.

Comprehending the text and what the purpose of the text is compulsory as Katharina Reiss (in Venutti 2000:162) says about decision making in translation, ”in order to place a functionally equivalent TL text beside an SL text the translator should clarify the functions of the SL text.”


Bell (1991:21) confirms his idea about translation by adducing clear image which shows the process for the translator to come by. Commonly, Bell shows the process of translation with the diagram below :

Table 1 : The Diagram of Translation Process by Bell (1991:21)

The diagram adduces brief explanation about the process of translation. In the beginning of translation, translator prepares the text which wants to be applied; then translator needs to analyze step by step. First step, some part in the text which is in clause form identified based on syntax analysis. Yule (1996:4) states that syntax is the study of the relationships between linguistic forms, how they are arranged in sequence, and which sequences are well-formed. Furthermore, identifying based on semantics; related to semantics, Yule (1996:4) states that semantics is the study of relationships between linguistic form entities in the world; that is how words literally connect to things, in terms of finding the meaning conducted in the clause forms. Nevertheless, while identifying the meaning within the clause form, it has to consider the context, in


favor of preventing misconception of meaning. Next step is to analyze the pragmatics; in order to acknowledge the purpose of source text, the structure of thematic in source text and the style of the source text; as Yule (1996:4) states that pragmatics is the study of relationships between linguistic forms and the users of those forms. This step will bring forward some option for the translator to determine what the best choice for the text to translate whether to maintain or to change the purpose, the structure and the style of the source text.

2.3.1 Translation Approach

The Translation Approach is related to the way of the translator to overtake the translation problem; furthermore, leading to the good translation. While translating, translator can choose the best approach for a translation, if translator starts translating from the lowest linguistic unit (word to the sentence), the translator try applying

down-top approach or bottom-up approach (see Baker 1992:6). Otherwise, the translator tries

to start from the highest linguistic unit (sentence to word). The approach is top-down


Nord (in Silalahi 2012:20), has stated about the five steps in top-down approach, namely:

1. Text function-in-situation 2. Cultural norms and conventions 3. Linguistic structures

4. Context 5. Translator


According to Nord about the top-down approach; firstly, analyze the problem in the text based on the function and cultural situation in target language. Then, the translator should decide how the translation is adjusted to the cultural norms and customs from the target language. Furthermore, adjusting the equivalence of the source language and the target language is the priority; in terms of preventing misunderstanding in the context. The decision to adjust the equivalence in text makes some limitation for the translator applying technique and methods of translation in the text.

Top-down approach is ideal approach and theoretically, this approach tends to concern the process of transferring the highest linguistic unit; that is text (Silalahi 2012:22). Newmark also supports the using of the top-down approach as the guidance for the translator to apply into the translation, Newmark (in Silalahi 2012:21) says, “ The second approach to translating is top to bottom, which every translation teacher recommends and the poor students follow, but perhaps few instinctive translators practice.”

2.3.2 Strategy of Translation

“Strategi penerjemahan merupakan bagian dari proses penerjemahan”, says Silalahi (2012:22). (Strategy of translation is also one of the vital parts before translating process). She also states that the strategy of translation is applied when the translation process occurs. Furthermore, strategy of translation is the step for translator to go by; in order to solve certain cases in translation.


Gerloff (in Gandomkar and Karimnia 2013:23) has classified the strategy of translation into seven points:

1. Problem identification.

On this stage, a translator tries to identify words in the text by using dictionary, encyclopedia, grammars, online databases.

2. Linguistic analysis.

The translator analyzes the syntax and lexical structures. The understanding and comprehending the SL is very important at this stage.

3. Storage and retrieval.

The translator searches memory for SL or TL equivalents in a dictionary or online databases, identifies recognized word or unrecognized word.

4. General search and selection.

The translator repeats pronunciation of linguistic units in SL or TL, find and give its synonyms, its alternative meaning or tentative meanings.

5. Text inferencing and reasoning

The translator uses his knowledge and experience to answer the problem, make hypotheses, and decide the meaning of the word which the translator got from other sources.

6. Text contextualization.

The translator emphasizes the object of translation by restating prior information obtained from the text. Then, begin to editing process.


7. Task monitoring.

The translator conducts check and re-check progress, the translator makes comments and personal opinions on information in the text. As consideration, the translator may order eligible translator to read the result of translation; then, making comments toward the text.

2.4 The Ideology of Translation

In the process of analysis, knowing who the target of the translator (the reader) and what the purpose of the translation is a compulsory for the translator. This process is a must for the translator before translating the source text; as the result, the translator cannot avoid this process for any reason. The unavoidable process is due to the first step before applying the method and the technique in translating process (Muchtar, 2013:104).

After the process of analysis, the translator must have known the problem in source text. Then, the translator can apply the method and the technique in order to transfer the meaning of the source text into the target text. Bearing in mind, some translators have different thoughts in order to solve the problem in translation. The different thought of the translator is brought about the ideology (Muchtar 2013:104).

Ideologi adalah nilai-nilai budaya yang disepakati dan dimiliki oleh kelompok masyarakat dan berfungsi sebagai landasan berpikir dan bertindak (Silalahi 2012:52-53). (Ideology is the cultural values that agreed and owned by community groups and serves


as the foundation of thinking and acting). Ideology becomes so important for translator to go by, because the ideology is the way of thinking before translating the source text.

Silalahi (2012:53) says, “Terjemahan yang ‘benar’ tergantung ideology yang

dianut”. (Translation is 'right' depends on ideology held). In other words, ideology lead

the translator to comprehend and overhaul the text thoroughly and also become the social-cultural activity in society (Hoed in Silalahi 2012:53). Ideology of translation is consisted on two different orientations as Venutti states in Hoed (in Muchtar 2012:87), namely foreignizing translation and domesticating translation.

2.4.1 Foreignizing Translation

Foreignizing translation is an ideology which is oriented on the source language

(Muhizar 2013:105). Translators who follow the foreignizing to go by, they consider the SL as subject which does not have problematic for the reader. Translator wants to accentuate the existence of the source language into the society and believe the existence of the source language as the beneficial things for society and good learning for introducing new culture.

The translator does not try to translate the source language words, but uses some words or terms of the source language which is familiar to the society, for instance:

iPhone, tips, control and many other words. The translator uses some words which have


2.4.2 Domesticating translation

Domesticating translation is an ideology of translation which is oriented to the target language (Muhizar 2013:105). The translator who follows this ideology, consider the translation is supposed to be relevant to the target language culture. The translator believes the product of translation should become a part of the society and represent the existence of the target language.

Instead of using source language words or terms, the translator who follows this ideology, feel to translate all the words or terms into the target language. Thus the result of translation seems to become acceptable to the society, because of the usage of foreign language words or terms is reduced.

2.5 Translation Methods

Molina and Albir (2002: 507-508) defined translation method as the way of the translation process can be done in accordance with the purpose of translation. The translation methods will determine the result of the overall text in the future. Method comes after the translator have determined the ideology and the strategy; then, the translator sets in motion to begin the translation process.

Newmark (1998:45) has introduced the classification of translation methods based on the aim of translation. Newmark classified the translation method into two different methods, namely SL emphasis methods and TL emphasis methods. The following methods will be shown in the next page.


2.5.1 SL Emphasis Method

Supporting the idea of Newmark, Silalahi (2012:55) describes SL Emphasis Method consists of :

1. Word-for-word translation

The word-for-word translation concerns about the structure of words; in another word, this translation method is related to the grammatical structure of the source language. Instead of finding the equivalence of meaning from the source language to the target language, translator tends to maintain the structure of the source language.

2. Literal Translation

The literal translation method actually has a similarity with word-for-word translation in concept of translating by not focusing on the context. But literal translation is not same with word-for-word translation; indeed, both of methods have the same concept, but literal tends to change the into grammatical construction of the target language.

3. Faithful translation

Faithful translation tries to produce the contextual meaning of source language; nevertheless, the procedure defies the grammatical structure of the target language. 4. Semantic Translation

Semantic translation is focused on seeking the equivalent of word level, but still refers to source language and try to render the contextual meaning of the source language as close as possible to syntax and semantics of the target language.


2.5.2 TL Emphasis Method

Supporting the idea of Newmark, Silalahi (2012:58) describes TL Emphasis Method consists of :

1. Adaptation

Adaptation is more focused on rendering the context of the source language to the target language. After translating by using this method, the form of source language will be changed into a new form. Thus, the translation result is not commonly regarded as a real product of translation, but tends to be a rewriting process from the source language into the target language.

2. Free Translation

Free translation results a new translation which has contain no style or form of the source language. The free translation method is not attached with the seeking of equivalent in word level process. This method is apt to stay close with the message of the source language text.

3. Idiomatic Translation

Idiomatic translation tries to reproduce the contextual meaning of the source language text into the target language text; nevertheless, the process tends to affect the nuances of meaning by preferring colloquialism or idiom.

4. Communicative Translation

Communicative translation try to render the contextual meaning of the source language into the target language exactly, in order to bring forth acceptable translation and understandable translation.


2.6 Technique of Translation

Related to the process of translation, Molina and Albir (2002:509) define technique as a choice made by the translator, its validity will depend on various questions related to the context, the purpose of translation, audience expectation, etc. They also define technique of translation as a procedure to analyze and classify how translation equivalence work. Substantiating their definition about technique of translation, Molina and Albir adduce the five basic characteristics of technique of translation.

1) They affect the result of the translation

2) They are classified by comparison with the original 3) They affect micro-units of text

4) They are by nature discursive and contextual 5) They are functional

Molina and Albir (2002:509-511) adduce the technique of translations into :

1. Adaptation. Translator replaces the element of source language culture with the

element of the target language culture.

For example, 1. Laskar Pelangi in Indonesia is translated into Rainbow Troops in English.

2. Ada apa dengan Cinta? in English changes into What’s up


2. Amplification. To introduce details that are not formulated in the ST:

information, explicative paraphrasing.

For example, 1. When translating Ramadhan into English, the translator may add some information, such as Ramadhan, month of fasting.

2. When translationg ulos into English, the translator may add some information, such as ulos, the ceremonial clothes of bataknese people.

3. Borrowing. To take a word or expression straight from another language. The

change may be pure (without any change) or made as natural as possible to TL, in order to fit the spelling rules.

For example, 1. Control in English changes into Kontrol in Indonesian.


2. Computer in English changes into Komputer in Indonesian.


4. Calque. Literal translation of a foreign word or phrase; it can be lexical or


For example, 1. Photo studio in English changes into foto studio in Indonesian.


2. Brigade General in English changes into Brigadir Jenderal in

Mod Head N N


5. Compensation. To introduce a source text (ST) element of information or stylistic effect in another place in the target text (TT) because it cannot be reflected in the same place as in the ST.

For example, 1. This Quick Start Guide tells you how to set up your iPhone in English changes into Petunjuk mulai cepat ini membimbing anda

bagaimana cara mengatur iPhone in Indonesian.

2. To see your picture in English changes into untuk melihat foto

(kepunyaan) anda in Indonesian.

6. Description. To replace a term or expression with a description of its form or/and


For example, 1. To translate the Indonesian Tarombo as the scripture which tell

about the family tree in Bataknese people in English.

2. To translate the Indonesian ngaben as traditional cremation

which performed by Balinese people in English

7. Discursive creation. To establish a temporary equivalence that is totally


For example, 1. The English translation of Semudah Menjentikkan Jari tangan as Finger Tips.

2. The English translation of mouse as tetikus.

8. Established equivalent. To use a term or expression recognized (by dictionaries

or language in use) as an equivalent in the TL.

For example, 1. To translate the English expression general as umum in Indonesian.

2. To translate the English expression photo as gambar in Indonesian.

9. Generalization. To use a more general or neutral term.

For example, 1. To translate the Indonesian membuat, melakukan, menjadikan,

memproduksi, as make in English.

2. To translate the Indonesian mendapatkan, mengambil,

memanggil as get in English.

10. Linguistic amplification. To add linguistic elements. This is often used in

consecutive interpreting and dubbing. It is in opposition to linguistic compression.


For example, 1. To translate the English expression Don’t be so mean into Indonesian as Jangan kasar begitu instead of using an expression with, jangan kasar.

2. To translate the English expression Are you nuts? into Indonesian as Kau gila apa? Instead of using an expression with Apakah kamu gila?

11. Linguistic compression. To synthesize linguistic elements in the TT. This is often

used in simultaneous interpreting and in sub-titling. It is in opposition to linguistic amplification.

For example, 1. To translate the Indonesian expression tidak apa apa With it’s

ok, in Indonesian, instead of using a phrase with nevermind.

2. To translate the English rude expression Son of bitch into Indonesian as kurang ajar instead of using an expression with,

anak pelacur.

12.Literal translation. To translate a word or an expression word for word in text.

For example, 1. Create folders. Organize apps in English translated into


Membuat folder. Mengatur aplikasi in Indonesian.


2. Cut, copy, and paste in English translated into V V conj V

Potong, salin dan tempel in Indonesian. V V conj V

13. Modulation. To change the point of view, focus or cognitive category in relation

to the ST; it can be lexical or structural.

For example, 1. To translate an expression She got kicked from her office in English, instead of dia ditendang dari kantornya; but dia dipecat in another expression of English She’s fired.

2. To translate an expression whichever route you take in English, instead of, yang mana saja rute kamu ambil; better to use di mana

pun rute anda in Indonesian.

14. Particularization. To use a more precise or concrete term. It is in opposition to


For example, 1. To translate canggih in Indonesian as sophisticated in English, instead of modern.

2. To translate kenangan in Indoensian as reminiscence in English, instead of memory.

15.Reduction. To suppress a ST information item in the TT. It is in opposition to


For example, 1. Bar Mitvah, the Jewish boy coming of age rituals is translated into Bar Mitvah.

2. Country music, Southern United States popular music is translated into Musik Country, whitout any additional information.

16. Substitution (linguistic, paralinguistic). To change linguistic elements for

paralinguistic elements (intonation, gestures) or vice versa.

For example, 1. To translate the Indonesian gesture of putting your hand on your head as giving honor.

2. To translate the Japanese gesture of bowing your body down as

giving honor or greetings.

17. Transposition. To change a grammatical category without changing the meaning

within the same language.

For example, 1. Development of the nation is our priority


Developing the nation is our priority


To develop the nation is our priority.


2. Folders are automatically named by category


Folders are in automatic named by category

Prep Adj

18. Variation. To change linguistic or paralinguistic elements (intonation, gestures)

that affect aspects of linguistic variation: changes of textual tone, style, social dialect, geographical dialect, etc.

For example, to introduce or change dialectal indicators for characters when translating for the theater, changes in tone when adapting novels for children, etc.




3.1. Research Design

This research is oriented focusing on analyzing the data based on descriptive qualitative. Descriptive-qualitative method tends to analyze on some perspective of consideration, such as the analyzed data is in the form of a word, phrase, clause and sentence which derived from the source document, key source informant and respondent (Silalahi 2012:69). Supporting prior idea about descriptive-qualitative, Djajasudarma (2006: 11) says, “Metodologi kualitatif merupakan prosedur yang menghasilkan data

deskriptif berupa data tertulis atau lisan di masyarakat bahasa” (Qualitative method is

a procedure resulting descriptive data in form of written text or spoken in language society). She also says, “Data yang dikumpulkan bukanlah angka – angka, dapat berupa

kata – kata atau gambaran sesuatu.”(Djajasudarma, 2006: 16). (The collected data are

not in the form of number, but words or description of something). Therefore, in descriptive qualitative, the relevant theories which are put in the chapter two is a benchmark; then the findings or the found data are leaded to analyzed in form of detail explanation. In addition, although the research uses educational statistic to find the data percentage, it just points out a description of the most dominant data.


3.2. Source of Data

The source data in this research are from iPhone User Guide (Quick Start Guide

iPhone 3GS and Petunjuk Mulai Cepat iPhone 3GS) which is a form of word and


3.3 Data Collecting Procedures

The data are collected from Quick Start Guide iPhone 3GS and Petunjuk Mulai

Cepat iPhone 3GS. This research is conducted by way of; first, the SL text is observed

in order to find the technical terms by reading the source material. Furthermore, the word or phrases is selected as the technical terminology, then the terms are matched with the terminology in the TL.

3.4 Step of the Research

From the explanation above, especially about the research design, source of data and data collecting procedures, this research needs steps to go by as follow:

1. Gathering the data from Quick Start Guide iPhone 3Gs and Petunjuk Mulai Cepat iPhone 3Gs by reading the source material.

2. Identifying the data from Quick Start Guide iPhone 3Gs and Petunjuk Mulai Cepat iPhone 3Gs by matching the findings from SL with TL.

3. Categorizing and classifying the data from Quick Start Guide iPhone 3Gs and Petunjuk Mulai Cepat iPhone 3Gs.

4. Analyzing the data from Quick Start Guide iPhone 3Gs and Petunjuk Mulai Cepat iPhone 3Gs to find the kind of technique of translation.


3.5 Data Analysis

As the thesis using descriptive method which the data is researched by describing the subject or object of material. Thus, after the process of collecting the data, the results are analyzed in six steps :

1. First, the research is directed to answer the problem of analysis by reading, collecting the data and comparing the data from SL text and TL.

2. Second, classifying the data and listing the data generally.

3. Third, the data is classified into the kind of technique of translation.

4. Fourth, after classifying the data based on its translation technique, the data is leaded to identified.

5. Fifth, finding out the most dominant kind of translation technique in the material. 6. Finally, presenting the analysis of the shifts. The table is oriented to answering the

problem of the analysis. 3.6 Data Percentage

In order to support the research and to figure ot the most technique of translation occurred in the user’s guide, this thesis is going to apply a formula referring to ‘Educational Statistic’, Butler (1985). Following is the formula calculating the percentage of the data.


Table 2: Educational Statistic

X : Number of subcategory of kind of translation technique Y : Number of all data

N : The percentage of subcategory of translation technique



100% = N



ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS 4.1 Data Description

In this chapter, the research is oriented to analyze the material, iPhone 3Gs user Guide based on the method of research and the review literature, in order to find the kinds of translation technique proposed by Molina and Albir (2002:509-511) are applied to the material.

4.1.1 Collected Data of iPhone 3GS User Guide

Based on the research process, this research has found there are 95 occurrences of iPhone 3Gs User’s guide related about technique of translation. The data are collected from iPhone 3Gs Quick Start Guide and the Bahasa Indonesia translation of the user guide, Petunjuk Mulai Cepat iPhone 3Gs. The chosen data can be seen in the table next page.

Table 3: Data Collection of iPhone 3GS User Guide

No Source Text Target Text

1 Set Up Mengatur

2 On/off Button Tombol Nyala/Mati

3 Finger Tips Semudah Menjentikkan Jari Tangan

4 Instruction Instruksi

5 Onscreen Layar

6 Button Basics Tombol-Tombol Dasar

7 Turn Off Mematikan

8 Restart Memulai Ulang


10 Home Button Tombol Rumah

11 Tap Ketuk

12 App Icon Ikon Aplikasi

13 Volume Volume

14 Contact Kontak

15 Favorites Favorite

16 Email email

17 Text Message Pesan Teks

18 Keypad Keypad

19 Incoming Call Panggilan Masuk

20 Headset Headset

21 Web Web

22 Main Home Screen Layar Utama

23 Name Nama

24 App Aplikasi

25 Artist Artis

26 Keyword Kata Kunci

27 Bar Status Status Bar

28 Mail Mail

29 Message Icon Ikon Pesan



32 Phone Number Nomor Telepon

33 Mobile Phone User Pengguna Ponsel

34 Photos Foto

35 Videos Video

36 Camera Kamera

37 Intelligent Keyboard Papan Ketik Cerdas

38 Space bar Spasi

39 Keyboard Papan Ketik

40 Apostropes Apostrof

41 Contraction Kontraksi

42 Double-tap Mengetuk Kata Dua Kali

43 Text Teks

44 Edit Edit

45 Magnifying glass Kaca Pembesar


47 Grab points Poin Ambil

48 Web Pages Halaman Web

49 Notification Pemberitahuan

50 Screen Layar

51 Lock screen Layar Terkunci

52 Voice Control Kontrol Suara

53 Hands-free call Panggilan Bebas Tangan

54 Music Musik

55 Email Photo Email Foto

56 Tweet Tweet

57 Home Screen Layar Utama

58 Wallpaper Wallpaper

59 Photo Stream Stream Foto

60 Device Perangkat

61 Audio Control Kontrol Audio

62 Double-click Mengklik dua kali

63 Element Elemen

64 Reader Button Tombol Pembaca

65 Multi-page button Tombol Halaman lain

66 Location Lokasi

67 Page Curl Button Tombol Gulung Halaman

68 Trademarks Merek Dagang

69 Rights Hak Cipta

70 Direction Penunjuk Arah

71 Route Rute

72 Walk Button Tombol Jalan

73 Bus Button Tombol Bus

74 Transit Route Arah Transit

75 Folder Folder

76 Category Kategori

77 Music Videos Video Musik

78 Preview Pratinjau

79 Calendar Kalender

80 Documents Dokumen

81 Download Mengunduh

82 Purchase Membeli


84 Feature Fitur

85 Wireless Service Provider Penyedia layanan nirkabel

86 Netwok service Layanan Jaringan

87 Voicemail Pesan Suara

88 Billing Tagihan

89 Integrated Terintegrasi

90 Setting Icon Ikon Pengaturan

91 Content Konten

92 Press and Hold Menekan dan Menahan

93 Make a Call Melakukan Panggilan

94 Touch and Hold Sentuh dan Tahan

95 Cut, copy and Paste Potong, salin dan tempel

4.1.2 Identified Data of iPhone 3GS User Guide

After the data is collected, the research is leaded to identify the technique of the translation. The following table shows the result.

Table 4: Data identification of iPhone 3GS User Guide

No Source Text Target Text Kind of Translation


1 Set Up Mengatur Generalization

2 On/off Button Tombol Nyala/Mati Established Equivalent 3 Finger Tips Semudah Menjentikkan Jari

Tangan Discursive Creation

4 Instruction Instruksi Borrowing

5 Onscreen Layar Established Equivalent

6 Button Basics Tombol-Tombol Dasar Established Equivalent 7 Turn Off Mematikan Established Equivalent 8 Restart Memulai Ulang Established Equivalent

9 Slider Slider Borrowing

10 Home Button Tombol Rumah Established Equivalent

11 Tap Ketuk Established Equivalent

12 App Icon Ikon Aplikasi Borrowing + Reduction


14 Contact Kontak Borrowing

15 Favorites Favorite Borrowing

16 email email Borrowing

17 Text Message Pesan Teks Borrowing + Established


18 Keypad Keypad Borrowing

19 Incoming Call Panggilan Masuk Established Equivalent

20 Headset Headset Borrowing

21 Web Web Borrowing

22 Main Home Screen Layar Utama Established Equivalent +


23 Name Nama Borrowing

24 App Aplikasi Generalization

25 Artist Artis Borrowing

26 Keyword Kata Kunci Established Equivalent

27 Bar Status Status Bar Calque

28 Mail Mail Borrowing

29 Message Icon Ikon Pesan Borrowing + Established


30 SMS SMS Borrowing

31 MMS MMS Borrowing

32 Phone Number Nomor Telepon Established Equivalent 33 Mobile Phone User Pengguna Ponsel Adaptation

34 Photos Foto Borrowing

35 Videos Video Borrowing

36 Camera Kamera Borrowing

37 Intelligent

Keyboard Papan Ketik Cerdas Adaptation

38 Space bar Spasi Borrowing + Reduction

39 Keyboard Papan Ketik Adaptation

40 Apostropes Apostrof Borrowing

41 Contraction Kontraksi Borrowing

42 Double-tap Mengetuk Kata Dua Kali Established Equivalent

43 Text Teks Borrowing

44 Edit Edit Borrowing

45 Magnifying Glass Kaca Pembesar Established Equivalent 46 Insertion poin Poin Sisipan Borrowing + Established


47 Grab points Poin Ambil Borrowing + Established


48 Web Pages Halaman Web Borrowing + Established

Equivalent 49 Notification Pemberitahuan Established Equivalent

50 Screen Layar Established Equivalent

51 Lock screen Layar Terkunci Established Equivalent 52 Voice Control Kontrol Suara Borrowing + Established

Equivalent 53 Hands-free call Panggilan Bebas Tangan Established Equivalent

54 Music Musik Borrowing

55 Email Photo Email Foto Calque

56 Tweet Tweet Borrowing

57 Home Screen Layar Utama Established Equivalent

58 Wallpaper Wallpaper Borrowing

59 Photo Stream Stream Foto Calque

60 Device Perangkat Established Equivalent

61 Audio Control Kontrol Audio Calque

62 Double-click Mengklik dua kali Established Equivalent

63 Element Elemen Borrowing

64 Reader Button Tombol Pembaca Established Equivalent 65 Multi-page button Tombol Halaman lain Established Equivalent

66 Location Lokasi+C88 Borrowing

67 Page Curl Button Tombol Gulung Halaman Established Equivalent 68 Trademarks Merek Dagang Established Equivalent

69 Rights Hak Cipta Particularization

70 Direction Penunjuk Arah Established Equivalent

71 Route Rute Borrowing

72 Walk Button Tombol Jalan Established Equivalent 73 Bus Button Tombol Bus Borrowing + Established


74 Transit Route Arah Transit Borrowing + Established


75 Folder Folder Borrowing

76 Category Kategori Borrowing

77 Music Videos Video Musik Calque

78 Preview Pratinjau Established Equivalent

79 Calendar Kalender Borrowing

80 Documents Dokumen Borrowing

81 Download Mengunduh Adaptation

82 Purchase Membeli Generalization


84 Feature Fitur Borrowing 85 Wireless Service

Provider Penyedia layanan nirkabel Adaptation 86 Network service Layanan Jaringan Established Equivalent 87 Voicemail Pesan Suara Established Equivalent

88 Billing Tagihan Established Equivalent

89 Integrated Terintegrasi Borrowing

90 Setting Icon Ikon Pengaturan Borrowing + Established


91 Content Konten Borrowing

92 Press and Hold Menekan dan Menahan Literal Translation 93 Make a Call Melakukan Panggilan Literal Translation 94 Touch and Hold Sentuh dan Tahan Literal Translation 95 Cut, copy, and

paste Potong, salin dan tempel Literal Translation

4.1.3 Classified and Analyzed Data Based On Translation Technique

The next step of this research is to classify the data, after the data is identified based on kind of translation technique. In this passage, the research adduces the explanation of each classification which already collected. In order to support the idea, meaning and the explanation In terms of analyzing the application of established equivalent in both SL and TL terminologies, Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary, Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, Kamus Bahasa Inggris-Indonesia dan Kamus

Bahasa Indonesia-Inggris by John M. Echols and Hassan Shadily are managed to

support for bringing forward the definition.

This technique of translation try to replaces the element of source language culture with the element of the target language culture. It tends to render a meaning into


a word or phrase which widely known and referred to the original context that does not exist in TL.

Table 5: Adaptation Data

No. No Source Text Target Text

Kind of Translation Technique 1 33 Mobile Phone User Pengguna Ponsel Adaptation 2 37 Intelligent Keyboard Papan Ketik Cerdas Adaptation

3 39 Keyboard Papan Ketik Adaptation

4 78 Preview Pratinjau Adaptation

5 81 Download Mengunduh Adaptation


85 Wireless Service Provider

Penyedia layanan

nirkabel Adaptation

33.) Mobile Phone User → Pengguna Ponsel

Mobile Phone User is changed into Pengguna Ponsel in Bahasa Indonesia. The translator tries to use a familiar word with the culture of Indonesia who prefer to use word ponsel than telepon selular.

37.) Intelligent Keyboard → Papan Ketik Cerdas

Intelligent Keyboard is changed into Papan Ketik Cerdas in Bahasa Indonesia. The translator tries to use a familiar word with the culture of Indonesia that is Papan Ketik which actually has same concept in meaning.

39.) Keyboard → Papan Ketik

Keyboard is changed into Papan Ketik in Bahasa Indonesia. The translator tries to use a familiar word with the culture of Indonesia that is


78.) Preview → Pratinjau

Preview is changed into Pratinjau in Bahasa Indonesia. The translator tries to use a local language word with the culture of Indonesia that is

Pratinjau which actually has same concept in meaning

81.) Download → Mengunduh

Download is changed into Mengunduh in Bahasa Indonesia. The translator tries to use a local language word, namely mengunduh which actually has same meaning.

85.) Wireles Service Provider → Penyedia layanan nirkabel

Wireles Service Provider is changed into Penyedia layanan nirkabel in Bahasa Indonesia. The translator tries to focus on the word ‘provider’ and changing it with a local language word, namely nirkabel which actually has same meaning. Borrowing

Borrowing is one of the techniques of translation, which take a word or expression straight from another language. Borrowing basically consists of two types, first pure borrowing, which means the translation is transferred without changing the writing system and the pronunciation in SL form, and second, naturalized which means the translation is adapted with the TL translation or made as natural as possible to TL. This type changes as close as possible to the TL writing system and pronunciation.


Table 6: Borrowing Data

No. No Source Text Target Text

Kind of Translation Technique 1 4 Instruction Instruksi Borrowing

2 9 Slider Slider Borrowing

3 13 Volume Volume Borrowing

4 14 Contact Kontak Borrowing 5 15 Favorite Favorite Borrowing

6 16 Email Email Borrowing

7 18 Keypad Keypad Borrowing

8 20 Headset Headset Borrowing

9 21 Web Web Borrowing

10 23 Name Nama Borrowing

11 25 Artist Artis Borrowing

12 28 Mail Mail Borrowing

13 30 SMS SMS Borrowing

14 31 MMS MMS Borrowing

15 34 Photos Foto Borrowing

16 35 Videos Video Borrowing

17 36 Camera Kamera Borrowing 18 40 Apostropes Apostrof Borrowing 19 41 Contraction Kontraksi Borrowing

20 43 Text Teks Borrowing

21 44 Edit Edit Borrowing

22 54 Music Musik Borrowing

23 56 Tweet Tweet Borrowing

24 58 Wallpaper Wallpaper Borrowing 25 63 Element Elemen Borrowing 26 66 Location Lokasi Borrowing

27 71 Route Rute Borrowing

28 75 Folder Folder Borrowing 29 76 Category Kategori Borrowing 30 79 Calendar Kalender Borrowing 31 80 Documents Dokumen Borrowing

32 83 Item Item Borrowing


34 89 Integrated Terintegrasi Borrowing 35 91 Content Konten Borrowing Pure Borrowing

Table 6a: Pure Borrowing Data

No. No Source Text

Target Text

Kind of Translation Technique 1 9 Slider Slider Pure Borrowing 2 13 Volume Volume Pure Borrowing 3 15 Favorites Favorite Pure Borrowing 4 16 Email Email Pure Borrowing 5 18 Keypad Keypad Pure Borrowing 6 20 Headset Headset Pure Borrowing

7 21 Web Web Pure Borrowing

8 28 Mail Mail Pure Borrowing

9 30 SMS SMS Pure Borrowing

10 31 MMS MMS Pure Borrowing

11 35 Videos Video Pure Borrowing

12 44 Edit Edit Pure Borrowing

13 56 Tweet Tweet Pure Borrowing 14 58 Wallpaper Wallpaper Pure Borrowing 15 75 Folder Folder Pure Borrowing

16 83 Item Item Pure Borrowing

9.) Slider → Slider

Slider is purely borrowed from the terminology of SL ‘Slider’ without changing

the writing system and the pronunciation after rendered in TL form. 13.) Volume → Volume


Volume is purely borrowed from the terminology of SL ‘volume’ without

changing the writing system and the pronunciation after rendered in TL form. 15.) Favorite(s) → Favorite

The writing of ‘favorite’ from SL into TL is rendered without changing the writing system and pronunciation after rendered in TL form.

16.) Email → email

Email is purely borrowed from the terminology of SL ‘email’ without changing

the writing system and the pronunciation after rendered in TL form. 18.) Keypad → keypad

Keypad is purely borrowed from the terminology of SL ‘keypad’ without

changing the writing system and the pronunciation after rendered in TL form. 20.) Headset → Headset

Headset is purely borrowed from the terminology of SL ‘headset’ without

changing the writing system and the pronunciation after rendered in TL form. 21.) Web → Web

Web is purely borrowed from the terminology of SL ‘email’ without changing

the writing system and the pronunciation after rendered in TL form. 28.) Mail → Mail



Cut, copy, and paste.

Tap the text you want to edit, or touch and

hold to bring up the magnifying glass, then

slide your finger to move the insertion point.

You can select a word by double-tapping it,

and select more or less text by dragging the

grab points. Then tap to cut, copy, or paste.

To copy text from web pages, email, or text

messages, touch and hold to select the text,

then tap Copy.

Potong, salin, dan tempel.

Ketuk teks yang ingin Anda edit, atau sentuh dan tahan untuk memunculkan kaca pembesar, lalu geser jari Anda untuk memindahkan poin sisipan. Anda dapat memilih sebuah kata dengan mengetuknya dua kali, dan memilih lebih banyak atau lebih sedikit teks dengan menyeret poin ambil. Lalu ketuk potong, salin, atau tempel. Untuk menyalin teks dari halaman web, email, atau pesan teks, sentuh dan tahan untuk memilih teks, lalu Salin.



When you receive a notification, it appears

briefly at the top of the screen without interrupting what you’re doing. Ignore it or

tap it to respond right away. To see a summary

of your recent notifications, swipe down from

the top of any screen. You can access a new

notification from the Lock screen by sliding

its icon to the right.

Pemberitahuan. Saat Anda menerima

pemberitahuan, pemberitahuan muncul sejenak dibagian atas layar tanpa mengganggu

aktivitas yang sedang Anda lakukan. Abaikan pemberitahuan atau ketuk untuk langsung erespons. Untuk melihat ringkasan

pemberitahuan sekarang,geser ke bawah dari bagian atas layar.Anda dapat mengakses pemberitahuan baru dari layar Terkunci dengan menggeser ikonnya ke kanan.



Voice Control.

Use Voice Control to make a hands-free call or

play music. To activate Voice Control, hold down

the Home button or the center button on the

iPhone headset until the Voice Control screen

appears. After the tone, speak a command

such as “call Elliot” or “dial 555-1212.” You can

also ask iPhone to play a specific album, artist,

or playlist or to “play more songs like this.”

You can even ask iPhone “what’s playing?”

or say “play songs by the Rolling Stones,”

for example.

Kontrol Suara.

Gunakan Kontrol Suara untuk membuat panggilan bebas tangan atau memutar musik. Untuk mengaktifkan Kontrol Suara, tahan tombol Rumah atau tombol tengah pada headset iPone sampai layar Kontrol Suara muncul. Setelah terdengar nada, ucapkan perintah seperti “Panggil Elliot” atau “Panggil 555-1212.” Anda dapat juga meminta iPhone untuk memutar album, artis, atau daftar putar yang spesifik atau untuk “memutar lebih banyak lagu seperti ini.” Anda bahkan dapat menanyakan iPhone, “Apa yang sedang diputar?” atau berkata, “putar lagu oleh Rolling Stone,” misalnya.



Tap the Photos icon on the Home screen to

see your pictures. Flick right or left to move

between images. Double-tap or pinch to zoom.

Tap once to bring up the onscreen controls.

You can edit or enhance a photo, share it, print it, and more. If you have Photo Stream

enabled in iCloud, new pictures you take are

automatically pushed to all your other devices.

Foto. Ketuk ikon Foto pada Layar Utama untuk melihat foto-foto Anda. Jentik jari ke kanan atau ke kiri untuk berpindah di antara gambar-gambar. Ketuk sekali untuk

menampilkan kontrol pada layar. Anda dapat mengedit atau menambahfoto, membagi, mencetak, dan masih banyak lagi.Jika Anda memiliki stream Foto yang diaktifkan pada iCloud, foto-foto baru yang Anda ambil akan ditampilkan pada perangkat lain secara otomatis.



Video and song controls.

While playing music or watching a movie,

tap anywhere on the screen to bring up the

controls. Tap again to hide them. To stream

your music or video to an Apple TV, tap the

AirPlay button.* From the Lock screen, you

can double-click the Home button to quickly

access your audio controls.

Kontrol video dan lagu.

Selagi memutar musik atau menonton video, ketuk dimana saja pada layar untuk

menampilkan kontrol. Ketuk kembali untuk menyembunyikannya. Untuk melakukan streaming usik atau video ke Apple TV, ketuk tombol AirPlay.* Dari layar Terkunci, Anda dapat mengeklik dua kali tombol Rumah untuk mengakses kontrol audio dengan cepat.


See the web up close.

In Safari, double-tap any element on a web

page—picture or text—to zoom in. Doubletap

again to zoom back out. Rotate iPhone to see the web in widescreen. Tap the Reader

button at the top of the screen to view an article without clutter. Tap the Multi-page

button to flick between multiple web pages

or open a new one.

Melihat web lebih dekat.

Di Safari, ketuk dua kali elemen mana pun pada halaman web-foto atau teks-untuk memperbesar. Ketuk dua kali lagi untuk memperkecil kembali. Putar iPhone untuk melihat web dalam layar lebar.Ketuk tombol Pembaca di bagian atas layar untuk melihat artikel tanpa cacat. Ketuk tombol halaman Lain untuk membalik-balikkan antarhalaman web atau membuka halaman baru.


Find location. Search surroundings. To see where you are on a map, tap the Location button. A blue dot appears at your

current position. To see which way you’re

facing, tap the Location button again to turn

on compass view. Find places around you

by typing words like “Starbucks” or “pizza”

Menemukan lokasi.

Mencari lingkungan sekitar. Untuk melihat di mana Anda berada pada peta, ketuk tombol Lokasi. Titik biru akan muncul pada posisi Anda saat ini. Untuk melihat Anda menghadap ke arah mana, ketuk tombol Lokasi lagi untuk menyalakan tampilan kompas. Temukan tempat di sekitar Anda dengan mengetik kata seperti “Starbucks” atau “pizza” di dalam bidang pencarian. Ketuk dua kali untuk memperbesar. Ketuk sekali dengan dua jari untuk memperkecil. Anda juga dapat



button for additional map views.


Google, the Google logo, and Google Maps are trademarks of Google Inc. © 2011. All rights reserved.

Google, logo Google, dan Google Maps adalah merek dagang dari Google Inc.

© 2010. Hak cipta dilindungi Undang-Undang.


Get directions.

In Maps, tap Directions, then enter start and

end points. You can use your current location,

type in an address, or select an address from

your contacts or bookmarked locations. Tap

Route to display driving directions. Tap the Walk

button for walking directions or the Bus button

to view transit routes and times. iPhone can

track and show your progress along whichever

route you take.

Mendapatkan petunjuk arah.

Pada Peta, ketuk Petunjuk Arah, lalu

masukkan tujuan mulai dan akhir. Anda dapat menggunakan lokasi sekarang, mengetik alamat, atau memilih alamat dari kontak atau lokasi yang sudah ditandai. Ketuk Rute untuk menampilkan arah mengemudi. Ketuk tombol Jalan petunjuk arah berjalan atau tombol Bus untuk melihat arah transit dan waktu. iPhone dapat melacak dan menunjukkan kemajuan Anda dimana pun rute Anda.



Create folders. Organize apps. Touch and hold any app icon until it starts

to jiggle. Then drag one app onto another to create a folder. Folders are


named by category, or you can rename them. You can customize your Home screen

by dragging apps and folders to different positions and screens. When you’re done, press the Home button.

Membuat folder.

Mengatur aplikasi. Sentuh dan tahan ikon sampai mulai bergoyang. Lalu seret satu aplikasi ke aplikasi lainnya untuk membuat folder. Folder dinamai secara otomatis berdasarkan kategori, atau Anda dapat mengubah namanya. Anda dapat

mengubahsuai layar Utama Anda dengan menyeret aplikasi dan folder ke posisi dan layar yang berbeda. Saat Anda selesai, tekan tombol Rumah.


App Store.

Tap the App Store icon to browse hundreds

of thousands of apps in categories like games,

business, travel, social networking, and more.

Browse by Featured, Categories, or Top 25 or

search by name. To purchase and download

an app directly to your iPhone, tap Buy Now.

Many apps are free.

App Store.

Ketuk ikon App Store untuk menelusuri ratusan dari ribuan aplikasi pada kategori seperti games, business, travel, social

networking, dan lainnya. Telusuri berdasarkan Featured,Categories,atau Top 25 atau cari berdasarkan nama. Untuk membeli dan mendownload aplikasi secara langsung ke iPhone Anda,ketuk Buy Now. Banyak aplikasi gratis.


iTunes Store.

You can access the iTunes Store by tapping

the iTunes icon. Search the store for music,

movies, TV shows, music videos, and more.

Browse, purchase, and download from the

store directly to your iPhone. Tap any item

to hear or see a preview.

iTunes Store.

Anda dapat mengakses iTunes Store dengan mengetuk ikon iTunes. Cari Store untuk musik, film, acara TV, video musik, dan lainnya. Telusuri, beli, dan unduh dari Store secara langsung ke iPhone Anda. Ketuk item mana pun untuk mendengar atau melihat pratinjau.




iCloud stores your music, photos, apps, calendars, documents, and more. It’s seamlessly

integrated into your apps and wirelessly pushes

your content to all your devices. Tap the Settings

icon and choose iCloud to turn on Photo Stream

and other iCloud features. You can also download

music and apps you’ve previously purchased

from the iTunes Store and the App Store.

iCloud. iCloud menyimpan

usik,foto,aplikasi,kalender,dokumen,dan lainnya. iCloude terintegrasi secara mulus dengan aplikasi Anda dan secara nirkabel menampilkan konten ke semua perangkat Anda. Ketuk ikon Pengaturan dan pilih iCloud untuk menyalakan Stream Foto dan fitur iCloud lainnya. Anda juga dapat mengunduh musik dan aplikasi yang Anda beli sebelumnya dari iTunes Store dan App Store.


Learn more.

Learn more about iPhone features at

For the iPhone User Guide and important information, visit

iphone. To view the guide on iPhone, download it from the iBookstore or use the Safari bookmark.

Get support.

Contact your wireless service provider for

support on network services, voicemail, and billing. Visit

iphone for support on iPhone and iTunes.

Pelajari lebih lanjut.

Pelajari fitur iPhone lebih lanjut di

Untuk Petunjuk Pengguna iPhone di iPhone dan informasi penting, kunjungi Untuk melihat petunjuk pada iPhone,download dari iBookstore ayau gunakan penanda safari. Mendapatkan dukungan. Hubungi penyedia layanan nirkabel Anda untuik dukungan layanan jaringan,pesan suara,dan tagihan. Kunjungi untuk dukungan mengenai iPhone dan iTunes.


Not all features are available in all areas. TM and © 2011 Apple Inc. Designed by Apple in California.

Printed in China. 034-6177-A

Tidak semua fitur tersedia di s+B18emua area. TM and © 2011 Apple Inc. Designed by Apple in California.