Types of Conflict Theory of Conflict

contrast, a person who low in neuroticism is emotionally stable. He or she tends to be calm, easy going, relaxed, and even-tempered.

4. Theory of Conflict

Human life is never free from conflict. Holman and Harmon say “conflict as the struggle that grows out of the interplay of the two opposing forces in the plot” 107. It means that conflict happens between two oppositions like man against man, man against nature, man against fate, man against society, or perhaps man against his personality. Another definition comes from Jones and Gerard. They say “a conflict is a state that requires the person when he is motivated to make two or more mutual incompatible actions” qtd. in Worchel and Cooper 460. It means that a person will face a conflict when he cannot do two or more actions in the same time. As a result, he must choose one way and accept the consequences. In this part, there are four sub parts that will be explained in conflicts theory, they are types of conflict, causes of conflict, style of people in approaching conflict, and the last is resolution of conflict.

a. Types of Conflict

There are some types of conflicts. Stanton 16 proposes two types of conflicts. They are internal and external conflicts. An internal conflict means a conflict that comes from the character himself, whether he has a problem in his thought, mind or in his belief. In contrast, external conflict is the obstacle that comes from the outside. It can be a conflict with other human being, society, nature, even social belief and tradition. In addition, Worchel and Cooper 460-464 also determine two types of conflict. They propose intrapersonal and interpersonal conflicts. An intrapersonal conflict means a conflict that an individual experiences when he or she makes a decision between two or more alternatives. In making decision, a person finds difficulties to decide the right choice. Therefore, there are four kinds of conflict that can be found in intrapersonal conflict. They are approach-approach, avoidance-avoidance, approach-avoidance, and double-approach-avoidance conflicts. An approach-approach conflict appears when a person can choose only one action between two positive goals because he only can reach one goal. The next is avoidance-avoidance conflict. It appears when an individual must choose one between two unattractive goals. Furthermore, an approach-avoidance conflict occurs when a person faces only one goal that has both positive and negative sides. As a result, he or she is full of doubt in choosing his or her goal. The last is double approach-avoidance conflict. This conflict has two goals that all of the choices have positive and negative sides. Based on the description above, we know that intrapersonal conflict deals with human minds and doubts. On the other hand, interpersonal conflict means a conflict which deals with two or more people when they are involved in achieving incompatible goals. According to Beebe and Redman 297-300, interpersonal conflict can be divided into three types; they are pseudo conflict, simple conflict PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI and ego conflicts. The first is pseudo conflict. This conflict occurs because of the lack of understanding between individuals or parties. Next, simple conflict happens because of the differences on definitions, ideas, goals, and perceptions between individuals. While simple and pseudo conflicts are caused by lack of understanding and differences with others, ego conflict appears when personal differences occur to each individual in a group.

b. Causes of Conflict