The Influence of Anne’s Personality Traits in Resolving Conflicts

C. The Influence of Anne’s Personality Traits in Resolving Conflicts

In this part, the writer will analyze the influence of Anne’s personality in resolving her conflicts, both intrapersonal and interpersonal conflicts. According to Halonen and Santrock 373, traits are the fundamental building blocks of human personality. Therefore, this study discuses the influence of Anne’s traits in resolving her conflicts. These traits are the combination that forms Anne’s personality. There are eight personality traits found in Anne through the analysis; they are responsible, calm, smart, kind hearted, caring, brave, self-reliant, and optimistic. These traits influence Anne’s decisions to resolve her conflicts. In addition, this part will analyze not only on how Anne’s personality traits influence her to resolve her conflict but also how these traits influence her behaviours in facing all the conflicts. The first trait of Anne is responsible. Anne is a responsible woman. This trait can be seen through her actions. A responsible person tends to face the reality. She does his duty no matter what it costs. She never escapes from duty. She will finish what she has started. In this novel, Anne does the same things. Although she knows that being a queen is not free, extremely difficult, many rules and must marry someone she never meets before, she does not escape. On page 124, when one of the lady-in-waiting tries to help her to escape the marriage with the king, she never escapes from the marriage. She does her duty as a queen. Next, when King Henry dumps her, she tries to be a good princess of England. In exile, she keeps a good relation with her ex-royal children. She does her best to fulfil her place as the royal princess of England. It can be seen through her minds. I am quite without a fault, and yet I am thrown down. What I must see if I can do is to be a good Princess of England where once I planned to be a good queen. 371 From her actions and decisions, it can be concluded that Anne’s responsible trait influences her much in choosing decisions and actions to be a good queen and a good princess of England. She tries to be responsible as a queen. When the things are not going according to plan, she tries to fulfil her position as a good royal princess. The second trait of Anne is calm. This trait influences Anne’s behaviour in resolving her conflict with the King. A calm person tends to be never panic and never rush in facing any conflict. When the king falls in love with Katherine Howard and tries to deny the marriage, Anne is in a big trouble. At that time, Anne knows that the king will please himself no matter what it costs. She also knows the fact that the king can behead her whenever he wants with the accusation of witchcraft. Although Anne is frightened by this terror, she tries to be calm. She keeps her dignity as a queen. It can be proven from her actions toward the conflicts. Anne’s calmness influences her actions in resolving the conflicts. Anne knows that she must keep calm in order to survive this conflict. If Anne makes much noise about the King’s affair, she must be in greater danger. Although she does not know what trick that the king wants to conduct in order to get rid of her, she faces it with calmness. It can be seen in Jane Boleyn’s opinion about Anne below. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI …..She has spoken to Princess Mary and knows that the king can destroy a blameless wife by sending her far away from court…she knows that ahead of her there must be shame and divorce at the least, execution at worst…She must be sick to her belly with terror but her hands on the front of the box are gently clasped and do not even tremble. 264-265 Fortunately, the king only divorces Anne. He does not kill Anne. He regards Anne as his royal sister because Anne does what he wants; signs the paper. The king gives Anne two options; she can go back to Cleves or live in England. Anne’s decision to do the king’s demands can be seen through her mind. I have written to say that I agree with the findings of the inquiry…I have admitted that I was precontracted, and not free to marry…I can stay in England at the king’s unreliable favour, while he marries the little girl who was my maid-in-waiting….or I can go home penniless to live with my brother, who spite and negligence have brought me to this. 316 By comparing all the consequences she may face, finally, she chooses to stay in England even though there is no man will marry her in the future. I don’t know how I shall live here…I cannot go home to my brother…and say that the King of England has put me aside…preferring a pretty girl… to me. I cannot go home and face this shame…So I shall stay here. I cannot go to France or to Spain or to a house of my own somewhere in Germany. I have no money o buy such a place. I cannot hope for another husband to offer me a home either. 317 According to Anne’s thought above, she knows that if she goes back to Cleves, she can see her family again. Unfortunately, she will live in shame for the whole life. Her brother will rule her again. Her past life as an unwanted daughter and sister will haunt her for the rest of her life, no more freedom. On the other hand, if she chooses to live in England, then she can live at a beautiful palace. The bad thing is she will live under the unreliable favour of the King. The King can put Anne to danger anytime. In this case, smart trait influences Anne’s decision to PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI stay in England. A smart person tends to see all the consequences of every action and decision. He or she is very careful in choosing the way to resolve problems. This trait leads someone to see the opportunity in a conflict. Anne always wants to be a free woman. In Cleves, she will never be a free woman. Therefore, whatever the danger is, as long as she can be a free woman, she will take that chance. She twists her unlucky condition into an opportunity to get freedom. Furthermore, Anne is a kind hearted and caring woman. These traits influence Anne’s behaviour in social life. At the beginning, Anne has no friends in England. Anne wants to be a good queen and a good mother. As a mother to royal children, Anne wishes to gather all the stepchildren beside her and guides them for good. Although Anne is only a stepmother, she wants all the royal children fix their relationships with their father, King Henry VIII, especially Princess Mary and Lady Elizabeth. Later on, Anne builds a good relationship and true friendship with Princess Mary. She is a trusted advocate to the Lady Elizabeth. She is also a regular visitor to Prince Edward. In short, Anne is a beloved mother and a true friend to the royal children. This relationship helps Anne in resolving her conflict with the King. In other words, kind hearted and caring traits indirectly help Anne in resolving her conflict. Kind hearted and caring person tends to love and care about someone else. He or she never does bad things to make a fortune for him or herself. Anne treats Princess Mary as her sister and friend. She also trusts Princess Mary very much. That is why Princess Mary helps Anne. When Anne is accused of witchcraft, Princess Mary advises her to runaway before the king gets her and punishes her. Later on, Anne takes all of her advices to face the King because the princess knows well about her father’s attitude. “…..queen or beggar, if the king wants you dead, he just has to order it now. He does not even have to sign the warrant for an execution, he only has to use a seal”…I find I am clenching my jaw to stop my teeth from chattering.” What do you thing I should do?”….”Get away,” she says. “Get away before he comes for you.” 275 After talking to Princess Mary, Anne asks her ambassador to buy or hire horses in order to escape when the situation is getting worst. Unfortunately, she cannot go anywhere because she is in guards every time. Anne’s action to trust Princess Mary’s advices indicates that she has a close and true friendship. It can be assumed that kind hearted and caring personality traits indirectly influence Anne to trust someone. This trust leads her to make a decision, to get away from the King. Anne is also a brave woman. This trait influences Anne to stay at her palace rather than get closer to the king and attract a constant envy. She takes all the risks for that decision. She refuses to live in fear even though she is always surrounded by dangers. Anne is in a difficult situation. She is being watched by many men, especially the king. Anne knows that she can be put in danger anytime if someone says words against her. Nevertheless, she refuses to live in fear. It can be seen through her thought about her decision. I shall stay free of the frightened flock that is the court, I shall be alone like a gyrfalcon, solitary in the arching silence of the sky. I have reason to be fearful, but I will not live in fear. I shall take my chance. I shall have this summer to myself. 450 Further analysis will be self-reliant. This trait influences Anne’s decisions to resolve her conflicts with her brother and King Henry VIII. A self-reliant person loves freedom. He or she does not like to be ruled by other. The same thing goes to Anne. She does not like to be ruled by other people. She loves freedom. In Cleves, she is served by her brother’s rules. That is why Anne really wants to go to England in order to get her freedom as Anne herself. She wants to be a new Anne, not as an unwanted daughter and sister of Cleves. Anne’s self- reliant trait evokes conflicts with her family. When King Henry dumps her and marries to another young woman, Anne decides to live alone in England. Anne’s self-reliant trait influences her decision to live alone in England. Even though she will face a lonely life for the rest of her life, as long as she can be a free woman, she takes that chance. She lives at a beautiful palace. Finally, she gets a life that she always wants to have from a long time, a life with no command from others. …..I have never in my life before been Anne of Cleves, Anne by myself, not a sister, not a daughter, not a wife, but Anne: pleasing myself. I swore if I was spared death, then I would live my life, my own life, not a life commanded by others…I can become myself, I can be: me. 335 The next analysis will be the influence of optimistic trait. Optimistic trait influences Anne when she faces a bad condition after she is divorced by the king. Anne is totally alone in England. There is no man will marry her again in the future. She will face an exile and a lonely life forever. Fortunately, Anne is an optimist woman. An optimist person always thinks positively about her conditions. While another woman feels incomplete and frightens to live alone for the whole life, Anne faces this situation as the opportunity to get her freedom as a free woman. This trait makes her stronger to face anything that will come to her. It can be seen through her minds in pages 50-51 and 371. Anne believes that she will find happiness in her life through this condition.


The last chapter of this study consists of two major parts. The first part is about the conclusion of the study based on the analysis in previous chapter. It is done in order to draw all the answers of problem formulations. The second part is about the suggestions for further researchers. It also provides the implementation of the novel in teaching-learning activity.

A. Conclusions

According to the analysis on the previous chapter, there are three major points that can be concluded in this study. The first conclusion is about Anne’s personality traits using Murphy’s and Barnet’s methods of characterization. It is followed by the structure of personality that influences Anne’s personality traits using Freud’s theory. This study also gives conclusions about Anne’s basic personality based on the theory that is proposed by Costa and McRae. The second conclusion is about Anne’s conflicts in the novel, both intrapersonal and interpersonal conflicts. The last point will be the influence of Anne’s personality traits in resolving her conflicts. The study shows that Anne is a major character. It can be seen through her role in the novel because the story is spoken through her voice. Anne is a round character because she shows some changes in her attitude and represents personality traits. She is also a protagonist character because she can build the reader’s sympathy through her conditions and conflicts. 64 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI