Approach of the Study

the general environment of the characters. Those elements help to understand how the social condition can be depicted. Therefore, the setting will be disclosed by applying the theory using the quotations from the short story as the main source of data. To depict the setting, the life timeline of the story is elaborated. This timeline will explain the contexts and events happened. Besides, it is to show the changing condition in the story depicting the problem and conflict. It will explain since the grief to the recovery of the characters.

1. Geographical Location

a. Bhave’s House

In the beginning of the short story, it depicts the condition in Bhave‟s house. There are some people who help Bhave to face the grief. Mukherjee ‟s The Management of Grief 1988: 179 mentioned that A woman I don‟t know is boiling tea the Indian way in my kitchen. There are a lot of women I don‟t know in my kitchen, whispering, and moving tactfully. They open doors, rummage through the pantry, and try not to ask me where things are kept. From the above quotation, it shows that people‟s conversation and activities occur in the kitchen. Besides, it depicts that there are not only people who lost their families, feel the grief, but also people around them grieving. There are a lot of women, the Sharmas and friends from Indo- Canada Society are in Bhave‟s house to help and accompany her to face the grief. The condition is chaos and panic. It is because there are people who tell about the terrorist bombing, and Bhave‟s and another people‟s condition. Besides, there is a woman, as Bhave‟s friend, named Kusum. Kusum is one of Bhave‟s friends. She lives across the street from Bhave‟s house. Mukherjee‟s MToG 1988: 181 said that “Kusum lives across the street from me. She and Satish had moved in less than a month ago. They said they needed a larger place .” In the grief, Bhave and Kusum face this condition together because they are neighborhood. Besides, they are also immigrants from the same country which is India.

b. A Bay in Ireland

A bay in Ireland is a place where Bhave and Kusum express their grief. Mukherjee ‟s TMoG 1988: 184 said that Four days later, I find Kusum squatting on a rock overlooking a bay in Ireland. It isn‟t a big rock, but it just sharply out over water. This is as close as we‟ll ever get to them. June breezes balloon out her sari and unpin her knee-length hair. She has the bewildered look of a sea creature whom the tides have stranded. From the above quotation, it shows that there is a rock in a bay where Kusum squats on it expressing her feeling. Bhave and Kusum choose to visit this place because they attempt to remember the accident which occured in a bay. It also pictures that in the grief the two women have a hope to find their relatives in the bay. Bhave and Kusum express their grief by ruining their sari in a bay, the place that the accident happened. Mukherjee‟s TMoG 1988: 185 said that Now I‟ve ruined my sari, one of my best. Kusum has joined me, knee-deep in the water that feels to me like a swimming pool. I could settle in the water, and my husband would take my hand and the boys would slap water in my face just to see me scream. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI