Theoretical Framework REVIEW OF LITERATURE

There were several steps taken in order to analyze and finish this study. The first step was close reading the primary source The Management of Grief by Baharati Mukherjee. As the primary source was read, studying the elements of the work raised the intention to study the elements deeper. The second step was making list of elements which included social condition, pluralism, and the way of communication. The third step was close reading the secondary sources in order to narrowing this study could be finished. By reading those, the topic was decided to this undergraduate thesis. This would dig more about social condition in Bharati Mukherjee‟s The Management of Grief and relate it with postmodernism. Problem formulations were made as the guidance for the analysis. Firstly, this undergraduate thesis discussed the depiction of setting. Secondly, this undergraduate thesis observed aspects of postmodernism in social condition ar e depicted in Bharati Mukherjee‟s The Management of Grief. Finally, after getting through all of the steps, the conclusion was drawn. 25


In this part of the study, the answers for the problem formulation are explained. This part is divided into two subchapters based on the answers of the problem formulation. The first subchapter elaborates the depiction of the setting. This subchapter consists of the setting representing the social condition in the short story towards the accident happening in their life by drawing their life timeline. The setting can be seen in the contexts the story happens. Understanding these help to make a pattern on how the social condition depicted in the story. The second subchapter deals with the aspects of postmodernism. This subchapter elaborates the conflicts happened through the social condition in detail, so that it can be used to reveal the aspects of postmodernism depicted in the social condition in Bharati Mukherjee‟s The Management of Grief.

A. The Depiction of the Setting in The Management of Grief

Before depicting the social condition of this short story which is stated by Abrams, this undergraduate thesis depicts the setting by using Harmon theory to show the specific setting before applying Abrams theory which mentions about social circumstances what this undergraduate thesis attempts to find out. It is because in social circumstances, there are some elements which are place, time, the occupations and daily manner of living of the characters, and