Idioms The Discussion of Culture-Related Terms Existing in the Translation of


10. Lifestyle

Based on the definition cited from Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, lifestyle is the way in which a people or group of people lives and works 2010: 859. Another definition taken from Shahnoushi and Fateme‟s paper states that lifestyle is a collection of individuals to not only satisfy their needs, but also portray to others the narrative in which they have chosen to identify themselves 2016: 1615. So, lifestyle is a way of living embraced by an individual or a group to get known by others in what narrative they want others to see them. Besides, in-depth analysis, lifestyle cannot be separated from the weave of economic, political, culture, and religious frameworks because individual choices or personal identities always get affected by the culture behind them. In this study, the researcher finds 1 datum conceived of lifestyle cultural terms. The datum is: 46ST230 He points out the bench where we sat to have coffee one morning and were approached by a couple of neo-hippie foreigners asking for money. 46TTF284 Dia menunjuk bangku tempat kami duduk minum kopi pada suatu pagi dan dihampiri sepasang orang asing neo- hippie yang meminta-minta . D46FBrC10 According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, hippie is a person who rejects the way how mostly Western society live, and often having a long hair, wearing bright colored clothe, and taking illegal drugs 2010:710. In the contrary, Steve Schaphiro who spent two years observing the neo-hippie community states that this movement is different with the old hippie movement in the late of 1970s. Neo-hippies are hippies who are focusing on God and do not relly into drugs. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 49 They are more inclined toward meditation-yoga, prayer, and ecstatic dance to find the joyful they are always longing to. They do those acitivities as means of entering altered stated as opposed to the use of psychedelics Bliss: Transformational of Festivals and The Neo Hippie, 2016. As hippie or neo-hippie is a movement which is originally initiated by Western people, it is really distinct and uncommon in the TT culture. People in the TT are not familiar with the term of neo-hippie. That is the reason why neo- hippie is classed as culture-related term.

B. The Applied Method in the Translation of

Adultery from English into Indonesian The translation techniques applied in this study to analyze the foreignization and domestication culture-related term based on some scholar‟s theories. Firstly, the techniques used in analyzing foreignization method are: 1 Borrowing, 2 Literal Translation, and 3 Addition. Secondly, the techniques used in analyzing domestication method are: 1 Equivalence, 2 Adaptation, and 3 Generalization. Finally, the data finding of translation techniques used by the translator in translating foreignized and domesticated culture-related term will be listed in the table below. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 50 Table 5: Data Finding of the Foreignization and Domestication Translation Techniques in the Translation of Adultery from English into Indonesian No Translation Techniques ∑ Foreignization 1. Borrowing 28 77.8 2. Literal Translation 4 11.1 3. Addition 4 11.1 Total 36 100 Domestication 1. Equivalence 9 75 2. Adaptation 1 8.3 3. Generalization 2 16.7 Total 12 100 Chart 2: Foreignization Translation Technique Chart 3: Domestication Translation Technique 5 10 15 20 25 30 Borrowing Literal Translation Addition Foreignization Translation Technique