Optimistic Anne’s Personality Traits in The Boleyn Inheritance

7. Optimistic

Anne faces many difficult situations, choices and conditions. However, she is always optimist in facing her conflicts. When Anne comes to Calais for the first time, there are many people come to meet and greet her. Anne is treated as a queen already. Basically, a queen is always surrounded by people. In Calais, she is always surrounded by maid and lady-in-waiting who will accompany her to the king’s palace in England. However, Anne feels overwhelmed and exhausted with never ending introduction of people. She is not accustomed to talk or show herself in public. Indeed, Anne knows that a queen must behave politely and queenly. Fortunately, Anne has great optimism to be a good queen for England even though she has no experiences on how to be a queen who rules a big country. According to Murphy 171-172, characterization can be seen through character’s thoughts or minds. Gregory shares Anne’s optimistic point of view through her thoughts about what she must do as a queen of England. I must do this. I know I can do this; I know I can be queen of England and a good queen as well. I will learn their language; already I can understand most of what is said to me, though I stumble over speech….I shall learn to be elegant, I shall learn to be pleasing, I shall learn to be a queen. I shall certainly learn to meet a hundred people without sweating for fear. 50-51 When the King denies their marriage and put Anne aside, Anne refuses to give up. Although she is not a queen anymore, she keeps her gracefulness as a royal princess of England. She does not surrender with her condition. She tries to do the best she can to fulfil the new position. It can be seen through her thought below. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI I so need confidence. I have been a duchess and the Queen of England, and now I am a sort of princess. I must learn courage to be myself, Anne of Cleves and enter the court, and my new position in it, with grace. …. What I must see if I can do is to be a good Princess of England where once I planned to be a good queen 371. According to Oxford Advance Learners Dictionary, optimistic means expecting the best in all possibilities 928. The same thing goes to Anne. She has an optimistic point of view. It leads her to think positively about her conditions. Based on Freud’s theory, Anne’s optimism is influenced by superego. Although the situation put Anne to an exile and a lonely life, she always keeps her spirit up and does her duty to England. She is put aside by her own husband, but she keeps her conscious to be a good princess for England. She always thinks positively about her condition.

B. Conflicts Faced by Anne in The Boleyn Inheritance