Materi PTK PLPG Bhs. Inggris







Oleh :

Teguh Sarosa, S.S., M.Hum.







Puji dan syukur dipanjatkan ke hadirat Allah SWT atas rahmat dan karunia yang dilimpahkan kepada tim penyusun, sehingga panduan workshop Penelitian Tindakan Kelas ini terselesaikan dengan baik.

Panduan workshop PTK ini dimaksudkan untuk memberikan bimbingan kepada guru khususnya guru bahasa Inggris dalam penyusunan proposal PTK. Panduan ini dijelaskan langkah demi langkah sehingga akan memudahkan guru dan mengikuti penyusunan proposal PTK.

Tim penyusun mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang telah membantu dalam penyususan panduan proposal PTK ini. Apabila di dalam panduan workshop ini ada kekurangan dan kesalahan, tim penyusun benar-benar mengakuinya. Oleh karena itu kritik dan saran yang konstruktif sangat diharapkan demi perbaikan panduan workshop ini.

Akhirnya semoga panduan workshop ini bisa memberikan manfaat kepada kita khususnya peserta PLPG dalam upapa peningkatan kompetensi dalam bidang penyusunan proposal PTK.



DAFTAR ISI ... iii


I. Tujuan workshop PTK ... 1

II. Paparan Materi Workshop PTK ... 1

III. Penyusunan Rancangan Proposal PTK untuk Perbaikan Pembelajaran 19 IV. Output Workshop = Proposal PTK ... 21



I. Tujuan workshop PTK

Tujuan workshop Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) ini adalah agar peserta workshop dapat:

1. memahami konsep PTK

2. mengidentifikasi permasalahan PTK 3. merumuskan masalah PTK

4. merencanakan tindakan perbaikan sesuai sesuai masalah penelitian 5. menyusun tahap pelaksanaan PTK

6. melakukan analisis dan refleksi 7. membuat perencanaan tindak lanjut 8. menyusun proposal PTK yang baik. II. Paparan Materi Workshop PTK

Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) atau Classroom Action Research (CAR) merupakan penelitian praktis di bidang pendidikan mencakup beberapa langkah prosedural yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran atau menyelesaikan masalah yang mungkin timbul selama proses pembelajaran dengan menerapkan solusi-solusi tertentu yang relevan dengan masalah. PTK merupakan proses reflektif yang membantu pengajar untuk eksplorasi atau menguji aspek-aspek dalam proses belajar mengajar (PBM) dan mengambil tindakan untuk merubah keadaan dan meningkatkan kualitasnya.

Proposal Penelitian Tindakan Kelas pada umumnya terdiri atas komponen-komponen sebagai berikut:

i. Judul

ii. Pendahuluan

a. Latar Belakang Masalah b. Perumusan Masalah c. Tujuan Penelitian d. Manfaat Penelitian


iii. Tinjauan Pustaka a. Deskripsi Teori b. Kerangka Berpikir c. Hipotesis Tindakan iv. Metode Penelitian

a. Setting Penelitian b. Subjek Penelitian c. Data dan Sumber Data d. Teknik Pengumpulan Data e. Validitas Data

f. Teknik Analisis Data g. Indikator Kinerja h. Prosedur Penelitian A. Judul Penelitian

Judul PTK harus memuat dua variable utama yaitu variabel permasalahan (variabel A) dan variabel solusi atau pemecahan masalah (variabel B). Judul hendaknya dikemukakan secara singkat, spesifik, jelas dan mensugesti ketertarikan pembaca (curiousity).

Di samping itu, judul harus memberikan informasi mengenai hal-hal yang bersifat spesifik, seperti :subyek, latar atau setting, baik tempat dan waktu pelaksanaan penelitian.

Format judul:


Masalah harus jelas, diungkapkan dengan frase yang singkat dan padat; contoh:

Peningkatan A dengan Menggunakan B (Penelitian Tindakan Kelas di ..., 20...)



(A Classroom Action Research at the Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 19 Surakarta in the Academic Year 2009/2010)


B. Latar Belakang Masalah

Penelitian Tindakan Kelas dilaksanakan untuk memecahkan masalah yang dihadapi para pendidik di kelas yang mereka ampu atau meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa yang ditengarai menurun atau di bawah Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) yang diterapkan. Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka peneliti haruslah mengungkapkan hal-hal yang mendorong dilaksanakannya PTK atau menguraikan argumentasi pentingnya PTK dilakukan dalam poin Latar belakang masalah.

Peneliti perlu menguraikan proses bagaimana cara menemukan masalah dalam initial research atau preliminary research. Waktu pelaksanaan preliminary research adalah



(A Classroom Action Research at the Tenth Grade of SMK Negeri 1 Karanganyar in the Academic Year 2009/2010)


(A Classroom Action Research at the Seventh Grade of SMP Negeri 8 Surakarta Academic Year 2007/2008)


(A Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade of SMA Negeri 1 Sragen in the Academic Year 2007/2008)


(A Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade of SMA Negeri 1 Sragen in the Academic Year 2007/2008)

IMPROVING STUDENTS’ VOCABULARY MASTERY BY USING COMPUTER ASSISTED LANGUAGE LEARNING (A Classroom Action Research towards The Second Grade Students of SD Negeri Kalicacing 2 Salatiga in the Academic Year


indefinite, artinya peneliti mempunyai waktu yang tidak terjadwal karena tahap ini bisa dimulai sejak peneliti sebagai praktisi pendidik mengajar dan menemukan embrio-embrio permasalahan yang dihadapi siswanya sampai akhirnya embrio tersebut terbentuk menjadi pokok permasalahan yang ingin dicari pemecahannya. Ada beberapa cara yang bisa dilakukan oleh peneliti dalam tahap initial research ini, antara lain: pengamatan (observation), wawancara baik terhadap kolega ataupun muridnya mengenai kesulitan-kesulitan yang dialaminya dalam proses belajar dan mengajar, dan analisis dokumen baik dari catatan lapangan maupun tes yang diadakan. Dari hasil analisis data yang didapat di tahap awal ini maka peneliti dapat mengambil simpulan mengenai asal masalah atau akar permasalahan yang kemungkinan timbul dari metode pengajaran yang dipakai, materi pembelajaran atau media ajar yang digunakan.

Penulisan latar belakang masalah dapat dimulai dengan uraian kondisi nyata yang terjadi dalam PBM, baik interaksi antara guru dan murid atau murid dan murid, situasi kelas, dan fasilitas yang tersedia dalam ruang kelas (hal ini bisa didapatkan dari hasil pengamatan di initial research). Setelah itu peneliti harus menguraikan kondisi ideal tentang ruang lingkup pokok permasalahan dan pada akhirnya peneliti juga harus menjelaskan kesenjangan yang terjadi antara kondisi nyata dan kondisi ideal suatu proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Data atau fakta sebaiknya juga ikut dituliskan sebagai validasi. Data tersebut dapat berasal dari field note, petikan wawancara, dan hasil tes awal yang dilakukan yang relevan dengan masalah yang dikemukakan oleh peneliti.

Penulisan selanjutnya adalah uraian tentang masalah yang dihadapi oleh peneliti. Peneliti harus mengungkapkan indikator dari masalah tersebut dan penyebab kenapa masalah tersebut dapat timbul. Apakah penerapan metode pengajaran atau pembelajaran yang kurang tepat dengan karakteristik siswa?; apakah materi ajar


yang tidak sesuai dengan kompetensi yang harus dimiliki siswa diakhir proses pembelajaranya?; atau apakah media ajar yang digunakan kurang menarik minat siswa sehingga siswa tidak termotivasi untuk belajar?.

Setelah mengungkapkan penyebab timbulnya masalah, peneliti menguraikan solusi yang dia berikan untuk memecahkan masalah tersebut baik dengan penerapan metode mengajar yang berbeda yang disesuaikan dengan karakteristik siswanya, materi pembelajaran yang disesuaikan dengan silabi, ataukah dengan penggunaan media ajar yang menarik. Peneliti harus mencari referensi tentang kajian teori yang tepat untuk diterapkan guna mengatasi permasalahan yang dihadapi. Dalam pengungkapan solusi, peneliti perlu membuat rasionalisasi yang kuat antara masalah yang dihadapi dengan solusi yang dia tawarkan berdasarkan teori-teori yang relevan.

Secara singkat latar belakang masalah ditulis secara naratif dan harus berisi:

1. Kondisi ideal tentang ruang lingkup pokok permasalahan dan kondisi nyata yang dihadapi dalam ruang kelas.

2. Masalah yang dihadapi dan indikatornya. 3. Penyebab munculnya masalah.

4. Solusi, berupa konsep yang didukung rasionalisasi yang kuat. Urutan penyajiannya bisa 1 – 4, atau 2,3,1,4 .

C. Perumusan dan Pemecahan Masalah

Permasalahan merupakan bagian terpenting dalam proposal PTK. Karena dari sinilah tergambar secara jelas masalah yang dihadapi dan solusi yang digunakan untuk memecahkan masalah tersebut. Permasalahan merupakan hal nyata yang ditemui dalam kelas berdasarkan pengamatan, wawancara atau analisis dokumen. Permasalahan tersebut dibuat secara jelas dan rinci tertuang dalam rumusan masalah yang mengkaitkan hubungan antar variabel yang akan dikaji dalam bentuk pertanyaan.


Format rumusan masalah berbentuk pertanyaan: 1. Bagaimanakah solusi yang ditawarkan peneliti dapat memecahkan masalah?

2. Apakah kelebihan dan kekurangan penerapan teknik/metode/media ketika diterapkan pada kelas? Contoh perumusan masalah:

D. Tujuan

Tujuan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas menyatakan target tertentu yang akan diperoleh dari kegiatan penelitian yang direncanakan. Tujuan penelitian harus dinyatakan secara spesifik dalam pernyataan yang jelas. Kemukakan secara singkat tujuan penelitian sesuai dengan permasalahan yang telah teridentifikasi dan terumuskan di bab sebelumnya. Tujuan dirumuskan dalam bentuk kalimat deklaratif.












E. Manfaat

Manfaat penelitian berisi deskripsi singkat tentang manfaat yang dapat diperoleh setelah PTK selesai dilaksanakan. Kemukakan manfaat teoritis (kepentingan ilmiah) dan manfaat praktis (kepentingan terapan). Manfaat itu dapat dirinci menurut penerima manfaat PTK, seperti peneliti, guru/kolaborator, murid, sekolah, peneliti lain, pengambil kebijakan.


1. For students: It is hoped that the result of the study can improve students’ writing skill.

2. For the teachers: The teacher can improve their teaching techniques by elaboration the use of four square writing technique. 3. For theoritical application: It is hoped that the result of the study can give additional information of language teaching activity especially teaching writing.

F. Tinjauan Pustaka

Kajian pustaka menguraikan teori, temuan, dan bahan penelitian lain yang diperoleh dari acuan (buku atau jurnal ilmiah) yang dijadikan landasan untuk melakukan penelitian yang diusulkan. Kemukakan kajian teori yang relevan dengan variabel masalah maupun variabel tindakan. Berdasarkan urutan, kemukakan terlebih dahulu kajian teori yang gayut dengan variabel masalah dan baru kemudian kajian teori yang gayut dengan variabel tindakan. Sejalan dengan contoh judul yang telah dikemukakan, peneliti menguraikan kajian teori tentang Kemampuan Menulis dan selanjutnya teori tentang Four Square Writing Method. Uraian dalam Kajian Pustaka dibawa untuk menyusun kerangka atau konsep yang akan digunakan dalam penelitian. Dalam hubungan ini hendaknya diusahakan pustaka yang relevan dan terbaru. Dengan demikian, dalam bagian ini hendaknya dikemukakan hipotesis tindakan.

Dalam landasan teori perlu dikemukakan deskripsi teori dan kerangka berpikir sehingga selanjutnya dapat dirumuskan hipotesis.


a. Deskripsi Teori

Deskripsi teori dalam suatu penelitian merupakan uraian sistematis tentang teori (dan bukan sekadar pendapat pakar atau penulis buku) dan hasil-hasil penelitian yang relevan dengan variabel yang diteliti. Berapa jumlah kelompok teori yang perlu dikemukakan atau dideskripsikan akan bergantung pada luasnya permasalahan dan secara teknis bergantung pada jumlah variabel yang diteliti. Oleh karena itu, makin banyak variabel yang diteliti, maka akan makin banyak teori yang perlu dikemukakan.

Deskripsi teori paling tidak berisi tentang penjelasan terhadap variabel-variabel yang diteliti melalui pendefinisian, dan uraian yang lengkap dan mendalam dari berbagai referensi sehingga ruang lingkup, kedudukan dan prediksi terhadap hubungan antarvariabel yang akan diteliti akan menjadi lebih jelas dan terarah.

Teori-teori yang dideskripsikan dalam proposal maupun laporan penelitian dapat digunakan sebagai indikator apakah peneliti menguasai teori dan konteks yang diteliti atau tidak. Variabel-variabel penelitian yang tidak dapat dijelaskan dengan baik, baik dari segi pengertian maupun kedudukan dan hubungan antarvariabel yang diteliti, menunjukkan bahwa peneliti tidak menguasai teori dan konteks penelitian.

Untuk menguasai teori maupun generalisasi-generalisasi dari hasil penelitian, peneliti harus rajin membaca. Orang harus rajin membaca dan menelaah yang dibaca itu setuntas-tuntasnya agar ia dapat menegakkan landasan yang kokoh bagi langkah-langkah berikutnya. Untuk dapat membaca dengan baik, peneliti harus mengetahui sumber-sumber bacaan. Sumber-sumber bacaan dapat berupa buku-buku teks, kamus (khususnya kamus istilah), ensiklopedia, jurnal ilmiah, internet, dan hasil-hasil penelitian.

Sumber bacaan yang baik harus memenuhi tiga kriteria, yaitu relevansi, kelengkapan, dan kemutakhiran (kecuali penelitian sejarah, penelitian ini justru menggunakan sumber-sumber yang lama). Relevansi berkenaan dengan kecocokan antara variabel yang diteliti dengan teori


yang dikemukakan, kelengkapan berkenaan dengan banyaknya sumber yang dibaca, kemutakhiran berkenaan dengan dimensi waktu. Makin baru sumber yang digunakan, makin mutakhir teori tersebut.

Terdapat sejumlah prinsip dalam memilih sumber pustaka. Prinsip-prinsip itu dikemukakan berikut ini.

(1) Relevansi

Telaah pustaka sering disebut landasan teoretis. Oleh karena itu, sumber pustaka yang digunakan harus benar-benar relevan, berisi pernyataan-pernyataan yang dapat digunakan sebagai acuan dan kerangka pemikiran dalam memecahkan masalah penelitian. Relevansi tersebut juga dapat ditinjau dari kesesuaian antara sumber pustaka itu dengan disiplin ilmu yang dibahas.

(2) Kemutakhiran

Prinsip ini sangat penting dengan pertimbangan bahwa ilmu dan teknologi telah makin berkembang dengan pesat dan kemajuan zaman menghendaki peneliti memilih teori yang mutakhir.

(3) Akurasi dan Kualitas

Jika sejumlah data dikemukakan oleh seseorang penulis dan data tersebut akan kita gunakan untuk menyusun sebuah rancangan penelitian, maka kita perlu mempertanyakan apakah data tersebut akurat dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan validitasnya. Sementara itu, sumber data yang berkualitas adalah sumber data yang memuat uraian tentang suatu teori atau konsep yang teliti berdasarkan pemikiran yang akurat, luas, mendalam, clan disajikan secara sistematis. Di samping itu, perlu juga dipertimbangkan kewenangan atau otoritas penulisnya. b. Kerangka Berpikir

Kerangka berpikir merupakan lanjutan dari deskripsi teori yang berisi hubungan logis antar hal dalam teori yang mewakili variabel.


Kerangka berpikir ini harus mengemukakan bagaimana variabel B dapat digunakan untuk menyelesaikan masalah sehingga variabel A meningkat. Untuk memperkuat argumen atas rasionalisasi yang diajukan, peneliti dapat mengutip hasil-hasil penelitian terdahulu yang relevan dengan penilitian yang akan dilakukan.

Seorang peneliti harus menguasai teori-teori ilmiah sebagai dasar bagi argumentasi dalam menyusun kerangka permikiran yang membuahkan hipotesis. Kerangka pemikiran ini merupakan penjelasan sementara terhadap gejala-gejala yang menjadi objek permasalahan (Suriasumantri, 1986). Kriteria pertama agar suatu kerangka pemikiran bisa meyakinkan sesama ilmuwan adalah alur-alur pikiran yang logis dalam membangun suatu kerangka berpikir yang membuahkan kesimpulan yang berupa hipotesis.

Kerangka berpikir merupakan sintesis tentang hubungan antarvariabel yang disusun dari berbagai teori yang telah dideskripsikan. Berdasarkan teori-teori yang telah dideskripsikan itu selanjutnya dianalisis secara kritis dan sistematis sehingga menghasilkan sintesis tentang hubungan antarvariabel yang diteliti. Sintesis tentang hubungan antarvariabel tersebut selanjutnya digunakan untuk merumuskan hipotesis.

Kerangka berpikir yang baik antara lain memuat (1) variabel-variabel yang akan diteliti harus dijelaskan dan (2) diskusi dalam kerangka berpikir harus dapat menunjukkan dan menegaskan pertautan/hubungan antarvariabel yang diteliti dan ada teori yang mendasari. Dalam PTK, berdasarkan kajian teori yang telah dilakukan, penyusun proposal harus mampu menjelaskan bahwa bentuk tindakan yang akan dilakukan dapat mengatasi permasalahan.

c. Perumusan Hipotesis

Perumusan hipotesis penelitian merupakan langkah ketiga dalam kajian pustaka, setelah peneliti mengemukakan landasan teori dan kerangka berpikir. Hipotesis merupakan jawaban sementara terhadap


rumusan masalah penelitian. Oleh karena itu rumusan masalah penelitian biasanya disusun dalam bentuk kalimat pertanyaan. Dikatakan sementara karena jawaban yang diberikan baru didasarkan pada teori yang relevan, belum didasarkan pada fakta-fakta yang empiris yang diperoleh melalui pengumpulan data. Jadi, hipotesis juga dapat dinyatakan sebagai jawaban teoretis terhadap rumusan masalah penelitian, belum jawaban yang empirik. Hipotesis merupakan kesimpulan kerangka berpikir.

Berdasarkan uraian di atas jelaslah bahwa tinjauan pustaka menguraikan teori, temuan, dan bahan penelitian lain yang diperoleh dari acuan (buku atau jurnal jurnal ilmiah), yang dijadikan landasan untuk melakukan penelitian yang diusulkan. Uraian dalam tinjauan pustaka dibawa untuk menyusun kerangka atau konsep yang akan digunakan dalam penelitian. Berdasarkan teori dan kerangka berpikir itulah selanjutnya dikemukakan hipotesis tindakan atau hipotesis kerja. Contoh :

Based on the theories and rationale above, the hypothesis is formulated as follows: four square writing method can improve students’ writing skill.

G. MetodePenelitian

Penelitian Tindakan Kelas adalah penelitian partisipatif kolaboratif yang dilaksanakan oleh seorang peneliti (praktisi pendidikan) dan kolaborator dalam setting pendidikan dengan ruang lingkup terbatas. Hasil PTK adalah solusi untuk perbaikan suatu variabel pembelajaran; solusi ini bersifat unik dalam arti tidak serta merta dapat digunakan atau diadopsi oleh praktisi lain untuk diimplementasikan di setting yang berbeda.

Untuk mencapai tujuan penelitian dan memperoleh manfaat penelitian sebagaimana yang telah dirumuskan perlu dipilih metode penelitian yang tepat. Sebagaimana telah dikemukakan bahwa komponen-komponen yang tercakup dalam metode penelitian meliputi


setting penelitian, subjek penelitian, data dan sumber data, teknik pengumpulan data, teknik pemeriksaan validitas data, teknik analisis data, indikator kinerja, dan prosedur penelitian. Uraian berikut ini akan menjelaskan komponen-komponen tersebut secara singkat.

a. Setting Penelitian

Setting penelitian mengacu pada waktu dan tempat penelitian dilakukan.

A Classroom Action Research at the Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 19 Surakarta in the Academic Year 2009/2010


Penelitian ini dilakukan di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 19 Surakarta tahun akademik 2009/2010. Pemilihan tempat itu didasarkan pada pertimbangan (1) ...., (2) ...., dsb.

Penelitian ini berlangsung selama tiga bulan, yaitu September sampai dengan November 2009. Rincian kegiatan penelitian tersebut adalah sbb.: persiapan penelitian, koordinasi persiapan tindakan, pelaksanaan (perencanaan, tindakan, monitoring dan evaluasi, dan refleksi), penyusunan laporan penelitian, seminar hasil penelitian, penyempurnaan laporan berdasarkan masukan seminar, serta penggandaan dan pengiriman laporan penelitian.

b. Subjek Penelitian

Subjek penelitian adalah siswa yang terlibat dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran. Disebutkan berpa jumlah siswa tersebut dan juga jumlah siswa laki-laki dan siswa perempuan.


Subjek penelitian tindakan ini adalah siswa kelas VIII A SMP Negeri 19 Surakarta. Siswa kelas VIII A berjumlah 30 orang, yang terdiri atas 20 siswa perempuan dan 10 siswa laki-laki.


c. Data dan Sumber Data

Pada bagian ini hendaknya dikemukakan jenis data apa saja yang dibutuhkan serta sumber data tersebut. Jenis data yang dijelaskan disesuaikan dengan fokus penelitian.


Data penelitian yang dikumpulkan berupa informasi tentang proses pembelajaran menulis, kemampuan siswa dalam menulis, motivasi siswa dalam menulis serta kemampuan guru dalam menyusun rencana pembelajaran dan melaksanakan pembelajaran (termasuk penggunaan strategi pembelajaran) di kelas. Data penelitian itu dikumpulkan dari berbagai sumber yang meliputi:

(1) Informan atau nara sumber, yaitu siswa dan guru.

(2) Tempat dan peristiwa berlangsungnya aktivitas pembelajaran (3) Dokumen atau arsip, yang antara lain berupa Kurikulum, Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran, basil karangan siswa, dan buku penilaian. d. Teknik Pengumpulan

Sejalan dengan data yang akan dikumpulkan serta sumber data yang ada selanjutnya dikemukakan teknik pengumpulan data.


Teknik yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data di atas meliputi Pengamatan, wawancara atau diskusi, kajian dokumen, angket, dan tes yang masing-masing secara singkat diuraikan berikut ini.

1) Pengamatan

Pengamatan yang peneliti lakukan adalah pengamatan berperan serta secara pasif. Pengamatan itu dilakukan terhadap guru ketika melaksanakan kegiatan belajar mengajar di kelas maupun kinerja siswa selama proses belajar mengajar berlangsung. Pengamatan dilakukan oleh peneliti dengan mengambil tempat duduk paling belakang. Dalam


posisi itu, peneliti dapat secara lebih leluasa melakukan pengamatan terhadap aktivitas belajar-mengajar siswa dan guru di kelas.

Pengamatan terhadap guru difokuskan pada kegiatan guru dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran menulis dengan menggunakan strategi komposisi terkendali dan terarah. Pengamatan terhadap kinerja guru juga diarahkan pada kegiatan guru dalam menjelaskan pelajaran, memotivasi siswa, mengajukan pertanyaan dan menanggapi jawaban siswa, mengelola kelas, memberikan latihan dan umpan batik, dan melakukan penilaian terhadap hasil belajar siswa. Sementara itu, pengamatan terhadap siswa difokuskan pada tingkat partisipasi siswa dalam mengikuti pelajaran, seperti terlihat pada keaktifan bertanya dan menanggapi stimuli baik yang datang dari guru atau teman lain, keaktifan siswa dalam mengerjakan tugas, dan sebagainya.

2) Wawancara atau diskusi

Wawancara atau diskusi dilakukan setelah dan atas dasar hasil pengamatan di kelas maupun kajian dokumen. Wawancara atau diskusi dilakukan antara peneliti dan guru. Wawancara atau diskusi dengan guru dilaksanakan setelah melakukan pengamatan pertama terhadap kegiatan belajar mengajar (KBM) dimaksudkan untuk memperoleh informasi tentang berbagai hal yang berkaitan dengan pelaksanaan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris, khususnya Pembelajaran menulis. Wawancara dengan guru dilakukan pada Agustus 2009. Dari wawancara itu serta kegiatan pengamatan dan kajian dokumen yang telah dilakukan diidentifikasi permasalahan-permasalahan yang ada berkenaan dengan pembelajaran menulis serta faktor-faktor penyebabnya. Selain untuk mengidentifikasi permasalahan, wawancara/diskusi dilakukan setelah dan atas dasar hasil pengamatan di kelas maupun kajian dokumen dalam setiap siklus yang ada. Diskusi antar anggota tim peneliti dapat dilakukan di sekolah. Kegiatan diskusi itu dipimpin oleh peneliti. Dalam kegiatan diskusi itu, pemimpin diskusi melakukan hal-hal berikut: (1) meminta pendapat guru tentang penampilannya dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran di kelas, yang


antara lain adalah mengungkapkan kelebihan dan kekurangannya serta perasaan-perasaan yang bersangkut-paut dengan kegiatan itu; (2) mengemukakan catatan tentang basil pengamatannya terhadap KBM yang dilakukan guru sesuai dengan fokus penelitian, mengemukakan segi-segi kelebihan dan kekurangannya; (3) mendiskusikan hal-hal yang telah dikemukakan baik oleh guru maupun peneliti untuk menyamakan persepsi tentang hal-hal yang perlu dilakukan oleh guru dalam kegiatan pembelajaran menulis. Dengan perkataan lain, pada akhir setiap kegiatan diskusi disepakati hal-hal yang perlu dilakukan pada siklus berikutnya untuk meningkatkan keefektifan penerapan strategi four square writing method untuk meningkatkan kemahiran menulis siswa.

3) Kajian dokumen

Kajian juga dilakukan terhadap berbagai dokumen atau arsip yang ada, seperti Kurikulum, Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran yang dibuat guru, buku atau materi pelajaran, hasil tulisan atau karangan siswa, dan nilai yang diberikan guru.

4) Angket

Angket diberikan kepada para siswa untuk mengetahui berbagai hal yang berkaitan dengan aktivitas menulis atau mengarang dan aktivitas membaca. Angket ini diberikan dua kali, yaitu sebelum kegiatan penelitian tindakan dan pada akhir penelitian tindakan. Dengan menganalisis informasi yang diperoleh melalui angket tersebut dapat diketahui peningkatan kualitas proses atas kegiatan menulis siswa serta dapat diketahui ada tidaknya peningkatan motivasi siswa dalam menulis.

5) Tes

Pemberian tes dimaksudkan untuk mengukur seberapa jauh hasil yang diperoleh siswa setelah kegiatan pemberian tindakan. Tes mengarang diberikan pada awal kegiatan penelitian untuk mengidentifikasi kekurangan atau kelemahan siswa dalam mengarang dan setiap akhir siklus untuk mengetahui peningkatan mutu hasil karangan siswa.


Dengan perkataan lain, tes disusun dan dilakukan untuk mengetahui tingkat perkembangan kemampuan menulis siswa sesuai dengan siklus yang ada.

e. Teknik Pemeriksaan Validitas Data

Suatu informasi yang akan dijadikan data penelitian perlu diperiksa validitasnya sehingga data tersebut dapat dipertanggungjawabkan dan dapat dijadikan sebagai dasar yang kuat dalam menarik simpulan. Teknik yang digunakan untuk memeriksa validitas data antara lain adalah triangulasi dan review informan kunci

Triangulasi adalah teknik pemeriksanaan validitas data dengan memanfaatkan sarana di luar data itu untuk keperluan pengecekan atau pembandingan data itu (Lexy 7. Moleong, 1995: 178). Teknik triangulasi yang digunakan antara lain berupa triangulasi sumber data dan triangulasi metode pengumpulan data. Misalnya, untuk mengetahui kesulitan-kesulitan yang dihadapi siswa dalam kegiatan mengarang dan faktor-faktor penyebabnya, peneliti melakukan hal-hal berikut: (1) memberikan tes mengarang dan selanjutnya menganalisis hasil karangan itu untuk mengidentifikasi kesalahan yang masih mereka buat dan (2) melakukan wawancara dengan guru untuk mengetahui pandangan guru tentang hambatan-hambatan yang dialami siswa dalam mengarang, fasilitas pembelajaran yang dimiliki atau tidak dimiliki sekolah, kegiatan pembelajaran mengarang di kelas, penilaian yang dilakukan guru, dan sebagainya.

Review informan kunci adalah mengkonfirmasikan data atau interpretasi temuan kepada informan kunci sehingga diperoleh kesepakatan antara peneliti dan informan tentang data atau interpretasi temuan tersebut. Hal ini dilakukan melalui kegiatan diskusi antar tim peneliti setelah kegiatan pengamatan maupun kajian dokumen.

f. Teknik Analisis Data

Teknik analisis yang digunakan untuk menganalisis data-data yang telah berhasil dikumpulkan antara lain dengan teknik deskriptif


komparatif (statistik deskriptif komparatif) dan teknik analisis kritis. Teknik statistik deskriptif komparatif digunakan untuk data kuantitatif, yakni dengan membandingkan hasil antarsiklus. Peneliti membandingkan hasil sebelum penelitian dengan hasil pada akhir setiap siklus. Misal: membandingkan rerata nilai kemampuan menulis siswa pada kondisi sebelum tindakan, setelah siklus I, setelah siklus II, dan seterusnya. Teknik analisis kritis berkaitan dengan data kualitatif. Teknik analisis kritis mencakup kegiatan untuk mengungkap kelemahan dan kelebihan kinerja siswa dan guru dalam proses belajar mengajar berdasarkan kriteria normatif yang diturunkan dari kajian teoretis maupun dari ketentuan yang ada. Hasil analisis tersebut dijadikan dasar dalam menyusun perencanaan tindakan untuk tahap berikutnya sesuai dengan siklus yang ada. Analisis data dilakukan bersamaan dan/atau setelah pengumpulan data.

g. Indikator Kinerja

Pada bagian ini perlu dikemukakan atau dirumuskan indikator sebagai tolok ukur keberhasilan penelitian yang dilakukan. Indikator kinerja merupakan rumusan kinerja yang akan dijadikan acuan dalam menentukan keberhasilan atau keefektifan penelitian.


Peningkatan kemampuan menulis siswa. Misalnya:

Anak yang memperoleh nilai 7,5 lebih dari 70 %

Nilai rata-rata menulis siswa meningkat (dari 60 menjadi 77) H. Jadwal Penelitian

penyusunan jadwal PTK mengacu pada proses pelaksanaan tahapan PTK, seperti pre research, planning, Action, Observation, Reflection.


No. Kegiatan Waktu Pelaksanaan Bulan 1

Minggu ke

Bulan 2 Minggu


Bulan 3 Minggu

ke 1. Pre research

(indefinite) 2. Siklus 1

Perencanaan X

Tindakan X X

Observasi X X X

Refleksi/Evaluasi X X X 3 Siklus 2

Perencanaan X

Tindakan X X

Observasi/Diagnosis X X X

Refleksi/Evaluasi X X X

4 Tabulasi Data dan Analisis


7 Penyusunan Laporan X X

I. Daftar Pustaka

Bagian ini memuat semua sumber pustaka yang digunakan dalam penelitian. Penulisan daftar pustaka disusun urut berdasarkan abjad. Masing- masing referensi ditulis urut berdasarkan nama, tahun, judul buku, kota penerbit, nama penerbit. Judul buku dicetak miring.


Hopkins, David. 1993. A Teacher’s Guide to Classroom Reasearch. Buckingham: Open University Press.

Nunan, David. 1998. Language Teaching Methodology. London: Prentice Hall International.

Straus, Anselm & Corbin, Juliet. (2003). Dasar-dasar Penelitian Kualitatif: Tatalangkah dan Teknik-teknik Teoritisasi Data


(Terjemahan oleh Muhammad Shodiq dan Imam Muttaqien). Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar Offset.

Suwandi, Sarwiji. (2004). “Pemantapan Peran Bahasa Kebangsaan sebagai Alat Kohesi Nasional” dalam Katharina Endriati Sukamto (Ed.). Menabur Benih Menuai Kasih. Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia.

III. Penyusunan Rancangan Proposal PTK untuk Perbaikan Pembelajaran

Rancangan proposal Penelitian Tindakan Kelas terdiri dari beberapa tiga bagian utama yaitu introduction (Pendahuluan), theoritical review (Kajian Pustaka), dan research method (metode penelitian).

Bagian Pendahuluan terdiri atas background of the study (latar belakang masalah), problem statements (rumusan masalah), objective of the study (tujuan penelitian), dan benefits of the study (manfaat penelitian).

Bagian Kajian Teori (Theoritical review) berisi tentang teori-teori yang mendukung topik atau judul penelitian. Berkaitan dengan judul di bawah ini maka kajian teorinya terdiri atas review on speaking, review on audio-lingual method, review on Youtube video, teaching speaking through audio-lingual method, dan penelitian terkait sebelumnya.

Bagian Metodologi Penelitian terdiri atas setting, metode penelitian, metode pengumpulan data, dan metode analisis data.

Masing-masing bagian tersebut bisa dilihat pada contoh di bawah ini:

Judul. Improving Students' Speaking Skill through Audio-lingual Method by Using YouTube Videos (A Classroom Action Research at the Twelfth Grade Students of SMA 2 Magetan in Academic Year 2010/2011)

Introduction ... ...

A. Background of the Study ... ... B. Problem Statement ... ...


C. Objectives of the Study ... ... D. Benefits of the Study ... ... Theoretical Review ... ... ...

A. Review on Speaking ... ... 1) The Nature of Speaking ... ... 2) The Elements of Speaking ... ... 3) Micro and Macro Skill of Speaking ... ... 4) Teaching Speaking Skill ... ... a. Problems and Solutions to Overcome Speaking Activity .. b. Principles in Designing Speaking Techniques ... c. Types of Classroom Speaking Performance ... 5) Testing Speaking ... ... a. The Types of Speaking Test ... ... b. The Scoring Rubric ... ... B. Review on Audio-Lingual Method ... ... 1) The Nature of Audio Lingual Method ... ... 2) The Characteristics of Audio-lingual Method ... 3) The Advantages of Audio-lingual Method ... C. Review on YouTube Videos ... ... 1) The Nature of Video ... ... 2) The Benefits of Video ... D. Teaching Speaking through Audiolingual Method by Using Videos .

1) Teaching Speaking through Audio-lingual Method... 2) The Use of YouTube Video in Teaching Speaking through

Audio-lingual Method ... ... E. Review on Related Research ... ...

1) Review on Related Research to the Use of the Audio-lingual

Method in Teaching Speaking ... 2) Review on Related Research to the Use of the YouTube

Video in Teaching Speaking ... ... F. Rational ... ... G. Research Hypothesis ... ...


Research Method ... ...

A. The Context of the Study ... ... B. The Method of The Research: Action Research ... ... 1) The Nature of Action Research ... ... 2) Characteristics of Action Research ... ... 3) The Models of Action Research ... 4) The Procedure of Action Research ... ... C. The Technique of Collecting Data... ... D. The Technique of Analyzing Data ... ... IV. Output Workshop = Proposal PTK

Berdasarkan kerangka yang telah dipaparkan di atas, proposal penelitian tindakan kelas dapat dikembangkan sebagai berikut:


A.Background of the Study

Today, education is doing a basic innovation related to the school curriculum. The innovation demands the use of media and the learning method. The National Education Department has changed the previous curriculum-Competence Based Curriculum – into the new one called Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) and in English language it is called by School Level Based Curriculum (SLBC). One of the English teaching aims in Senior High School is to develop the students’ competence in communicating both oral and written language to resolve their daily problems. The communicative competence taught in learning English covers four skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing (Permendiknas No.23, 2006).

In School Level Based Curriculum or Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) 2006, students of the twelfth grade of SMA/MA are expected to achieve the following competences in speaking. In standard competence, the students can express meaning in a short functional text and a monologue organized as narrative, explanation, and discussion in the daily life context. While in basic competence, the students can express meaning in a short oral functional


text, formal and informal, by using accurate, fluent and acceptable oral language in the context of daily life organized as narrative, explanation, and discussion.

Based on the standard of competence and basic competence stated by the curriculum, it is assumed that the twelfth grade students of SMA are skilful in speaking short functional texts, narrative, explanation, and discussion. Yet, in fact, the students of class XII IPA 1 of SMA 2 Magetan in academic year 2011/2012 were not able to fulfill what the curriculum demands. That was what the researcher found when she was conducting her pre-observation to students of the twelfth grade (XII IPA 1) of SMA 2 Magetan. She found that the students were great at answering some extracted questions, but when they had to use English in an oral way spontaneously, they found themselves difficult to do so. It was emphasized by the classroom teacher’s statement. He said “Kalau secara teori dia itu bagus, tapi kalau suruh praktek gak bisa. Malah pada diem, akhirnya kelasnya jadi sepi.” In other words, most of the students in the classroom are passive in joining the teaching learning process especially in speaking, because they have difficulties in using the language in real communication.

It was revealed through pre-research questionnaires distributed to the students that they faced difficulties in speaking, there are: on which 32 of 39 students (91.4%) have difficulties in pronunciation, 32 of 39 students (91.4%) have difficulties in vocabulary, and 34 of 39 students (87.18 %) have difficulties in fluency.

Beside questionnaire and interview, the fact that the students lacked speaking skill on narrative was also supported by the findings of pre test conducted by the researcher on March 9th, 2011 which showed that the students' mean score on speaking was only 50.58. Meanwhile, the students' individual score ranged from 33.0 as the lowest score until 76.0 as the highest score and only three of 40 students passed the minimum score required by the school, namely 70.0.

Based on the pre test, it was found that the students faced several language skills problems reflected on their performance in speaking. Those include: (1) students not able to pronounce the distinctive sounds of a language clearly enough so they cannot distinguish them, (2) students not able to put words together in correct word order (cannot using proper language function), (3) students cannot produce the sentences in grammatical forms, (4) students unable to deliver content


logically, and (5) students cannot produce fluent speech at different rates of delivery.

In addition to these language skills problems, there were also several classroom situation problems reflected in the situation of speaking class itself. The classroom situation problems included: (1) the classroom situation is very noisy. Most students do non-academic activities rather than focus on the lesson, (2) the students are not active and creative, it can be seen when they are asked to do exercise, most of them only wait for their friend who have finished to do the exercise, and then they just copy it, (3) students tend to refuse when teacher asks them to practice in front of class, the students keep silent, (4) students do not give full attention to the teacher, and (5) the teaching learning process is boring, which is shown by the students’ laying their head down on the table.

All these problems above might be well caused by several factors, namely: (1) the teacher’s merely asking the students to complete exercise book fails to boost students’ initiatives to speak, (2) the teacher seldom uses a media to support teaching and learning activity, (3) the students do not like to speak, because they lack of vocabularies.

Speaking indeed is not as simple as it seen. Speaking is the productive skill in the oral mode. In other word, as Underwood (1997: 11) states: “speaking is creative process; speakers are almost always in the position of formulating what they are saying as a result of the behaviour of their listeners or as a result of added thought of their own”. Speaking here means the individual’s ability in expressing his or her ideas. It needs not only physical performance but also psychological performance to have a qualified speaking that is speaking in communicative and correct way. In order to develop this communication skill the students must be active, by not only mastering the theory but also having enough practices. Ur (1996: 120) also provides some characteristics of successful speaking activity:

1. Learners talk a lot. As much as possible of the period of time allotted to the activity in fact occupied by learner talk. This may seem obvious, but often most time is taken up with teacher talk or pauses.

2. Participation is even.Classroom discussion is not dominated by a minority of talkative participants: all get a chance to speak, and contributors are fairly evenly distributed.


3. Motivation is high.Learners are eager to speak: because they are interested in the topic and have something new to say about it, or because they want to contribute to achieving a task objective.

4. Language is of an acceptable level. Learners express themselves in utterances that are relevant, easily comprehensible to each other, and of an acceptable of language accuracy.

As solutions to overcome the problems above, the researcher proposes to use “YouTube videos” through Audio-lingual method to help the students improve their speaking skill. The videos used in this study were taken from It is a site that does not discriminate among its user (Langer, 2010: 74). YouTube videos are one of the audio visual media. They are easy to find out because You Tube videos are a very popular web video sharing site that lets anyone store short videos for private or public viewing. By using this media, the students can compare their own voice with the pronunciation model. Besides, there are some advantages to the teacher who uses YouTube videos in teaching speaking. Harmer (2003: 290) states that video can enhance simulation, not only because it can provide feedback when students can watch themselves and evaluate their performance, but also because the presence of a video help to make media more realistic. Furthermore, Stempleski and Tomalin (1990: 3) add that the introduction of a moving picture component as a language teaching aid is a crucial addition to the teacher’s resources. It will help students through motivation, communication, non verbal aspects, and cross-cultural comparison.

a. Video presentation exploits students’ motivation in language learning classroom. Children and adults feel their interest quicken when language is experienced in a lively way though video.

b. Teachers have observed how a video sequenced used in class make students more ready to communicate in the target language.

c. The American psychologist, Robert Merabian, has estimated that as much as 80 percent of our communications is non-verbal. Our gesture, expression, posture, dress and surroundings are as eloquent as what we actually say video allows us to see this in action and to freeze the moment to study the non-verbal communication in detail.


d. Video offers cross-cultural comparison. Observing differences in cultural behaviour is not suitable training for operating successfully in alien community. It is also a rich resource for communication in the language classroom.

In addition, to solve the students’ problems in speaking skill, as a good English teacher, he or she should be able to understand and select the appropriate language teaching approach or technique to his students. This is very important because a language teaching approach or technique gives many influences for everything that he or she does in his/ her classroom. This is in line with Brown (1994: 74) who says that an approach or theory of language and language learning takes great importance. The approach to language teaching methodology is the theoretical rationale that underlines everything that teachers do in the classroom. As Prabhu points out in Tudor (1996: 120):

What the teacher does in the classroom is not solely, or even primarily, determined by the teaching method he or she intends to follow. There is a complex of other forces at play, in varied forms and degrees.

The method variable, then, plays a very important role in determining what goes on in the classroom.

One of the language teaching methods which can be implemented to solve the senior high school students’ problems in speaking skill is Audio-lingual Method. Its focus was on the learner’s ability to gain the communicative skill of listening and speaking in target language. There are several reasons why Audio-lingual Method can improve the students’ speaking skill. According to James and Huckin (1997: 10), Audio-lingual method paid systematic attention to pronunciation and intensive oral drilling of basic sentence patterns. Students were taught grammatical points through examples and drills rather than through analysis and memorization of rules. In addition, Nagaraj (1996:79) shows some main features of the Audio-lingual method:

1. The Audio-lingual method treated each language skill separately: listening, speaking, reading, writing.


2. This method focused primarily on the skill of listening and speaking, in accordance with Moulton’s first slogan: Language is speech, not writing.

3. The skill of writing and reading were not neglected, but the focus throughout remained on listening and speaking.

4. Dialogues were the main feature of the audio-lingual syllabus, and they were the chief means of presenting language items. They also provided learners an opportunity to practice, mimic and memorize bits of language.

5. Pattern drills were an essential part of his method and used as an important technique for language teaching/ learning.

6. The language laboratory was introduced as an important teaching aid. It gave learners an opportunity to mimic a model and memorize language patterns.

7. Like a direct method, the audio-lingual method too tried to avoid the use of the mother tongue, though perhaps not so rigidly.

Finally, considering the characteristics of Audio-lingual method, YouTube videos, the students' speaking skill, and the situation of speaking class, the researcher had a strong belief that implementing Audio-lingual method by using YouTube videos can improve the students' speaking skill.

B.Problem Statement

Related to the background of the study above, the problems in this research are formulated into the following:

a. Does implementing Audio-lingual Method by using YouTube videos improve speaking skill of XII IPA 1 students at SMA 2 Magetan in 2011/2012?

b. How is the class situation when Audio-lingual Method by using YouTube videos is implemented in speaking class?

C.Objectives of the Study In general, the study aims at:


1. Identifying whether implementing Audio-lingual Method by using YouTube videos improve speaking skill of XII IPA 1 students at SMA 2 Magetan in 2011/2012.

2. Describing the situation in the classroom when Audio-lingual Method by using YouTube videos is implemented in speaking class.

D.Benefits of the Study

From the research findings, it is expected that there would be benefits given to teacher, students, and other researchers. Those are:

a. For the students; the students can explore YouTube videos to practice speaking outside class, and the study can enhance the students’ ability in conducting speaking skill.

b. For the teacher; the teacher can use YouTube videos to refine his speaking class by conducting collaborative action research through Audio-lingual method, as well as he expected when this study was still lasting,

c. For other researchers; other researchers can use the findings of this study as a basic for conducting further studies.

Literature Review

A.Review on Speaking 1. The Nature of Speaking

Speaking is often regarded as the most important skill to be mastered, especially by one who learns language, speaking then can also be used as a tool to measure if one knows a language so he will be referred as the speaker of the language. Ur in his book (1996: 120) states:

“Of all the four skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing), speaking seems intuitively the most important: people who know a language are referred to as ‘speakers’ of that language, as if speaking included all other kinds of knowing, and many if not most foreign language learners are primarily interested in learning to speak.”

The definition of speaking varies according to some experts. Nunan (1989: 26) believes that speaking a process consisting of short, often fragmentary


utterance in a range of pronunciation. In addition, Burkart (1998) states that speaking is an activity that involves three areas of knowledge, the first is mechanics which include pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary.

According to Syakur (1987: 5), speaking is a complex skill because at least it is concerned with components of pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary and fluency.

1. Pronunciation

Pronunciation is the student’s way to utter English well. Besides, pronunciation is one of the difficult language components of a grammar made up of the elements or principles to determine how sound vary and pattern in a language.

2. Vocabulary

Vocabulary means the appropriate diction which is used in conversation. Without having a sufficient vocabulary, one cannot communicate effectively or express ideas in both oral and written form. Having limited vocabulary is also a barrier that precludes learners from learning a language. Language teachers, therefore, should process considerable knowledge on how to manage an interesting classroom so that the learners can gain a great success in their vocabulary learning.

3. Grammar

It concerns with how to arrange a correct sentences in conversation. It is in line with explanation given by Lewis and Hill (1997:82) that it can develop the ability to understand and respond quickly, and the ability to articulate. The utility of grammar is also to learn the correct way to gain expertise in a language in oral and written form.

4. Fluency

It can be defined as the ability to speak fluently and accurately suited with professional necessity. Basically, being fluent means able to keep the language coming. There may be mistakes, fillers and repetition, but there are no unusually long pauses in the flow of talk. In interactive speaking activities, the instructors are trying to get the students to communicate their own ideas, opinion and wishes. The emphasis on fluency implies two things. First, an error correction policy should reflect this emphasis. Particularly in speaking, it is important that the


instructors should encourage the risk taker. Second, the activities the instructor present should reflect promote fluency.

From the definition above, it can be concluded that speaking is ability to say something which involves the ability in using the word in the correct order, correct pronunciation, right grammatical form, fluency and choice of words in meaningful context (vocabulary) in the process of interpreting and negotiating meaning in conveying message to establish and maintain communication.

2. The Elements of Speaking

Language is a tool used to communicate with others. One of the ways is by speaking. In order to express their ideas in the spoken form, they should understand some elements of speaking. Harmer (2003: 269-270) proposes four elements for spoken production: (1) connected speech: effective speakers of English need to be able not only to produce the individual phonemes (as in saying I would have gone) but also the use fluent connected speech (as in I’d’ve gone); (2) expressive devices: native speakers of English change the pitch and stress of particular parts of utterance, very volume and speed, and shown by other physical and non verbal (paralinguistic) means how they are feeling; (3) lexis and grammar: spontaneous speech is marked by the use of a number of common lexical phrase, especially in the performance of certain language functions; (4) negotiation language: effective speaking benefits from the negotiatory language we use to seek clarification and to show the structure of what e are saying.

3. Micro and Macro Skill of Speaking

Brown (1994: 257) mention some micro and macro skill of speaking, there are:

a. Produce chunks of language of different lengths.

b. Orally produce differences among the English phoneme and allophonic variants.

c. Produce English stress patterns, words in stressed and unstressed positions, rhythmic structure, and intonational contours.

d. Produce reduced forms of words and phrases.

e. Use an adequate number of lexical units (words) in order to accomplish pragmatics purposes.


f. Produce fluent speech at different rates of delivery.

g. Monitor your own oral production and use various strategic devices-pauses, fillers, self-corrections, backtracking-to enhance the clarity of the message.

h. Use grammatical word classes (noun, verbs, etc.), system (e.g., tense, agreement, pluralization), word order, patterns, rules, and elliptical forms.

i. Produce speech in natural constituents-in appropriate phrases, pause groups, breath groups, and sentence constituents.

j. Express a particular meaning in different grammatical forms. k. Use cohesive devices in spoken discourse.

l. Appropriately accomplish communicative functions according to situations, participants, and goals.

m. Use appropriate registers, implicature, pragmatic conventions, and other sociolinguistic features in face-to-face conversations.

n. Convey links and connections between events and communicate such relations as main idea, supporting idea, new information, given information, generalization, and exemplification.

o. Use facial features, kinesics, “body language”, and other nonverbal cues along with verbal language in order to convey meanings. p. Develop and use a battery of speaking strategies, such as

emphasizing key words, rephrasing, providing a context for interpreting the meaning of words, appealing for help, and accurately assessing how well your interlocutor is understanding you.

Micro and macro skills are the way the students organize the features of language. Based on micro and macro skills above, the students have to: (1) orally produce differences among English phonemes and stress patterns, (2) produce reduce forms of words and phrases, (3) use grammatical word classes (nouns, verbs, etc.), system (e.g., tense, agreement, pluralization), (4) produce fluent speech based on content.


4. Teaching Speaking Skill

a. Problems and Solutions to Overcome Speaking Activities

Teaching speaking is not an easy job. There are many problems in teaching speaking. In teaching speaking, teacher or lecturer should recognize the difficulties and problems encountered by learners in following the speaking activities. Ur (1996: 121) mentions that there are four common problems dealing with speaking activities faced by learners, they are as follows:

1) Inhibition

Differs with other skill activities, in speaking activities, learners are often inhibited about trying to say things in another language in the classroom because of afraid of making mistakes, fearful of criticism or loosing face, shy, etc.

2) Nothing to say

Sometimes learners cannot produce any utterances because of they have no motive to express themselves beyond the guilty feeling that they should be speaking.

3) Low or uneven participation

The tendency of domination of minority learners who are good in speaking in the activities will make the others have little time or chance to participate. 4) Mother-tongue use

In a class where the learners share the same mother tongue, they tend to use it since it is easier for them to do that.

Ur (1996: 121-122) also mentioned some ideas to overcome those problems, here are the ideas:

1) Use group work

It is increases the sheer amount of learner talk going on in a limited period and lowers the inhibitions of learners who are unwilling to speak in front of the full class.

2) Base the activity on easy language

Generally, language used in a discussion is lower than the language used in intensive language-learning activities, the language should be easily recalled


and produced by participants. This is useful to let them speak fluently with minimum hesitations.

3) Make a careful choice of topic and task to stimulate interest

The clearer the purpose of the discussion, the more motivated participants will be.

4) Give some instruction or training in discussion skills

If the task is based on group discussion then include instructions about participation when introducing it.

5) Keep students speaking the target language

Teacher has to monitor how well the group teamwork is run. Teacher has to be as close as possible to the group to keep the students talk speaking in the target language.

b. Principles in Designing Speaking Techniques

Brown (1994: 268-270) mentions that there are some principles in designing speaking techniques must be known by teachers and lecturers, they are as follows:

1) Techniques should cover the spectrum of learner needs, from language-based focus on accuracy to message-based focus on interaction, meaning, and fluency.

Teachers can use many attractive techniques as jigsaw technique, games, discussion. However, they have to make sure that the technique designed to help learners perceive and use the building blocks of language. In the same time, try to make any drilling activities as meaningful as possible, so it will interest the learners.

2) Techniques should be intrinsically motivating.

Teachers have to try at all times to appeal the learners’ ultimate goals and interest, to their need for knowledge, for status, for achieving competence, autonomy, and for “being all that they can be”.

3) Techniques should encourage the use of authentic language in meaningful contexts.


Teachers should provide authentic contexts and meaningful interaction in the classroom.

4) Provide appropriate feedback and correction.

By giving appropriate feedback and correction, it will be very useful for the learners’ development in learning language.

5) Capitalize on the natural link between speaking and listening.

Teachers should integrate the two skills since both can reinforce each other. Skills in producing language are often initiated through comprehension. 6) Give students opportunities to initiate oral communication.

Teachers need to design conditions where the conditions are supporting the learners to initiate oral communication, for example, asking questions, giving directions, providing information. It is expected to be able to lead the students to increase the oral communicative competence that includes the ability to initiate conversation, to nominate topics, to ask questions, to control conversation, and to change the subject.

7) Encourage the development of speaking strategies.

The concept of strategic competence is one that few beginning language learners are aware of. Students can be aware of oral communicative purposes by practicing such strategies as follows:

a)Asking for clarification (what?)

b)Asking someone to repeat something (Huh? Excuse me?) c)Using fillers (Uh, I mean, Well) in order to gain time to process.

d)Using conversation maintenance cues (Uh huh, Right, Yeah, Okay, Hm) e)Getting someone’s attention (Hey, Say, So)

f)Using paraphrases for structures one can’t produce

g)Appealing for assistance from the interlocutor (to get a word or phrase, for example)

h)Using formulaic expression (at the survival stage) (How much does_cost? How do you get to the_?)


It can be concluded that the techniques should cover the language-based focus on accuracy to message-based focus on interaction, meaning, and fluency by drilling activities as meaningful as possible.

c. Types of Classroom Speaking Performance

Brown in his book entitled Teaching by Principles (1994: 266-268) mentions that there are six types of classroom speaking performance, they are:

1) Imitative

In this type of speaking performance, learners spend their time to initiate speech, for example, they are practicing an intonation contour, trying to pinpoint a certain vowel sound, etc. intonation of this kind is carried out not for the purpose of meaningful interaction, but for focusing on some particular element of language form. A type that can be concluded in this type and can be classified in the communicative language classroom is drilling. Drills offer students an opportunity to listen and to repeat certain string a language that may pose some linguistic difficulty – enter phonological or grammatical.

Here are some guidelines for successful drills: a) Keep them short (a few minutes of class hour only) b) Keep them simple (preferably just one point at a time) c) Keep them “snappy”

d) Make sure students know why they are doing the drill e) Limit them to phonology and grammar points

f) Make sure they ultimately lead to communicative goals g) Don’t overuse them

2) Intensive

This type is designed to practice some phonological or grammatical aspect of language. Intensive speaking can be self-initiated or it can be even from part of some pair work activity.

3) Responsive

This activity is short replies to the teacher or students initiated questions or comments which are usually and do not extend into dialogue.


4) Transactional (dialogue)

Transactional is an extended form of responsive language. Transactional dialogue is not just limited to give the short respond but it can convey or exchange specific information.

5) Interpersonal (dialogue)

Interpersonal dialogue is designed for maintaining social relationships than for the transmission of fact or information. This conversation involves some or all the following factors:

a) A casual register b) Colloquial language

c) Emotionally charge language d) Slang

e) Ellipsis f) Sarcasm

g) A covert “agenda” 6) Extensive (Monologue)

The form of monologues can be as oral reports, summaries, or perhaps, short speeches. These monologues can be planned or impromptu. This speech is designed for students at intermediate and advanced level.

5. Testing Speaking a. The Types of Speaking Test

Thornbury (2005: 125-126) mentions the most commonly used spoken test types are these:

1) Interviews: these are relatively easy to set up, especially if there is a room apart from the classroom where learners can be interviewed.

2) Live monologues: the candidates prepare and present a short talk on a pre-selected topic.

3) Recorded monologues: these are perhaps less stressful than a more public performance and, for informal testing, they are also more practicable in a way that live monologues are not.

4) Role-play: most students will be used to doing at least simple role-plays in class, so the same format can be used for testing.


5) Collaborative task and discussions: these are similar to role-plays except that the learners are not required to assume a role but simply to be themselves.

The kind of oral production that students are expected to carry out in the classroom is live monologue. Students at intermediate to advanced levels are called on to give extended monologues in the form of oral reports, or summaries.

b. The Scoring Rubric

Ur (1996: 135) provides five points as the scale for rating the accuracy and five points as the scale for rating the fluency of English of second language learners. The students are tested on fluency and accuracy, and may get a maximum of five points on each of these two aspects, ten points in all. The scale can be seen in the table 2.1 below:

Table 2.1. The Scale of Speaking Test

Accuracy Score

Little or no language produced 1

Poor vocabulary, mistakes in basic grammar, may

have very strong foreign accent 2

Adequate but not rich vocabulary, makes obvious

grammar mistakes, slight foreign accent 3 Good range of vocabulary, occasional grammar slips,

slight foreign accent 4

Wide vocabulary appropriately used, virtually no grammar mistakes, native-like or slight foreign accent


Fluency Score

Little or no communication 1

Very hesitant and brief utterances, sometimes

difficult to understand 2

Gets ideas across, but hesitantly and briefly 3 Effective communication in short turns 4


Easy and effective communication, uses long turns 5

B.Review on Audio-Lingual Method 1. The Nature of Audio-lingual Method

According to Mukalel (1998: 78), audio-lingual is the method of teaching a foreign language with a view to developing in the learners the aural-oral abilities to communicate through the language.

In addition Coady and Huckin (1997: 10) state that the audio-lingual method paid systematic attention to pronunciation and intensive oral drilling of basic sentence patterns. This opinion supported by Richards and Rodgers (2001: 67) state that in audio-lingual method, the language skills are introduce, and focuses on accuracy through drill and practice in the basic structures and sentence patterns of the target language.

Furthermore, according to Brown (1994: 48), method is an overall plan for systematic presentation of language based upon a selected approach. It is a set of prescriptions on what teachers and learners should do in the language classroom. Prescriptions for the teacher include what material should be presented and when it should be taught and how, and prescriptions for learners include what approach they should take toward learning.

From the definition above, it can be concluded that audio-lingual method is an overall plan for systematic presentation of language that paid systematic attention to pronunciation through drill and practice to communicate through the language.

2. The Characteristics of Audio-lingual Method

Brown (1994: 57) states the characteristics of the ALM may be summed up in the following list (adapted from Prator and Celce-Murcia, 1979):

a. New material is presented in dialog form.

b. This is dependence on mimicry, memorization of set phrases, and overlearning.

c. Structure are sequenced by means of contrastive analysis and taught one at a time.


e. There is little or no grammatical explanation. Grammar is taught by inductive analogy rather than deductive explanation.

f. Vocabulary is strictly limited and learned in context g. There is much use of tapes, language labs, and visual aids. h. Great importance is attached to pronunciation.

i. Very little use of the mother tongue by teachers is permitted. j. Successful responses are immediately reinforced.

k. There is a great effort to get students to produce error-free utterances. l. There is a tendency to manipulate language and disregard content.

3. The Advantages of Audio-lingual Method

According to Richards and Rodgers (2001: 57), the psychological foundations of Audio-lingual influence a number of learning principles in the following:

a. Foreign language learning is basically a process of mechanical habit formation. Good habits are formed by giving correct responses rather than by making mistakes. By memorizing dialogues and performing pattern drills the chances of producing mistakes are minimized.

b. Language skills are learned more effectively if the items to be learned in the target language are presented in spoken form before they are seen in written form.

c. Analogy provides a better foundation for language learning than analysis. Drills can enable learners to form correct analogies.

d. The meaning that the words of a language have for the native speaker can be learned only in a linguistic and cultural context and not in isolation. Teaching a language thus involves teaching aspects of the cultural system of the people who speak the language. (River 1964: 19-22)

C.Review on YouTube Videos

There are many kinds of media which can be used in teaching learning process. Audio-visual Medias are a great help in stimulating and facilitating the learning of a foreign language. In this research, the researcher will use short video got from internet that is called YouTube. YouTube videos are one of the audio visual media. They can be used by the teacher and students based on the syllabus


they are following. YouTube is a video sharing website where users can upload, view and share video clips (Shafei and Nejati: 92). Similar to (, any website that allows users to upload content, particularly YouTube itself; A small video that can be viewed online, particularly one hosted on YouTube; To upload a video of something to the internet, particularly to YouTube. It is understood that YouTube videos make a powerful contribution; contribution to interest and motivation in teaching learning process, a sense of the context of the language, and a specific reference point or stimulus.

1. The Nature of Video

Video is a component of instruction in classroom. It can be aid in teaching learning process. Cooper (1991: 11) states that video is a supercharged medium of communication and a powerful vehicle of information. It is packed with message, images, and ambiguity, and so represents a rich terrain to be worked and reworked in the language learning. Similar to Heinich (1996: 198) state that video is media format that employs a cathode-ray screen to present the picture portion of the message. It is medium of communication which contain some information. The information is in the form of picture, image, and action.

Videos can appear to shift time and space. Video, regardless of the type of technology with which it is created, edited, and transmitted, offers a number of significant instructional advantages. Using video in support of teaching and learning offers some benefits involved in implementing video in the classroom. The learners see video as a positive and powerful teaching tool. According to Collie and Slater (1999: 4), for most learners, video is an entertaining and motivating medium. The visual support not only provides valuable assistance in overall comprehension-seeing the gesture and expression of the speakers and the social context in which they are speaking can be so important-but learners are also usually more interested in what people have to say when they can actually see them. Addition McDonald, et al. (2003: 323) state the school that are equipped with compressed video system can bring live, fully interactive instruction from one location to the next or have distance guest speakers visit the classroom without having to travel. It is important o make the students active whenever they


watch video material. This active involvement forms part of the stage of any lesson with video material.

2. The Benefits of Video

Video is extremely well suited to display the connections between language and the real world in which communication is essential. McDonald (2003: 309) states that video makes impossible experiences possible for their viewers and provide stimulation through our dominant senses. It helps learners make a sense of the abstract while providing sensory summaries of the material presented.

As well as the advantages outlined, video helps students speak without self-consciousness. They hear the sound of the language from the first lesson in meaningful sequences with the appropriate intonation patterns and speak without self-consciousness. Harmer (2003: 282) states that they are many reasons why video can add a special, extra dimension to the learning experience:

a. Seeing language-in-use: one of the main advantages video is that students do not just hear language, they see it too. This greatly aids comprehension, since for example; general meaning and moods are often conveyed through expression, gesture, and other visual clue. Thus, the students observe how intonation can match facial expression.

b. Cross-cultural awareness: video uniquely allows students a look at situations far beyond their classroom. It is great value in giving students a chance to see such things as what kind of food people eat in other countries, and what they wear.

c. The power creation: when the students use video cameras themselves they are given the potential to create something memorable and enjoyable. The task of video-making can provoke genuinely creative and communicative uses of the language, with students finding themselves ‘doing new things in English’.

d. Motivation; for all of the reasons so far mentioned, most students show an increased level of interest when they have a chance to see language in use as well as hear it, and when this is coupled with interesting tasks.


Furthermore, Kelty (1996: vi) add that video can benefit students in a number of other ways.

a. It motivates students.

Video present language in a lively, entertaining way that arouses the students’ interest.

b. It presents language in context.

Video shows communication in vivid, realistic contexts. c. It illustrates behaviour and relationships.

Video shows the differences between how people behave in informal relationship involving friends and family, and how behave in more formal relationships. The visual dimension of video also allows students to see how people behave when they are happy, sad, angry, and so on.

d. It presents non-verbal aspects of communication.

Video allows learners to see body language-the gestures, facial expression, and postures that enhance, modify, or otherwise color the messages conveyed by a speaker’s words alone.

e. It provides cultural information.

Video shows how people live and how they are interact with people in their own cultural environment.

f. It can be analyzed in close detail.

The technical features of video allow relevant parts of a segment to be selected, isolated, and repeated. Visual elements, such as setting, clothing, and body language, and sound elements, such as pronunciation, intonation, and stress, can be selected and studied in detail.

g. It stimulates language use.

Video makes students ready to communicate in the target language. As a follow-up to viewing, students can extend language items presented on the video to areas of their own personal background, experience, and interests.

Through video, students can also see the gestures and facial expressions which play an essential role in clarifying the part of the meaning which is conveyed by intonation and tone voice. The picture, with accompanying voice, has a greater sensory impact than lines on a printed page, or event than that of the voice alone.


However, the researcher limits only to the type of methods that will be used for her research appropriately. Here they are:

1. Observational Technique

Here are the techniques that will be used by the researcher: a) Observation

Observation is very important in action research. It enables researchers to document and reflect systematically upon classroom interactions and events. It can be in the forms of closely watching and noting classroom events, evident or interactions, either as a participant in the classroom (participant observation) or as an observer of another teacher’s classroom (non-participant observation). Observation usually combined with field notes, recording and logs or journals. b) Notes and Diaries/Journals

Notes or field notes are used to record any activities happening in the classroom. Usually in the form of regular dated accounts of teaching/learning plans, activities, and classroom occurrences, included personal philosophies, feelings, reactions, reflections, observations, explanations, interactions between participants.

c) Audio and Video Recording

Recording, audio or video recordings, providing objective records of what occurred, which can be re-examined. Photograph or slides can also be included.

d) Transcription

Written presentation of verbal recordings using conventions for identifying speakers and indicating pauses, hesitation, overlaps, or any necessary non-verbal information. It allows researchers to scan particular classroom episodes relatively quickly without the need to review the whole recording.

e) Photographs

This is a great way to enhance classroom analysis and to provide visual stimuli, which can be integrated into reporting and presenting


communicating complex messages, illustrating teaching techniques, etc.

f) Layout and Maps

It can document how the classroom set-up changes over a period of time in response to action research strategies and can reflect the range of different spatial arrangements set up during the research. It will also make the researchers easier to describe the situation and the condition of the classroom activities and movements.

2. Non-observational Technique

Besides collecting the data by using observation technique, non-observational technique can also be used to collect them. Burns (1999: 117) mentions that non-observational tools usually in the essence of introspective, that collect personal or individuals accounts of events, attitudes and beliefs. The data may contribute to give a rise to issues that have been anticipated yet by the researchers. Here are the tools:

a) Interviews

This technique is conducted in the beginning and the end of the research to know the students’ view of the teaching-learning process. It can be combined with audio recording or note taking to collect the responses.

b) Questionnaires

Written sets of questions used to gain responses in non-face-to-face situations; questions are usually focused on specific issues and may invite either factual or attitudinal responses.

c) Documents

It is usually in the form of raw data or readily accessible source of data in the institutional system. Here are some examples of documents: student portfolios of written work, student records and profiles, lesson plans, classroom materials or syllabus, or results of examination.


d) Test

It offers an alternative form of data collection by using pre-test and post-test.

D.The Technique of Analyzing Data

In this research there are two types of data that will be collected, namely quantitative data and qualitative data. Quantitative data will be analyzed by using mean statistical formula, while qualitative data will be analyzed by using Descriptive Qualitative method.

1. Quantitative Data Analysis

The formula that will be used to analyze the data is:

n x


n y


In which:

x = mean of pre-test score y = mean of post-test score N = number of score

x = sum of pre-test score

y = sum of post-test score 2. Qualitative Data Analysis

The method that will be used to analyze qualitative data is Descriptive Qualitative method. Descriptive Qualitative method identifies and provides evidence to support the data collected by the researcher to make sense of the human behaviour within the research context. According to Burns (1999: 22), the aim of qualitative approaches is to offer descriptions, interpretations and clarifications of naturalistic social contexts.

Qualitative-descriptive method is a necessary precursor to quantitative research. The ultimate goal of Descriptive Qualitative research is to improve practice. This presupposes a cause/effect relationship between behaviour and outcome, focuses on the processes as well as the outcomes of the research.



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