Religious Condition General Environment of the Characters

When we come out of the temple, my mother says, “Did you feel something weird in there?” My mother has no patience with ghosts, prophetic dreams, holy men, and cults. It shows that she recovers from the grief by starting the positive way. Besides, she comes to a tiny Himalayan village to worship to the god of a tribe of animists.

b. Mental Condition

In this part, it begins when Bhave desperates because of losing her family. She remembers the memory in her mind about her family. Mukherjee‟s TMoG 1988: 179 stated that “They remind me of when my sons were small, on Mother‟s Day or when Vikram and I were tired, and they would make big, sloppy omelets. I woul d lie in bed pretending I didn‟t hear them.” It shows that she attempts to face a conflict in her mind about the memory. The sadness that Bhave wants to show is when Judith visits her to ask her help and says Bhave is the strongest person of all. Actually, Bhave attempts to show her true feelings. Mukherjee‟s TMoG 1988: 183 said that “But you are coping very well. All the people said, Mrs. Bhave is the strongest person of all. Perhaps if the others could see you, talk with you, it would help them.” “By the standards of the people you call hysterical, I am behaving very oddly and very badly, Miss Templeton.” I want to say to her, I wish I could scream, starve, walk into Lake Ontario, jump from a bridge. “They would not see me as a model. I do not see mysel f as a model.” From the above quotation, it shows that there are some parts showing the sense of humanity. It is when Judith Templeton, as an appointee of the provincial government, comes to meet Bhave. She asks to Bhave‟s help to have a communication with people who also grieve. This part begins when Bhave is in India. She comes to her family in India. In India, Bhave gets some powers and supports from their family and friends. Mukherjee‟s TMoG 1988: 189 said that “In India, I become, once again, an only child of rich, ailing parents. Old friends of the family come to pay their respects. Some are Sikh, and inwardly, involuntarily, I cringe. My parents are progressive people; they do not blame communities for a few individuals. ” In that place, she also learns that she does not need to blame the communities involved in the accident because it is a fate and individuals who involved in the problem. Her family and friends respect to her in facing her grief. It makes her have power to reconstruct her life. c. Moral Condition Another case makes Bhave strong is when she has to meet families to help Judith in delivering her purposes. Bhave as Judith‟s translator speaks carefully to them, so that they do not feel sad remembering their families. Mukherjee‟s TMoG 1988: 193 said that We converse a bit in Hindi. they do not ask about the crash and I wonder if should bring it up. If they think I am here merely as a translator, then they may feel insulted. There are thousands of Punjabi-speakers, Sikhs, in Toronto to do a better job. And so I say to the old lady, “I too have lost my sons, and my husband, in the crash. In this condition, Judith who has her own purpose does not understand what they feel. She does not want to understand their condition because they do not want to sign a paper she brings. It causes Bhave leaves her and stop to talk to her. Mukherjee‟s TMoG 1988: 195 said that “I am looking out the window. I want to say, In our culture, it is a parent’s duty to hope.” PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Bhave is one of people who lost her family, two sons and husband, in the terrorist bombing of an Air India Flight. She faces the grief with another people who have the same condition. There are many people from different culture, faith, and religion. Facing the grief, Bhave gets some power to pass the condition. It is when the Irish come to give her hugs. It is on the streets of Toronto. The Irish give Bhave a hug and carry flowers to Indian they meet. It mentioned that “The Irish are not shy; they rush to me and give me hugs and some are crying. I cannot imagine reactions like that on the streets of Toronto. Just strangers, and I am touched. Some carry flowers with them and give them to any Indian they see.” Mukherjee‟s TMoG, 1988: 187. From the quote, it pictures that the Irish does not think the different religion, culture, or nation they should give their empathy and care. It is how the sense of humanity works. There is no diversity to help people and give the simpathy and empathy for their grief. It shows the sense of humanity is reflected by Irish. After facing that condition, Bhave begins her new life in a new country to complete what her family and herself have started as her husband says. Bhave realizes that her husband and sons do not return even though she wait, listen, and pray. Then, she considers that it is as a sign. It is a time in beginning her new life to accept the fate. As Mukherjee‟s TMoG 1988: 196 said that “I wait, I listen, and I pray, but Vikram has not returned to me. The voices and the shapes and the nights filled with visions ended abruptly several weeks ago.” Besides, she makes a change in her new life to face and support people in reconstructing their life after grieving. Mukherjee‟s TMoG 1988: 195-196 said that A wife and mother begins her new life in a new country, and that life is cut short. Yet her husband tells her: Complete what we have started. We who stayed out of politics and came halfway around the worlds to avoid religious and political feuding have been the first in the New World to die from it. I no longer know what we started, nor how to complete it. I write letters to the editors of local papers and to members of Parliament. Now at least they admit it was a bomb. One MP answers back, with sympathy, but with a challenge. You want to make a difference? Work on a campaign. Work on time. Politicize the Indian voters. In this condition, Bhave attempts to make a plane to her new life. Mukherjee‟s TMoG 1988: 196 said that “We are deep in the Toronto winter, gray skies, icy pavements. I stay indoors, watching television. I have tried to assess my situation, how best to live my life, to complete what we began so many years ago.” In this time, the writer attempts to show Bhave‟s hope in the future and try to build her new life from the grief. Bhave recovers her grief in sunny day when she is walking to her apartment.. She rebuild her life in Toronto. It is a place where she thinks about her new life and the plan to do in future. As Mukherjee‟s TMoG 1988: 196-197 said that One rare, beautiful, sunny day last week, returning from a small errand on Young Street, I was walking through the park from the subway to my apartment. I live equidistant from the Ontario Houses of Parliament and the University of Toronto. The day was not cold, but something in the bare trees caught my attention. I looked up from the gravel, into the branches and the clear blue sky beyond. I thought I heard the rustling of larger froms, and I waited a moment for voices. Nothing. Then, she attempts to support herself to continue her life facing the future. She finds a power to continue her life through feeling the nature. It is described in Mukherjee‟s TMoG 1988: 197 that “Then I stood in the path looking north to Queen‟s Park and west to the university, I heard the voices of my family one last time. Your time bas come, they said. Go be brave. In the end of the story, Bhave attempts to find the direction of her life which way she has to start her new life to complete what she began in many years ago. Mukherjee‟s TMoG 1988: 197 said that “I do not know where this voyage I have begun will end. I do not know which direction I will take.”

d. Social Condition

In this part, Judith asks Bhave to help families. She needs translator to visit them in order to offer them money with bank forms. It is because they have not paid their utility bills. Consequently, they will lose their places and all services if they cannot pay it or sign the papers that Judith brings. Bhave sees the condition inside of their buildings. One of people they visit is an elderly couple in Agincourt. They are in a danger of losing their place and all services they have. The social and political orders are kept in one case. The social part is the condition of the people is in the grief. The government attempts to give a help to them by distributing money. The political part is the way the government offering the help to the people. People have to sign legal documents they have prepared. As Mukherjee‟s TMoG 1988: 192-193 mentioned that