Legitimation The Aspects of Postmodernism in the Settings

her knee-length hair. She has the bewildered look of a sea creature whom the tides have stranded. Ireland is a place where Bhave and Kusum express their grief. Besides, a bay in Ireland here is a place where the accident happens. This place pictures the condition of people memorizing t heir families who had died. „A bay in Ireland‟ here as an object that induces feeling of grief of Kusum. It is because she memorizes her family who lost in the flight bombing in this place. It is because „a‟ bay express the idea of „the‟ bay, hence, it will be a sublime. In this case, Dr. Ranganathan, who lost his huge family, also expresses his feeling through the pink roses he brings. The pink roses reminds him to his wife who loves pink roses. When his wife is still alive, the pink roses he brings to her is to show his love. Mukherjee‟s TMoG 1988: 186 said that “My wife loved pink roses. Every Friday I had to bring a bunch home. I used to say, Why? After twenty odd years of marriage you‟re still needing proof positive of my love?” He has identified his wife and three of his children. Then others from the Montreal, the lucky ones, intact families with no survivors. Thus, when his wife died, he comes to the bay to bring the pink roses to show his love and grief of losing his wife. Besides, he also shows his grief to somebody‟s died. In this case, the sublime is shown by „squashed roses‟ picturing the idea of „the‟ roses. Mukherjee 1988: 186 said that “Dr. Ranganathan whips the pockets of his suit jacket inside out. Squashed roses, in darkening shades of pink, float on the water. He tore the roses off creepers in somebody‟s garden.” The quote shows that roses as an object to express people‟s feelings. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Another case that shows sublime is when Bhave comes to a temple in a tiny Himalayan village to workship. She feels her husband comes to her to support. Mukherjee‟s TMoG 1988: 190 said that Then, on the third day of the sixth month into this odyssey, in an abandoned temple in a tiny Himalayan village, as I make my offering of flowers and sweetness to the god of a tribe of animists, my husband descends to me. He is squatting next to a scrawny sadhu in moth-eaten robes. Vikram wears the vanilla suit he wore the last time I hugged him. The sadhu toses petals on a butter-fed flame, reciting Sanskrit mantras and sweeps his face of flies. My husband takes my hands in his. You’re beautiful, he starts. Then, What are you doing? Shall I saty? I ask. He only smiles, but already the image is fading. You must finish alone what we started together. No seaweed wreathes his mouth. He speaks too fast just as he used to when we were an envied family in our pink spilt-level. He is gone. It means what Bhave feels that her husband is coming, it comes from her mind. It is because the condition of Bhave is in a grief and she wants to see her husband and sons. As the result, she can feel the arrival of her husband even another people around her do not feel as she feels. In the end of the story, Bhave attempts to show the sublime through the place where she begins her new life and plans in the future. Mukherjee‟s TMoG 1988: 196-198 said that Then I stood in the path looking north to Queen‟s Park and west to the university, I heard the voices of my family one last time. Your time has come, they said. Go, be brave. I do not know where this voyage I have begun will end. I do not know which direction I will take. I dropped the package on a park bench and started walking. It expresses her feelings of fear to face the future with the new plan. She also still confuse to take which way she has to choose to begin her new life. 56


The Management of Grief is a short story about the social condition of the immigrants in Canada against the government in reconstructing their life after grieving. The story consists of the elements of the setting which are location, occupation and daily manner of the characters, time, and general environment. Those picture the social condition of the characters in which many conflicts happened, such as diversity, economical and political problems, and communication. By depicting the elements of setting in the story, it depicts the aspects of postmodernism. Through this basic position to probe the postmodern issue in the story, this undergraduate thesis attempts to show the aspects of postmodernism of the social condition which are depicted in The Management of Grief. By depicting the social condition of the story, this undergraduate thesis shows the different faith, culture, opinion, attitude, custom, and the way of thinking occuring in the society. The diversity shows that they involve language to interact and communicate in the society. Therefore, it pictures the way of their communication which is legitimation and sublime. In other words, the way of their communication in facing their grief and government rules represent the aspects of postmodernism which is language games. By analyzing the social condition through the elements of the setting, this undergraduate thesis concludes that the first is the elements of the setting show the social condition influences the characters‟ feeling, thought, and life. It is shown by the way they reconstruct their life and solve their economical problem after losing their family, such as selling their house, moving to another place, meeting their family in another place they live, or making a new plan to continue their life. Besides, social condition shows that people have different facts, such as faith, religion, culture, opinion, attitude, and custom by depicting the location, time, occupation and daily manner, and general environment. It is shown by Sheila Bhave, as an immigrant, faces her grief with Kusum, Dr. Ranganathan, and Irish in Ireland. They share their grief even though they are different in faith, culture, and nation. They support each other to face the problem. The social condition of the story shows that there is pluralism. The second is the social condition of the story depicts the aspects of postmodernism on the way how they face the grief and solve their problem by using language. Since they face their grief, they use Kantian sublime as the aspects of postmodernism to express their feeling. It is shown by Kusum who expresses her feeling of grief in a bay which is a place the accident happened. A bay for her is a place that appear her grief because she can remember her family who lost in the terrorist bombing. It also happens to Dr. Ranganathan who brings pink flowers as his wife loved. It proposes to remember his wife who lost in the accident. Besides, there is Bhave who also shows her grief in a temple in a tiny Himalayan village. She can hear that her husband supports her to continue her life. In seeing this condition, those cases show that