Anne Versus False Witnesses

King does what he wants to do, marry Katherine Howard. She tries to forget her glorious future as a Queen of England. Because Anne is the side who does not feel satisfied with the resolution, she faces lose-win solution.

d. Anne Versus False Witnesses

This conflict emerges when some people accuse Anne for witchcraft which is unmanned the king. It is done by the king’s command. Mostly, all the people who give their evidence are the people who close to Anne when she is still at court like Jane Boleyn, Katherine Howard, and some men who greet and promise their loyalty. Anne faces a simple conflict because she has problem with people who have different goals and ideas. Anne never wants to trouble another people for her own needs. Unfortunately, people around her are different. They accuse her to save their own life. They lick the king in order to make fortunes for themselves. This fact can be seen through Jane Boleyn statement about giving evidence. The king’s agents at the court of the queen are Lady Rutland, Catherine Edgecombe, and me. When she is arrested, we three will give evidence against her. Thus will we be safe. At least we three will be safe. 294 Katherine Howard, a young girl who is Anne’s maid-in waiting also gives evidence against her. It can be seen from her thought about Anne. I am sorry now that I signed a piece of paper to bear witness against her. I realized now how very unpleasant it is to be doubted. 491 In facing the conflict, Anne uses accommodation style. She agrees with all the inquiries that are given by king’s agents to survive this horrible situation. It is called win-lose solution. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

C. The Influence of Anne’s Personality Traits in Resolving Conflicts

In this part, the writer will analyze the influence of Anne’s personality in resolving her conflicts, both intrapersonal and interpersonal conflicts. According to Halonen and Santrock 373, traits are the fundamental building blocks of human personality. Therefore, this study discuses the influence of Anne’s traits in resolving her conflicts. These traits are the combination that forms Anne’s personality. There are eight personality traits found in Anne through the analysis; they are responsible, calm, smart, kind hearted, caring, brave, self-reliant, and optimistic. These traits influence Anne’s decisions to resolve her conflicts. In addition, this part will analyze not only on how Anne’s personality traits influence her to resolve her conflict but also how these traits influence her behaviours in facing all the conflicts. The first trait of Anne is responsible. Anne is a responsible woman. This trait can be seen through her actions. A responsible person tends to face the reality. She does his duty no matter what it costs. She never escapes from duty. She will finish what she has started. In this novel, Anne does the same things. Although she knows that being a queen is not free, extremely difficult, many rules and must marry someone she never meets before, she does not escape. On page 124, when one of the lady-in-waiting tries to help her to escape the marriage with the king, she never escapes from the marriage. She does her duty as a queen. Next, when King Henry dumps her, she tries to be a good princess of England. In exile, she keeps a good relation with her ex-royal children. She does her best to fulfil her place as the royal princess of England. It can be seen through her minds.