The Proper Nouns Occurrences in the English-Bahasa Indonesia The

is 50, the names of places is 25, the names of object is 25 . The number of data which use addition technique is not as many as the other techniques. Proper noun is focused on the names of characters, nation, and non-living thing. Not all proper nouns can be changed or added. Table 5: The Occurrence of Omission Technique Translation Techniques Kinds of Proper Nouns Frequency Percentage Omission Names of People - Names of Places - Names of Objects 4 100 Total 4 100 The table shows that the distribution of the 204 numbers of proper nouns data which are realized from the source text into the target text by using deletion technique are; the names of people has no occurrence, the names of place also has no occurrence. The other way, the names of objects is the only kind of proper noun which has occurrences with 100. The names of objects are the only occurrence in omission technique. It is because the use of omission in the proper nouns is only focused in the names of object and it is possible to put or omit information in the names of objects. The names of objects in the fictional novels are possible to be changed from the ST to TT, except it is the names of brand. Table 6: The Occurrence of Loan Translation Translation Techniques Kinds of Proper Nouns Frequency Percentage Loan Translation Names of People 107 52.2 Names of Places 37 18 Names of Objects 61 29.8 Total 205 100 The researcher finds there are 205 numbers of proper nouns data are realized using loan translation technique. The names of people are the majority in the phenomena of the proper nouns. Related to the characters in the story, the names of people have hugely effect in the novels. With 52.2, the names of people are the highest occurrences in loan translation technique. In translating the names of people, the translator used loan translation as a solution. With many occurrences in the names of the characters, the translator had to transfer all the names from ST to TT to make sure that the process of translation is correct. The names of place have only 18 of data. It is the smallest number of the occurrences between the types of proper nouns, because the story is focused in one nation, America. The cities of United State of America are also mentioned several times. The possibility of the other nations mentioned in the novel is less. It means America is the main setting in the novel. The names of objects have 29.8 out of 205. Loan translation is needed when dealing with the names of objects. In the names of objects, the names of the characters and the names of brands are the main phenomena. Especially the names of brands, the translator has to keep the original names of the brand in TT. When dealing with the names of the brand, it has to be directly copied. It aims to introduce the reader the names of the brand, and the writer has purpose to deliberately put the names of brand in his novel. The huge occurrences of loan translation techniques in the proper nouns are because the phenomena in proper nouns are focused on the names of character. Usually in Bahasa Indonesia, the names of character of any stories are often transferring from ST to TT. It aims to minimize the huge number of failure in translating names of characters in the novels. Related to the divisions of loan translation, the researcher adds one additional table to show that the divisions of loan translation, i.e. pure and naturalized loan translation, also have occurrences in the types of proper nouns. Table 7: Division of Loan Translation Loan Translation Kinds of Proper Nouns Frequency Percentage Pure Loan Translation Names of People 105 56.2 Names of Places 21 11.2 Names of Objects 61 32.6 Total 187 100 Naturalized Loan Translation Names of People 2 11.1 Names of Places 16 88.9 Names of Objects - Total 18 100