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163 EFEKTIVITAS PEMBELAJARAN MATEMATIKA DISERTAI PENYAJIAN METAFORA PADA SISWA KELAS VII SMP NEGERI 1 POLI-POLIA KOLAKA I Nyoman Abdi SMP Negeri 1 Poli-polia, Kabupaten Kolaka, Sultra Abstract. The design of this research is analytical descriptive research which investigated the teaching of mathematics by applying metaphor at grade seven of SMP Negeri 1 Poli-polia based on competency set. The effectiveness of the teaching is the investigation towards the level of the students’ achievement through the students’ outcome after the teaching of mathematics by applying metaphor, level of teachers’ ability in managing the instruction, level of students’ activities, level of students’ responses and level of students’ motivation in learning mathematics. The sample of the research was drawn by using cluster random sampling based on the population of grade seven students of SMP Negeri 1 Poli Polia in academic year of 20092010. The chosen class VII contains 31 students who was used as the sample of the research. The data analysis used was descriptive analysis to describe the characteristic of the students’ outcome, teachers’ ability in managing the instruction, students’ activities, students’ responses, and students’ motivation at the teaching of mathematics by applying metaphor. The result of the research shows that: 1 The average score of the students’ outcome of mathematics at grade seven of SMP Negeri 1 Poli Polia Kolaka after the teaching of mathematics by applying metaphor was on the enough level category but achieved the criteria of success more than 80, 2 The teachers’ achievement in managing the instruction was good, 3 The students’ activities from all aspects that were investigated were in good category, 4 In general the students had good and positive responses, 5 The students’ motivation in following the instruction of mathematics by applying metaphor were in good category, 6 The teaching of mathematics on the theme of set was effective with the applying of metaphor. Keywords: metaphor, learning outcome, student’s activities, teacher’s ability, motivation

1. Pendahuluan

Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi pada saat ini sangat pesat, demikian juga dengan perkembangan pendidikan. Pendidikan adalah tempat dan dasar awal dikembangkannya keterampilan, berpikir, dan bernalar bagi para siswa. Kenyataan di lapangan, terutama di SMP Negeri 1 Poli-polia Kolaka, sekolah tersebut cukup jauh dari perkotaan sebagai pusat pengembangan informasi dan pendidikan, sudah barang tentu siswa yang berada di wilayah ini memiliki karakteristik cara belajar yang berbeda, cara belajar yang tidak terlalu bisa dipaksakan. Hal ini terbukti dengan rendahnya Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal KKM untuk mata pelajaran matematika yaitu berada antara 55 sampai 60 saja, sedangkan rata-rata ketiga aspek nilai matematika siswa kelas VII hanya 61,20 data Bagian Urusan