Anne Versus King Henry VIII

c. Anne Versus King Henry VIII

Conflicts between Anne and King Henry VIII are caused by interest and miscommunication. It is called pseudo conflict because it is triggered by misunderstanding between individuals. In this case, Anne also faces a simple conflict with King Henry VIII because King Henry forces his own interest to Anne. The conflict starts when Anne rejects the King who is in undercover as an ordinary man. Anne spits his kisses in front of people. The king cannot like a woman who spits his kisses, he cannot accept that. The king finally marries to Anne but he cannot bed a woman who rejects him. Whatever and however Anne does to please the king, only misunderstanding occurs between them. Indeed, the King falls in love with another young woman. After that, their relationship gets worse. Knowing that fact, Anne knows that she will be accused of witchcraft. She knows that there will be no process of justice in this court. She can neither run nor give any evidence to defend herself. It can be seen from the conversation between Anne and Princess Mary, the King’s daughter. “I am Queen of England,” I say. ”they cannot accuse me of witchcraft.” She turns to face me for the first time. “That won’t save you,” she says. “It didn’t save Anne Boleyn. They accused her of witchcraft and they found the evidence and they found her guilty. She was as much queen as you.” “What do you think I should do?” “Get away,” she says.” Get away before he comes to you.” 274 By listening Princess Mary’s advice, Anne decides to run from England. She sends her ambassador, Mr Harst to hire some horses and boats. Unfortunately, everything is not going according to plan. Anne is captured by her own husband, King Henry VIII. He forces Anne to sign a paper that proves Anne is not free to marry. Anne knows that she is free to marry the King and all the statements are lies. At first, Anne is in doubt whether to sign the paper or not. If she signs the paper, she agrees that she is not free to marry. As a result, there is no one will marry her again in the future. She will be lonely forever. If she disagrees to sign, she will be killed by her own husband, King Henry VIII. In this case, Anne faces the negotiation alternative resolution in resolving her conflict with the king. It can be seen from the conversation between Jane Boleyn and Anne in page 311-312. Jane Boleyn, who has been working in Court for a long time, knows well the king’s characteristics. She warns Anne to accept any terms that the king offers to her. The king gives her a fair term if she does what the king’s demand; sign the paper of precontracted statement. Otherwise, he will kill her if she does not sign. To solve this problem, Anne uses accommodation style. She sacrifices her throne, her duty as a queen, her dignity, her future and her dream. In page 316, Anne admits that she is precontracted and she must apologize for that. This is a hard sentence for me. I am a young woman only twenty-five. I have done nothing wrong. And yet I shall to be alone forever: undesirable, lonely, and in exile. 318 Since Anne is a smart woman, she knows enough that the King is a selfish person. He is a kind of a man who lets his wives die in exile or beheaded by his command. Knowing that fact, Anne accepts the King’s demands. She knows that she must take any chances to survive from this dangerous man. She takes the chance to live alone, a virgin without a husband in the future. She decides to use lose-win solution which put her to exile and lonely life. She let the King does what he wants to do, marry Katherine Howard. She tries to forget her glorious future as a Queen of England. Because Anne is the side who does not feel satisfied with the resolution, she faces lose-win solution.

d. Anne Versus False Witnesses