Review of Related Studies Theoretical Framework

discussion that needs a process of opinion surveying, image building, and also brainstorming. The fourth alternative resolution will be arbitration. Arbitration resolution plays a role when both parties do not find a resolution to solve their problems. Therefore, the both parties choose the third party to make the decision. The last alternative is judicial process. This is a step when all the alternative resolutions cannot give any resolution for conflicts. It is done based on the social norms, the legal or non-legal laws and the procedures to resolve the conflicts. The third party of this judicial process is known as court.

B. Review of Related Studies

In this part, the writer presents a previous study related to The Boleyn Inheritance. Mostly, people know that King Henry VIII has eight queens. Cristinab studies that King Henry VIII only has six queens and not all of them are beheaded. Only two of them are beheaded; they are Anne Boleyn and Katherine Howard. Cristinab finds out that Katherine of Aragon is sent by King Henry to exile because the king falls in love with Anne Boleyn. Anne Boleyn, the second queen is beheaded. She is accused of adultery with some men by King Henry. The third queen is Jane Seymour. This queen passes away after she gives birth to a baby. The fourth queen is Anne of Cleves. The king divorces Anne and accuses her for a witchcraft that unmanned him. Luckily, the king only sends her to exile. The fifth queen is Katherine Howard; she is beheaded because of adultery. The last queen is Catherine Parr; she accompanies King Henry VIII until he dies. This study investigates only the fourth queen of England, Anne of Cleves. This study will reveal Anne’s personality traits, her conflicts that are seen in the story and also the influence of her personality traits in resolving her conflicts. This study will investigate not only intrapersonal but also interpersonal conflicts.

C. Theoretical Framework

For this study, the writer presents many theories that are related to the problems formulations. The discussion of the first problem will apply the theory of character and characterization. With these theories, the writer has clues on how to reveal someone’s characteristics. To discover Anne’s role, function and prominence in the novel, the writer uses the theory of character from Foster, Henkle, Holman and Harmon. The writer also uses the theory from Murphy and Barnet as the base method of characterization. By using the methods of characterization, the writer can analyze and understand Anne’s personality traits deeper. This study will also be related to Freud’s theory about the structure of personality. He proposes three ideas; id, ego and super ego. Based on this theory, the writer will find out about what structure of personality that influences Anne’s personality traits. The writer also uses Paul Costa and Robert McCrae’s theory. They propose five basic personality traits. They are openness to experience, consciousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. Based on this theory, the writer will find out about Anne’s basic personality. The second problem will be analyzed by using the theory of conflict. This study uses four kinds of conflict theories. The first theory is the types of conflict. The writer uses one theory in this part. It comes from Worchel and Cooper 460- 464. They divide the types of conflict into two; they are intrapersonal and interpersonal conflicts. With this theory, the writer will find out about the types of conflicts that are faced by Anne in the story. The writer also includes the causes of conflict as the second theory of conflict. This theory is included as base information about the causes of conflict. In this part, the writer uses Isenhart and Spangle 14-15 theory. They state seven common causes of conflicts. Those are data, interest, procedures, values, relationship, roles, and communication. Based on this theory, the writer tries to find out about the causes of Anne’s conflicts in the story. The next part is the style of people in approaching conflict. For this study, the writer also uses Isenhart’s and Spangle’s theory about the common ways on how someone approaches a conflict. There are five ways of approaching a conflict. They are avoiding style, accommodation style, comprising style, competitive style, and the last is collaborative style Isenhart and Spangle 26-27. The writer includes this theory because it is important to know Anne’s style in resolving her conflicts in the novel. The last problem will be analyzed using the theory of conflict resolution. In this part, the writer uses the theory that is proposed by Alder and Towne 376- 380 about the manners of conflict resolution, they are win-lose, lose-lose, and the last is win-win solution. Furthermore, the writer includes Isenhart and Spangle’s 45-152 theory about the alternative resolutions in solving interpersonal conflicts. There are five alternative resolutions; they are negotiation, mediation, facilitation, PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI arbitration, and judicial process. The last theory is the theory proposed by Worchel and Cooper 460-464 about facing intrapersonal conflict. By applying these theories, the writer will find out about the clue on how Anne faces her conflicts. These theories are important to reveal Anne’s decisions to solve her conflicts in the novel.


In this chapter, there are three points to be discussed. The first is the object of the study, the second is the approach of the study, and the last point is the method of the study. The first point is the object of the study. It includes the object of the study description and brief explanation about the work in general. The next discussion is the approach of the study. It explains about the approach which is used in conducting the research. The last discussion will be the method of the study. It explains about the steps which are taken by the writer in conducting this research, from reading up to reporting the findings.

A. Object of the Study

The object of this study is a novel entitled The Boleyn Inheritance written by Philippa Gregory. This novel was first published in 2006. It is a direct sequel to Gregory’s previous novel The Other Boleyn Girl. The Boleyn Inheritance tells about three women who share the same fate; the Boleyn inheritance. Boleyn itself is the name of the royal family in England. The story covers a period from 1539 until 1542. It tells the chronicles of the fourth and the fifth marriages of King Henry VIII. This novel consists of 566 pages. This story is spoken through the point of view of three women. It is divided into 109 chapters. There are 39 chapters of Jane Boleyn, 36 chapters of Anne, and 34 chapters of Katherine. 27 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI