Scope of Research Population and Sample Data Collection Method



A. Scope of Research

This research is conducted to analyze the influence of retail marketingmix customer service, store design display, communication mix, location, merchandise assortment, and pricing towards customer satisfaction at SB Mart in Bukit Sawangan Indah Housing. .The determination of target is customers of SB Mart Bukit Sawangan Indah Housing. It is because SB Mart has the distinctive competence and the customers come from everywhere not only people who live in Bukit Sawangan Indah Housing.The research period starts from August 2014 until the completion writing

B. Population and Sample

1. Population Population is a generalization area consist of object or subject which has certain quality and characteristic that is appointed by researcher to be analyzed than generated conclusion Sugiyono, 2008:61. Population in this reserach is all customers whose have ever shopped at SB Mart in Bukit Sawangan Indah Housing. 2. Sample Sample is a part of amount and characteristic owned by the population Sugiyono, 2008:62. Sampling technique used in this research is non 50 probability sampling where all population dont have same opportunity to become respondents and sampling is based on researcher consideration Simamora stated inKoentjoro and Subagio, 2013:2. In this research use 100 respondents for collectiong data. The use of these 100 questionnaires with technical reason because the proper sample for this research 30 to 500 people. Sugiono, 2008:74. The characteristics of the respondents were used as samples in this study were: 1. Consumers who shop at SB Mart in Bukit Sawangan Indah Housing. 2. Minimum age 17 years, this is because at that age consumees are able to provide concrete assessment.

C. Data Collection Method

The type of data obtained, can be grouped into: 1. Primary Data Primary data is data originated by the researcher specifically to address the research problem Malhotra, 2004:37. In this study, primary data obtained from questionnaires regarding consumer response with regard to customer service, store design and display, communication mix, location, merchandise assortment, and pricing that influence customer satisfaction. 51 Primary data is data collected for some purpose other than the problem at hand Malhotra, 2004:37. 2. Secondary Data Secondary data is data collected for some purpose other than the problem at hand Malhotra, 2004:37. Secondary data were obtained from a variety of library materials, either in the form of books, journals and other documents that had to do with the study material.

D. Analysis Method