Approach of the Study Method of the Study

In this novel, Philippa Gregory voices her story through the voices of three women; Anne of Cleves, Jane Boleyn and Katherine Howard. Anne runs from her family and tries to find her own life in a new country to be the queen of England, the fourth queen of England. The second main character is Jane Rochford, also known as Jane Boleyn, a woman who serves the queen of England once. She sends her husband and sister in law to their death because of her witness. She is seeking the opportunity to serve the queen again. The last main character is Katherine Howard, a beautiful girl who loves to party and loves to flirt handsome men. She is also seeking the opportunity to serve the queen. She wants to live at court. For this study, the writer focuses on analyzing Anne’s personality traits and her conflicts. The writer chooses Anne to be analyzed because she is one of the major characters that faces many complicated conflicts in the story. In this novel, Gregory creates Anne’s character based on the true history of England. Anne of Cleves, the fourth queen of England who survives from the threat of death that is caused by her own husband, King Henry VIII. In this novel, Gregory creates a fearful, evil, treacherous, dangerous and luxurious atmosphere at England court. She gives a sense of wickedness in her story and describes England’s history in attractive way.

B. Approach of the Study

This study analyzes Anne’s personality traits and conflicts. Since this study deals with personality and conflict, the writer prefers to use psychological approach. According to Rohrberger and Woods 6-15, psychological approach involves the theories of psychology as the references to analyse the characters in the story. It is aimed to discover the pattern of human personality and behaviour. By using the psychological approach, the character’s thought, personality and behaviour can be analysed further. In analyzing someone’s characters, this approach allows the writer to discover the personality through Anne’s actions, behaviours, minds, thoughts, and appearance. For that reason, psychological approach is applied in this study. Since every person has his own personality, objective, priority, and belief, there must be differences emerge between people. Therefore, it may cause a conflict. When a character has a relationship with other characters, it also can trigger a conflict. For that reason, psychological approach is applied to discover the conflicts faced by Anne in the story. This study also uses the psychological approach to find out about the resolutions to solve the conflicts.

C. Method of the Study

The method of this study was library research. The writer used books and references to support the analysis. The primary source of this thesis was the novel written by Phillipa Gregory entitled The Boleyn Inheritance. The other sources were theories related to the study. Those theories are the theory of psychological approach, the theory of character and characterizations, the theory of personality, and also the theory of conflict. In conducting this study, the writer took some steps. The first step was reading the novel many times to have a better understanding about the story. After that, the writer wrote down all the general findings through the story and made decision which part would be discussed. After reading the novel many times, the writer reread the novel and started to underline the important things such as statements, events, behaviours, reactions and conversations. Furthermore, the second step was formulating the problems of the study. In this part, the writer chose some problems to be discussed in this thesis. The writer was interested in discussing the personality traits of Anne, the conflicts that were faced by her, and the influence of her personality traits in resolving her conflicts in the story. The next step was finding any sources that were related to the study. These sources were important in order to support the analysis of the study. The writer tried to find out the books that contains of character and characterization theories, conflicts and resolution theories, psychological approach theories, psychology theories that were related to characters and personality. The writer did not only use books but also use internet as the sources of theories. After the theories were collected, the writer moved on to the next step. The fourth step was analyzing the novel based on the problem formulation. There were three aspects analyzed in this study, they were Anne’s personality traits, Anne’s conflicts, and the influence of Anne’s personality traits in resolving her conflicts. By applying the theories, the writer could analyze deeper about Anne’s personality traits and her conflicts in the story. The last step was drawing the conclusions. It was done after the writer doing the library research, formulating the problems, finding the data and the theories, analyzing the data and applying the theories. The writer drew conclusions as the result of the analysis to answer the problem formulations in this study. The writer also gave suggestions for English teacher and future researchers.