Immigrants Occupations and Daily Manner of Living of the Characters

Then, on the third day of the sixth month into this odyssey, in an abandoned temple in a tiny Himalayan village, as I make my offering of flowers and sweetmeats to the god of a tribe of animists, my husband descends to me. He is squatting next to a scrawny sadhu in moth-eaten robes. Vikram wears the vanilla suit he wore the last time I hugged him. The sadhu tosses petals on a butter-fed flame, reciting Sanskrit mantras and sweeps his face of flies. My husband takes my hands in his. After facing problems in her life, Bhave begins her new life. the quotation above shows that the time after Bhave attempts to recover herself from the grief, she gets the power after visiting the temple and believing in god of tribe. Besides, she can feel that her husband comes to meet her. This is the last time that Bhave can see her husband after the accident happened. The weather is not cold like the days she lost her family. Mukherjee ‟s TMoG 1988: 196-197 mentioned that One rare, beautiful, sunny day last week, returning from a small errand on Yonge Street, I was walking through the park from the subway to my apartment. I live equidistand from the Ontario Houses of Parliament and the University of Toronto. The day was not cold, but something in the bare trees caught my attention. I looked up from the gravel, into the branches and the clear blue sky beyond. I thought I heard the rustling of larger forms, and I waited a moment for voices. Nothing. From the above quotation, it shows that the time when Bhave begins her new life is a good day. It is different when she was in the grief. The time when she attempts to recover her sadness and grieving is beautiful and sunny day. This condition can influence Bhave to face the reality and continue her life after grieving. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

4. General Environment of the Characters

a. Religious Condition

Even though Templeton has offered a help, they still believe that God will provide what they need. Besides, they think signing the forms means that they sign their family‟s death. Even though they face some problems about economic and politic, they still respect the diversity and have a toleration. In that condition, they try to face the the problem. Besides, they face their grief. They still believe in God. They are not worried about losing their places and all services. Mukherjee ‟s TMoG 1988: 194 mentioned that “We are strong people,” says the wife. “Tell her that.” “Who needs all this machinery?”demands the husband. “It is unhealthy, the bright lights, the cold air on a hot day, the cold food, the four gas rings. God will provide, not government.” Kusum is one of them who also grieves. She remembers her swami said about fate. She realizes that the problem and the grief are a fate from the God. All of religions, cultures, or nations will die if it is fated. Mukherjee ‟s TMoG 1988: 184 mentioned that Kusum says that we can‟t escape our fate. She says that all those people– our husbands, my boys, her girl with the nightingle voice, all those Hindus, Christians, Sikhs, Muslims, Parsis, and atheists on that plane – were fated to die together off this beautiful bay. Those sentences attempt to explain that what they face and experience are fated by nature. People as human beings cannot escape from the fate, especially a death. Hearing the news and information about the accident, Kusum, who is a holy person, she tries to accept the fate that happens to them. Mukherjee ‟s TMoG 1988: 184 said that PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Kusum says that we can‟t escape our fate. She says that all those people– our husbands, my boys, her girl with the nightingale voice, all those Hindus, Christians, Sikhs, Muslims, Parsis, and atheists on that plane – were fated to die together off this beautiful bay. She learned this from a swam in Toronto. The above quotation show that all of people cannot escape from their fate. The fate does not come to a certain person. The fate comes to all of people without choosing which one race, religion, culture, or nation to be in a grief. In that place, they can meet people who have the same condition. They do not see the diversity. The thing what they need is having a relative. Besides, some of them rebuild their power facing the grief. The term of relative is mentioned in the story, it is when two widows and four widowers who have the same experience of loss spend their day in the hospital room and scan the photographs of the dead. Mukherjee ‟s TMoG 1988: 184 said that “Six of us “relatives”–two widows and four widowers– choose to spend the day today by the waters instead of sitting in a hospital room and scanning photographs of the dead. That‟s what they call us now: relatives.” By seeing that condition, Bhave and Kusum meet Dr. Ranganathan who is also in a grief, meet in a bay when Bhave and Kusum knee-deep in water to remind Bhave‟s son who likes swimming. Dr. Ranganathan comes to share his grief to them. The way Dr. Ranganathan remembers about his wife is bring roses. It is because his wife likes pink roses. This way is to show how he loves his wife and regret not to say before his wife died.