Sarcasm as a Group Affiliation

25 comment on. This time, Max chooses to give response on his nostalgic part which sarcastically asks about the puberty of him which for her, it does not look significant on Han. As the Americans, Max points out the fact that Han is not as tall as other people who works at the diner. By giving her sarcastic utterances, Max excludes Han as the Asians from the Americans people there by underestimating the physical appearance. From this point of view, the utterance serves the purpose of group affiliation. In this situation, it is shown that the group affiliation can work in two ways. First, an affiliation is inclusive, if it is addressed by a member of a certain group to a member of the same group. Secondly, it is exclusive if it is addressed by a member of certain group to someone outside the group. Thus, this sarcastic utterance is used as an exclusive group-affiliation. As an example of elaboration, situation 36, in which utterance 36 occurs, is displayed as follow. Situation 36 Caroline : Original tan, original tile, original too. What do you think, Oleg? Oleg : Nice. Max :Nice? All you got is nice? This place was like Great Adventure for rats They were waiting in line to bite us. “Nice?” It used to smell like the place poop comes to die. Or death comes to poop. The situation above takes place at the room behind the diner which is no longer used. The room had to be dirty, dark, smelly, and full of rats which have 26 been redecorated by Max and Caroline to be a clean, light, and chic cupcake shop as their new business. For the first move, Max and Caroline decides that night as the soft opening of their cupcake shop. Before that, they want to show it to their co-workers at the diner and see their first impression looking at the inside part of their new shop. Earl, Han and Sophie already give their personal opinion about the new cupcakes shop with compliments which pleases Max and Caroline to hear it as seen below, Earl : “Girls, I am so proud of you two, getting back up on that horse. After my first jazz record didnt sell, I turned to a life of drinks, drugs, and loose women. Funny how sometimes things just work out right. ” Han : “Whoa I cannot believe my eyes.” smile happily with eyes mesmerizing around the entire shop Sophie: “Look, girls, Im blowing this party horn for you. Oh, I love a soft opening. Honey, look. Look, some customers. Hey, cool guys Come over here and eat something from the girls soft opening ” Earl says his positive attitude by being proud of them and adds the comical motivation from his past experience, Han shows up his excitement more through his action, Sophie not only congratulates them but also brings a party horn and her being excited to call people to come over the new shop considered as a good response for Max and Caroline. While Oleg, unlike other co-workers, does not show any interest in his face and just say the word „nice‟ which apparently does not make Max satisfied. Feeling the co-worker does not have the same interest as hers, Max is being 27 sarcastic with playing words which shows both of Caroline‟s and her hard work dealing with rats and the bad smells. Although the utterance is uttered by Oleg, a member of the co-workers in the diner, Max‟s utterance as shown above highlights that her sarcastic utterance is used as an inclusive group-affiliation. It widens the difference between what Max believes how the relation and solidarity of the co-workers supposed to be and what Oleg has done.

2. Sarcasm as Sophistication

Based on the data findings, there are twenty four sarcastic utterances appearing in Two Broke Girls TV series Episodes 1, Season 1 to Season 5. The researcher highlights twelve samples to be used as examples in doing the analysis as follow: Utterance 12 : Is this where I’m supposed to feel sorry for you? I mean, I don’t want you to, but just so you know, a well adjusted person would. Utterance 13 : It didn’t feel pink. Utterance 18 : Yeah. Oh. 250 grand, thats all? Did freakin Chestnut here kick you in the head while I was in Starbucks? Utterance 20 : When the kid is that big, its called dating. Utterance 26 : Oh, reach for me like that again and well be playing a different game called guess which part of Han I cut off. Utterance 27: You back up your truck, bearded lady. Im insensitive? Im the thief who stole all those peoples money? And you dont think PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 28 this color is happening? Pick up a copy of Polish Vogue. Utterance 35 : I felt the same way when I first saw you. Utterance 38: Me? Me show some respect? What will you two do next, sell cupcakes at the diabetes wing at the childrens hospital? Utterance 39 : This isnt yolo its hodo. He Only Died Once. Im surprised you arent selling hodo t-shirts. Utterance 48 : Look, get up, or I will close this bed with you in it, and your new reality show will be True Life: I Live in a Wall. Utterance 54 : Yeah, now, after the emergency trip to that salon. When you got done with me, I looked like a baby bird on chemo. Utterance 64 : So you lost both your cheaters. As an example of elaboration, here is situation 12 in which the conversation happens on the first day Max meets Caroline as the new waitress in the Williamsburg diner. In fact, Max had just know that Caroline is the daughter of Martin Channing, the man who ripped off the entire city and is in jail. Caroline was a billionaire and all of her assets are taken by the bank and everything is gone. Since now she has nothing and nowhere to go, these are the conversation after they finished from the diner. Situation 12 Max : So where do you live? Caroline : Our townhouse was taken and bolted up by the bank, so… Max : Is this where I’m supposed to feel sorry for you? Caroline : I mean, I don’t want you to, but just so you know, a well adjusted person would. Max : I’m dead inside. Caroline : You make that pretty obvious. 29 Max, as the only stranger for Caroline, tries to ask where Caroline will spend the rest of the night since she knows that Caroline has no house anymore. Instead of offering a place, Max rather speaks a sarcastic utterance about whether she should feel sorry for her or not. Caroline, who is well – raised, well-educated girl and came from a wealthy family, still has her pride high even nothing left on her. It is why Caroline prefers to play with the language in her sarcastic utterance instead of states clearly what she needs to say. In her speaking, Caroline wants to say that she actually needs help and place to stay a night, but hearing Max‟s question, she produces this sarcastic utterance rather than what she has to, “I mean, I don‟t want you to, but just so you know, a well-adjusted person would. ” Stated by Attardo, sarcasm as sophistication usually is a humor. However, in some cases, it expresses the speaker‟s level of emotion. By playing language, sarcasm shows how the speaker can take control over his emotion. In the situation above, Max‟s first sarcastic utterance means as humor since she has no hard feeling on Caroline. Hence, by mentioning this fact in a language play, Caroline ‟s sarcastic utterance answering Max‟s question shows that she succeeds to express about what she emotionally feels in sophisticated way. It still allows Max to acknowledge Caroline ‟s feeling but her emotion is not to bold to be seen. Knowing what Caroline means, Max prefers to say “I‟m dead inside.” as her sarcastic utterance reply to prove that she does not affect by Caroline‟s statement. Caroline, who still take control her emotion, prefers to play with PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 30 language rather than saying “Yes, you are.” Words choices or language play is the indicator that sarcastic utterance is used sophisticated. Situation 13 Max : Hey. pokes on her arms Caroline : I have a teaser turn on the teaser on Max’s stomach Oh Max : falling down on her knees Oh, my God. Caroline : gasps I am so sorry. I thought I was being raped. I didn‟t think it would hurt so much. It‟s pink. Max : It didn’t feel pink The conversation above takes place in a subway when Max is going to do her part time job to babysit in Manhattan. Seeing Caroline sleeps in the subway, Max touches Caroline‟s arm to wake her up. As the respond for being surprise, Caroline takes out her tea ser and put on Max‟s stomach. Even though Caroline apologizes for what she has done, Max still cannot control her emotion by being attacked with the teaser. Therefore, Max tends to play with language in her sarcastic utterance by her saying that the teaser does not feel pink as what Caroline thought to be not to damage or harm someone. The fact above communicates that the speaker is capable to control her emotion by using some language plays to express her feelings instead of expressing of using some kind of aggressive manner. Situation 18 Caroline : Ready? To open a bake shop, all we need is 250 grand start-up money, for the real estate, and the basic equipment... Max : Yeah. Oh. 250 grand, thats all? Did freakin Chestnut here kick you in the head while I was in Starbucks? PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 31 The situation above happens at Max‟s back yard when Caroline and Max are riding Caroline‟s horse named Chestnut. They are talking about Max‟s dream to have her own cupcake shop and Caroline believes that she is capable in manage the business. Thus, Caroline thinks that she and Max can open the new cupcake shop soon since it just needs 250 grand to rent the shop, to buy some equipment and the cupcake ingredients. Meanwhile, Max does not think the same way as Caroline because she does not have any money and it is impossible for saving from her minimum wage. Besides, Max never plans to make her dream comes true since the condition does not support her to do so. That is why Max uses her sarcastic utterance to reply Caroline‟s statement. From the utterance, “Yeah. Oh. 250 grand, thats all? Did freakin‟ Chestnut here kick you in the head while I was in Starbucks?” Max wants to express her disagreement with Caroline‟s statement which sounds fun to open a bakeshop. Contrast with Caroline, Max rarely has so much money in her life so the amount of 250 grand sounds so much and it is non-sense to have it. Caroline, who comes from a wealth family, feels that 250 grand is not a bug number for her as long as she can manage the business. Since it is non-sense for Max, she gives her sarcastic utterance with asks whether Caroline‟s head is kicked by her horse when she left because for Max, she looks like a person who is not right in mind. Max‟s choice to play with the diction of words in delivering her sarcastic utterance counts as sarcasm in a purpose of sophistication. Max as the speaker wants the hearer to know that she is capable in playing language in her utterance. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI