Sarcasm as Evaluation Purposes of Sarcastic Utterances

47 The conversation in situation 17 above takes place in the diner when Max comes late to work and she sees that Caroline comes there before her. Actually, Max wants Caroline to know about something really upsetting which she hears from Manhattan about her and how she feels sorry for her. However, Caroline has something really upsetting too between her and Max‟s boyfriend for flirting on her before she goes to work. The conversation is getting tense since Caroline replies with “What did he say, that I came on to him?” when Max starts to talks about something which is really upsetting that day. The unexpected response from Caroline makes Max curious about what really happens to her in Max‟s place. Realizing the reference of the pronoun „him‟ there is her boyfriend, Max gets angry because she believes Caroline for not cheating with her boyfriend when she leaves for her part time job to baby sit in Manhattan. As Max‟s friend, Caroline gives her advice that Max deserves better than a guy like him even she knows that it is none of her business. However, Max who is disappointed after knows there is something about Caroline and her boyfriend cannot take Caroline‟s advice and rather has her steps back from Caroline. Her disappointment makes her sarcastically gives advice back to Caroline which says, “Since you seem to know so much about everything, why dont you take your Wharton degree, and your ridiculous coat, and figure this all o ut yourself”. From the utterance, Max actually points out some positive sides from Caroline which are her degree at Wharton University and also her fur and leather coat that she always wears. However, the positive effects of that facts mutes by PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 48 the means of the expressions “Since you seem to know so much about everything” and “figure this all out yourself” which highlights the fact that for Max, Caroline is someone who does not know about anything but she acts like she knows the whole thing and by means that Max does not want to keep up her life again with Caroline. From this case, Max uses sarcasm as the purpose of evaluation since she evaluates the hearer from her utterance and also the two aspects that is simultaneously being mute there. Situation 30 Max : Does it have, like, a wood base? Caroline : nodding Max : Yup, I used to hide my stash in my mothers bowling trophy, and youre telling me the man who invented a way to defraud most of New York isnt as clever as a stoned 12-year-old with a butter knife? The situation above happens at the prison after Caroline visits her father and introduces Max to him. After the conversation, Caroline‟s father asks Max a favor to accompany his daughter to the estate auction and gets the loving cup Caroline won jumping with Chestnuts. From that request, Max beliefs that Caroline‟s father must be hiding some money in that loving cup which will be auctioned off to the public at that day. Max tries to convince Caroline with her belief and also her past experience to hide her stash inside her mother‟s trophy. Max believes that it makes sense if Caroline‟s father hides the money to make sure his daughter‟s life ahead. However, from Max‟s sarcastic utterances it can be seen that the sarcasm she uses is the example for evaluation. In one side, Max shows Caroline‟s father intention to save some money for his daughter is one of good action as a father. 49 However, by saying this “and youre telling me the man who invented a way to defraud most of New York isnt as clever as a stoned 12-year-old with a butter knife? ” the positive comments for Caroline‟s father is reduced since Max mentions about the negative side from him which is in fact, he is the one who rip off most of people‟s money in New York. Situation 34 Caroline : So who wants to go in the back and see how amazing our brand new cupcake shop is? smiling happily Max : Bring down the enthusiasm, Rachael Ray. The conversation happens when Max and Caroline change their waitress uniform and wear the black t-shirt with the new logo of their new cupcake shop which will be open that day. Since it is the first day Caroline will run her business again after a long time, she gets her excitement on the highest level which can be seen through smiles and bright eyes on her face, intonation while she speaks, and also her gestures. Contrast with her best friend, Max is the character that is able to control her emotion and stays calm as nothing happens. Therefore, when Max sees the excessive enthusiasm in Caroline, she suggests Caroline to calm herself by bringing down her enthusiasm. It is a kind of negative comment from Max since everything which is not in an appropriate portion is usually not a good thing to be done. Max tries to bring the enthusiasm down because she cannot guarantee that the soft opening of their cupcake shop is not as great as Caroline‟s enthusiasm. However, the name of „Rachel Ray‟ given there, reduces the negative side from Caroline since Rachel Ray is famous with her personality in American 50 TV shows and is a businesswoman, a celebrity cook and an author. The character of Rachel Ray raises a positive comment for Caroline and that makes the utterance here is one of the use of sarcasm as evaluation‟s example. Situation 40 Caroline : I think its nice of us to add our flowers to the others. Shows respect. Max : Youre acting like you didnt steal them. Caroline : Max, its the thought that counts. And I thought itd be cheaper to pull them out of someones garden. The conversation between two best friends above happens occurs on their way to the diner. Since there is a rock star that died in front of their cupcake shop, there are lots of his fans who bring flowers, candles, poster of him as their sympathy to their idol. During her walk to the diner, Caroline picks up some flower from someone‟s garden to be placed in front of their cupcakes shop to show respect like what the fans do. However Max does not focus at Caroline‟s intention to show respect but more on Caroline‟s act which is happy to bring the flower which she steals from someone‟s garden. The sarcastic utterance said by Max implies negative and positive sides from Caroline‟s act. The positive meaning implied is that Max gives her compliment at Caroline‟s best in acting so that she does not look like a woman who just steals flowers. However the negative meaning which mutes the positive side of Caroline is that in fact, Caroline steals the flower and it is not a proper reason for her to be happy in bringing the flowers in order to show respect. As the speaker, Max and her sarcastic utterance actually aim to evaluate the hearer for what she does but it does not really sounds as a critique. 51 Situation 58 Caroline : I just hate that tour guy. Han : I hate that tour guy too. Caroline : Han, oh, my God It took us five years but finally we have something in common. The conversation of Han and Caroline above takes place in the diner in front of Earl‟s cashier table. At first, Caroline shares with Earl about how annoying the tour guy is which heartlessly says to the whole tour that small business such as Max‟s cupcake shop will not exist any longer in Williamsburg. Then suddenly Han comes over hearing that tour guy is the subject of the conversation which he also hates lately since he does not bring the tourist to eat at Han‟s diner. Caroline immediately feels happy even she smiles hearing Han‟s confession. Caroline founds something which finally connected her with Han after 5 years she works there. The utterance expresses both positive and negative meaning between Caroline and Han. The positive thing is that Caroline and Han found something in common for the first time and that is nice to be heard. However, the positive thing can be mute by the negative side which shows that over this time, Caroline and Han do not have something which can tightened their relation as friends. Those facts are an indicator of sarcasm used as evaluation.

4. Sarcasm as a Tool for Politeness

Based on the data findings, there are fourteen sarcastic utterances appearing in Two Broke Girls TV series Episodes 1, Season 1 to Season 5. The writer highlights seven samples to be used as examples in doing the analysis as follow, 52 Utterance 11: Well, at least we know youre not adopted. Utterance 14: Oh, my God, totally cute Utterance 15: I’m uncomfortable. You’re getting me wet. Utterance 22: Hi, what can I get you? Hes obviously good drink-wise. Utterance 44: You were gone? Utterance 46: And I’m closing a window. Utterance 61: I mean, didnt that window close around the same time Blockbuster Video did? Well, we dont know how old she is. Sophies ageless, like unicorn or... Anderson Cooper. As an example of elaboration, here is situation 11 in which the conversation happens on the end of the day when Max first meet Caroline as the new waitress in the diner. The diner is closed when the tips from the customer is being counted to be split with Caroline. After it, there is a conversation about cupcake being sell at the diner which Max made. Situation 11 Caroline : Theyve totally underestimated the price point on those red velvet cupcakes. In Manhattan the asking price is at least seven, so we could sell them for seven, and then pocket the difference. Max : Nothing about that sounds wrong to you? Caroline : It‟s not our fault that the idiot who makes the cupcake doesn‟t know their worth. Max : I‟m the idiot who makes the cupcakes. Caroline : New information. Max : Thats stupid. No one would pay 7 for one of my cupcakes. Caroline : Really? Cause... pull out the money from bag Max : Well, at least we know youre not adopted. 53 As her first day there, Caroline does not know that the cupcakes are Max‟s and she thinks the price of the cupcakes supposed to be higher than what Max decides to sell. Since Caroline used to live in Manhattan, the cupcakes‟ price is totally different as in the Williamsburg diner. Max, who always lives in Williamsburg, thinks that it does not make sense to sell her cupcakes for 7 there. While the reality, Caroline had already sold the cupcakes for 7 to the customer and she keep the money in her bag. Since Max does not believe her about the price, she takes the money out to show Max that her cupcakes are worth. Max, still does not believe to what Caroline did, gives her sarcastic comment with “Well, at least we know youre not adopted.” The word „not adopted‟ here not only means that Caroline is really the daughter of his father, Martin Channing who is in jail for a criminal case. But also it is a sign that what Caroline did is not so different with what her father‟s did and that make sense that Caroline and her father has a family relationship. On the data above, the sarcastic utterance said by the speaker is considered less damaging than any aggressive manners of speaking. In this case, sarcasm is preferable to be used to save the hearer‟s face while the speaker is showing a mockery toward the hearer. Moreover, it is preferable if the hearer is someone to whom the speaker should put hisher respects, for example, someone older or someone with higher social status than the speaker. But in this situation, Max put respect to Caroline because she just has her loss of everything because of her father‟s action and the fact that her father is in jail. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 54 Situation 14 Caroline : Going inside Oh, my God, you‟ve been robbed Max : This is how it always looks. Caroline : Oh, my God, totally cute The situation above happens after Max founds Caroline sleeps in the subway. As the only one who Caroline knows in that city, Max offers her place as Caroline‟s place to stay. When Caroline enters Max‟s place for the first time, she sees the untidiness in the living room than comes the thought that Max‟s place has been robbed by the burglar. Caroline usually lives in a clean, tidy, comfortable house which always cleans by her housemaid and that makes sense to Caroline‟s thought of her first impression at looking Max‟s place. It is clearly a sarcastic critique for Max since the mess in her room makes Caroline thinks that her place has been robbed. As the hearer, Max honestly says that her place always look like that and is not being robbed by somebody. Here, Max as the hearer of sarcastic utterance tends to give the real fact with literal meaning as the response so that the speaker can easily understand. Knowing that her assumption is wrong and the fact of untidiness in Max‟s place, Caroline suddenly changes her comment of Max‟s room which says that it is totally cute to see the room ins ide. Caroline‟s answer here is the example of sarcasm use as a tool for politeness since she politely changes her comment into a good one even the place still messy as the first time she sees it. Caroline, as the speaker does not use sarcasm as a tool of mockery which is more damaging the hearer‟s face. 55 Situation 15 Max‟s bf : Hello. Caroline : Oh, hi. Oh, Im so sorry if I woke you up. Max‟s bf : chuckles Who are you? Caroline : Im Maxs friend. Uh, dont tell her I said that, shed stab me. Laughs Max‟s bf : What are you doin over there? Caroline : Just washing my uniform, trying to make it a little more cute and a little less crusty. Max‟s bf : Oh, watch out pointing out at wastafel Caroline : Oh Sorry, oh, my… do you have a towel or a rag? Max‟s bf : No, I... I got it. takes off his t-shirt and wiping the floods Caroline : silent Oh. Okay. Max‟s bf : approaching Caroline and get closer to her I‟m Robbie. Caroline : I’m uncomfortable. You’re getting me wet. Max‟s bf : That‟s the point. The conversation between Max‟s boyfriend and Caroline happens as the continuance of situation 14. After Max takes Caroline to her place, Max leaves her for the part time job, baby sit in Manhattan. Max already shows where the bathroom, bedroom, kitchen is and she says that her boyfriend wakes up at 4 p.m. Being left alone, Caroline decides to wash her waitress uniform which has bad smells and full of stains. Unexpectedly, Max‟s boyfriend wakes up and greets Caroline. At first, Caroline is a little surprised by Robbie‟s appearing behind her immediately but then she tries to have a normal chat as how two strangers who have just meet. Later, when Caroline forgets to turns off the faucet, Robbie helps her by takes of his cloth and uses that moment to flirt Caroline. As Max‟s friend, Caroline chooses to refuse his flirt and pushes him away from her. However, as the guest in Max‟s place, Caroline still wants to be polite with him that can be seen through her utterance, “I‟m uncomfortable. You‟re getting me wet”. Instead