Measuring System The Discussion of Culture-Related Terms Existing in the Translation of

42 eating ethic which is started with an appetizer is not exist in the TT, salad is classified into culture-related term.

7. Costume and Clothes

According to Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, clothes are things which is worn to cover someone‟s body or to keep the body warm 2011: 306. Meanwhile, the definition of costume cited from the same dictionary is clothes which is usually worn by an actor or someone to make them look like something they pretend to be, such as animal, famous person, plants, etc. 2011: 382. In short, costume and clothes which depicted by Zare-Behtash and Firoozkoohi as things that someone wears to cover him or her body or things to make him or her look like someone else. In this study, there are 2 terms which are classified into culture-related term in the case of costume and clothes. The first term will be described below: 33ST157 I put on a cowl scarf to protect me from the cold and start to walk aimlessly around the hamlet. 33TTF189 Aku mengenakan sehelai scarf untuk melindungiku dari dingin dan mulai berjalan tanpa tujuan di sekitar desa kecil itu. D33FBrC7 Scarf is “A piece of cloth, usually long and narrow or sometimes especially for woman square, for wearing round the neck, head, or shoulders for warmth or decoration.” Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 2010: 1176. Scarf is originally coming from Rome. It is a linen kerchief known as a sudarium Latin term for “sweat cloth” which is used by the Romans to wipe their face and neck Smith, 2011. So, at first, scarf is not used to keep the neck or body warm, but it is used to wipe the sweat on the neck or face. However, as the time goes by, scarf 43 has been through many changes and adaptation in the world of fashion or as daily necessities. In this datum, the scarf which is mentioned in the ST is used to keep the body warm. Thus, it is usually made of wool since wool is by far the warmest material as it is a natural fiber and allows the skin to breathe at the same time as keeping the cold out Smith, 2011. In the other hand, in the TT country, the majority of Indonesian people do not have the habit of wrapping their neck using scarf to keep their body warm since Indonesia‟s climate is tropical. Thus, scarf is classified into culture-related term. The next datum about cloth and costumes is going to be explained below. 41ST215 …; despite this magnificent view, your impeccably tailored suit from London, your smile, and your hair, dyed with utmost care so as to leave just a few white hairs to give the impression of “naturalness”;… 41TTF265 …; terlepas dari pemandangan menakjubkan ini, setelan dari Londonmu yang tak bercela, senyummu, dan rambutmu, yang dicat dengan sangat hati- hati dan meninggalkan hanya beberapa helai uban untuk menciptakan kesan “alami”;… D41DApC7 Suit is “a set of clothes made of the same material, usually including a short coat jacket with trousers or skirt.” 1992: 1327. Suit is firstly introduced in the 1970 as men‟s leisure, bold neckties, double-knit jacket, and pants flared at the bottoms Tyler, 2001. Polyester went to the extreme in the leisure suit, a two piece suit for men. The suit consisted of slacks and a jacket a large collar and top stitching. A bright flared shirt was worn beneath the jacket. Suit is a Western formal cloth which is originally made for men, though nowadays it becomes unisex clothes. In the TT, it is translated into setelan which is PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI