These Consolidated Financial Statements are Originally Issued in Indonesian Language Ekshibit E43 Exhibit E43 PT TOWER BERSAMA INFRASTRUCTURE Tbk DAN ENTITAS ANAK CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASIAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR 31 DESEMBER 2015 Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain PT TOWER BERSAMA INFRASTRUCTURE Tbk AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated 13. PROPERTI INVESTASI Lanjutan 13. INVESTMENT PROPERTIES Continued 2014 Saldo awal Beginning balance Penambahan Additions Pengurangan Deductions Reklasifikasi Reclassifications Saldo akhir Ending balance 2014 Properti investasi dalam Investment properties penyelesaian 1.044.311 1.425.284 - 1.789.770 679.825 in progress Tanah 31.697 457 - - 32.154 L a n d Bangunan menara 10.285.127 - - 1.785.147 12.070.274 Tower building Repeater 128.602 - - 4.623 133.225 Repeater 10.445.426 457 - 1.789.770 12.235.653 Akumulasi kenaikan nilai wajar 1.475.055 650.632 2.125.687 Accumulated increase of fair value Nilai wajar 11.920.481 14.361.340 Fair value Jumlah 12.964.792 15.041.165 T o t a l Rincian properti investasi dalam penyelesaian adalah sebagai berikut: The details of investment properties in progress are as follows: 2 0 1 5 2 0 1 4 Persentase penyelesaian Percentage of completion Dibawah 50 240.688 414.693 Below 50 Diatas 50 153.883 265.132 A bove 50 Jumlah 394.571 679.825 T o t a l Pada 31 Desember 2015 dan 2014, seluruh properti investasi telah diasuransikan terhadap risiko kebakaran, pencurian, bencana alam, liabilitas kepada pihak ketiga, gangguan usaha business interruption dan risiko kerugian lainnya kepada pihak ketiga PT Jaya Proteksindo Sakti, PT Asuransi Mitra Pelindung Mustika dan PT Adi Antara Asia berdasarkan suatu paket polis tertentu dengan nilai pertanggungan sebesar Rp 5.680.940 dan Rp 10.728.584. Manajemen berpendapat bahwa nilai pertanggungan tersebut cukup untuk menutupi kemungkinan kerugian atas risiko yang dipertanggungkan. As of 31 December 2015 and 2014, investment properties are insured against fire, theft, natural disasters, third party liability, business interruption, and other risks to third parties PT Jaya Proteksindo Sakti, PT Asuransi Mitra Pelindung Mustika and PT Adi Antara Asia under blanket policies with a sum insured of Rp 5,680,940 and Rp 10,728,584, respectively. Management believes that the sum insured is adequate to cover possible losses from such risks. Pengukuran nilai wajar Fair value measurement Sehubungan dengan penerapan PSAK No. 13 Revisi 2011, “Properti Investasi”, Perusahaan dan entitas anak telah memilih model nilai wajar untuk pengukuran setelah pengakuan awal. Nilai wajar properti investasi per 31 Desember 2015 dan 2014 ditentukan berdasarkan penilaian dari penilai independen KJPP Martokoesoemo Prasetyo Rekan dalam laporannya masing-masing tanggal 25 Februari 2016 dan 16 Februari 2015, dan telah sesuai dengan peraturan Bapepam-LK No. VIII.C.4 mengenai pedoman penilaian dan penyajian laporan penilaian properti di pasar modal. Regarding the implementation of SFAS No. 13 Revised 2011, “Investment Property”, the Company and subsidiaries has chosen the fair value model for the measurement after initial recognition. The fair value of investment property as of 31 December 2015 and 2014 is determined based on the appraisal of KJPP Martokoesoemo Prasetyo Rekan in their report dated 25 February 2016 and 16 February 2015, respectively and incorporates the regulation of Bapepam-LK No. VIII.C.4 regarding the guidelines of appraisal and presentation of property appraisal report to capitals market. 173 ANNUAL REPORT l LAPORAN TAHUNAN l 2015 l PT TOWER BERSAMA INFRASTRUCTURE Tbk.