A Bay in Ireland

papers, the release forms. With a stroke of the pen, they will have a provincial trustee to pay their bills, invest their money, send them a monthly pension.” Even though Templeton has offered a help, they still believe that God will provide what they need. Besides, they think signing the forms means that they sign their family‟s death. Even though they face some problems about economic and politic, they still respect the diversity and have a toleration.

c. Immigrants

There is a woman as Bhave ‟s friend named Kusum. Kusum is one of Bhave‟s friends who has just moved, as immigrant, in Canada. She lives across the street from Bhave‟s house. When the news comes to them, Kusum has a tradition to celebrate her movement to the new house. Mukherjee ‟s TMoG 1988 : 181 said that “Kusum lives across the street from me. She and Satish had moved in less than a month ago. They said they needed a larger place. All these people, the Sharmas and friends from the Indo-Canada Society, had been there for the housewarming.” In this condition, Templeton comes to meet Bhave. Even though Bhave is in her grief, she is still polite to treat Judith as a guest. Mukherjee ‟s TMoG 1988: 182 mentioned that “She gives me time at least to put on tea water and pick up the mess in the front room. I have a few samosas from Kusum‟s housewarming that I could fry up, but then I think, Why prolong this visit?” Since Judith visits Bhave to tells the condition of people out there facing their grief, Bhave decides to help Judith anytime she wants to call. Judith will call Bhave again to ask her help after Bhave gets back from a long trip. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Mukherjee ‟s TMoG 1988: 184 said that “She asks me if she may call again, after I get back from a long trip that we all must make.” The quotation indicates that Bhave will have a long trip with another people who are in the grief. The trip they will have is in Ireland. In Ireland, they will try to find the information and story about the accident and their relatives. After passing their grief, they reconstruct their life. They have culture to execute. It is about marriage for the widows and widowers. Mukherjee ‟s TMoG 1988: 190 said that Already the widowers among us are being shown new bride candidates. They cannot resist the call of custom, the authority of their parents and older brothers. They must marry; it is the duty of a man to look after a wife. The new wives will be young widows with children, destitute but of good family. They will make loving wives, but the man will shun them. The quotation depicts the custom they have after being widows and widowers. They can not avoid the custom because the authority for executing the custom is in their parents and older brothers. In this case, a man has to look after a wife. It does not stop in that process because there are some processes they have to obey as the quote mentioned before. Besides, after they have buried their family, they will return to Canada with a new bride.