27 English Speaking Materials for Tutorial Practices Unit 2 Card A Anthony Kosner : In the simplest non-technical terms, what is the Constructal Law? Adrian Bejan :… Anthony Kosner : What makes this a law of physics instead of just a theory? Adrian Bejan : … Anthony Kosner: :Wait a minute, does this have anything to do with the “theory” of intelligent design? Adrian Bejan: : … Anthony Kosner: We don’t usually think of physics this way, but the Constructal Law is quite hopeful. It’s about how things get better. Are you an optimistic person? Adrian Bejan : … Card B Anthony Kosner : … Adrian Bejan : Let me explain it to you, the Constructal Law is my statement that there is a universal tendency a phenomenon toward design in nature, in the physics of everything. This tendency occurs because all of nature is composed of flow systems that change and evolve their configurations over time so that they flow more easily, to create greater access to the currents they move. Anthony Kosner : … Adrian Bejan : Fantastic question Very few people know the difference. A theory is a purely mental image of how something should be. A law is a concise statement that summarizes a distinct and universal tendency in nature the phenomenon, previously not recognized as distinct. The bottom line is that the law is one, the theories are many, and the empirical observations are immense in number. This hierarchy is the essence of the evolutionary design of science itself, which is also a constructal theory. Anthony Kosner: : … Adrian Bejan: A new law of physics improves ever yone’s thinking ability, across the board. This has been my experience with the Constructal Law, as I lecture in universities, industry, high schools, and retirement homes. Everybody gets it. Along the way people realize that catchy words like “intelligent design,” “turbulence,” “chance” and “randomness” are not predictive, are not “theory”. These are puzzles that the Constructal Law 28 English Speaking Materials for Tutorial Practices Unit 2 solves with ease, one by one. Anthony Kosner: … Adrian Bejan : When you grow up under communism you have to be an optimist, to survive. http:www.forbes.comsitesanthonykosner20120229theres-a-new-law-in-physics-and-it-changes-everything Questions: 1. What is Constructal law? 2. Who proposed Constructal law? 3. According to Adrian Bejan, what is the difference between a law and a theory? 4. Do you agree with “a new law of physics improves everyone’s thinking ability, across the board ” statement? Why? 5. What do you think of Constructal law? DID YOU KNOW…? If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days, you would have produced just enough sound energy to heat up one cup of coffee.