Background of the Study

C. Objective of the Study

There is one objective to be achieved in this study. The objective is to depict Hiccup’s personality development from the beginning until the end of the story. The analysis focusses on his preadolescence stage.

D. Significance of the Study

There are three benefits from this study especially for those who have an interest in literary work and psychology. The first benefit of this study is for the lecturers who teach a literary course. Hopefully, the novel in this study can be used by the lecturers to be teach about character, characterization, and plot in prose or drama courses. The second benefit is for the future researcher. The writer hopes that this study can be the source of future researches in literary studies which analyzes character development or personality development , for example Hiccup’s personality development in adolescence or Snotloud’s character development. The third is for the teachers and parents. This study is expected to be the source for teachers and parents who need a deeper understanding about types of personality and reasons for personality change in order to help their students or children pass the preadolescence stage.

E. Definition of Terms

To provide a clear meaning of some terms used in this study and to avoid confusions that might be aroused, there are some definitions that should be clarified. There are some terms which are used in this study. The terms are: PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

1. Character

According to Eneste 1991, characters in novel can be in form of humans or animals p. 24. As stated by Stanton 1965 that “character is the emotion, wishes, morality, and personality of the individual in the story” p. 33. Here, character means the subject of the story in the form of human with their emotions, wishes, moralities, and personalities in the story. The character that is analyzed in this study is a young Viking boy named Hiccup.

2. Personality

Personality has many definitions. As stated by Hjelle and Ziegler 1981, the word “personality” comes from a Latin word “persona” which means the mask worn in theatrical players in ancient Greek dramas. Therefore, nowadays, personality has been seen as the individual’s strongest or most dominant characteristic p. 6. In this study, personality is seen as the dominant characteristics in a character.

3. Personality Development

Personality development is a development which enhances individual outer and inner self to bring about a positive change to your life. Outer self means body or physical appearance. Inner self means the mind and conscience. Each individual has a different personality that can be developed, polished and refined. Personality development usually happened because of several changes in their life “Personality Development,” 2017. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

4. Preadolescence

According to Hurlock 1973, adolescence is a period of transition when the individual changes physically and psychologically from a child to an adult” p. 2. Children will transform their body and mind from childhood to adulthood. According to Sullivan 1953, there are six stages in development as cited from Feist and Feist, 2006, p. 223. The stages are infancy, childhood, juvenile era, preadolescence, early adolescence, and late adolescence. Preadolescence is ranged between eight and a half until thirteen years old. Preadolescence is time when intimacy with a particular person in the same gender occurs. In preadolescence the intimacy and love become the characteristics of friendship. The intimate relationship in preadolescence usually involves another person with the same gender, age and social status. Moreover, love in friendship will occur when other’s security is important to the other and vice versa. The experience during preadolescence stage is important for the future personality development because intimacy from this stage can diminish negative influences. Furthermore, a serious problem in children such as loneliness or self-centeredness cam also be diminished by achieving intimacy in preadolescence stage p. 227-228. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 8


This chapter consists of three parts. The first part is the review of related studies. The second part is the theoretical description. The third part is the theoretical framework. In the review of related studies, the writer presents the references of the previous studies about character development. In the theoretical description, the writer presents the theories related to the problem formulation. In the third part, the writer explains the steps of conducting this study and shows some theories which are used in analyzing the subject of the study.

A. Review of Related Studies

This study is not the only study that analyzes the character development in a novel. There are two related studies which help the writer to understand more the aspects and factors of character development that the writer aims to reveal. This study uses the same approach as the previous studies but uses different novel as the subject. The first undergraduate thesis that is related to my study is entitled “The Psychological Influences of Mother’s Behavior on Paul’s Character Development as Seen in D.H. Lawrence’s Son’s and Lovers” by Almira Wanodya Padmasari 2016.