Emotional Condition General Environment of the Characters

In this case, Templeton and Bhave have used the language games in which Templeton as a se nder message, Bhave as an addressee, and Templeton‟s statement to ask Bhave to help her as the referent. Another statement that makes Bhave accepts Templeton‟s statement is “But you are coping very well. All the people said, Mrs. Bhave is the strongest person of all. Perhaps if the others could see you, talk with you, it would help them.” Mukherjee‟s TmoG, 1998: 183. That statement can affect Bhave‟s feeling. Even though, Bhave feels that she is not as strong as they think. She also needs to talk to another about her grief. In analyzing language games, there are two aspects using language to identify the problem in society. They are legitimation and sublime.

1. Legitimation

It is shown in The Management of Grief, Judith as an appointee of the provincial government comes to meet Bhave to ask a help in order to face the condition of people‟s grief directly. Besides, it fulfills her analyisis about the grief management. Judith needs Bhave‟s help to face people with their grief because Bhave has human touch and experience about the problem. It is the first process of legitimation to fulfill a given set of the grie f condition. After asking Bhave‟s help, Templeton attempts to meet some people who are in a grief, so that, she can legitimate what in the textbooks on grief management. Mukherjee‟s TMoG 1988: 192 said that There are still some hysterical relatives. Jud ith Templeton‟s list of those needing help and those who‟ve “accepted” is in nearly perfect balance. Acceptance means you speak of your family in the past tense and you make active plans for moving ahead with your life. There are courses at Seneca and Ryerson we could be taking. Her gleaming leather briefcase is full of college catalogues and lists of cultural societies that need our help. She has done impressive work, I tell her. “In the textbooks on grief management,” she replies–I am her confidante, I realize. one of the few whose grief has not sprung bizarre obsessions – “there are stages to pass through: rejection, depression, acceptance, reconstruction.” She has compiled a chart and finds that six months after the tragedy, none of us still reject reality, but only a handful are reconstructing. “Depression Acceptance” is the plateau we‟ve reached. Remarriage is a major step in reconstruction though she‟s a little surprised, even shocked, over bow quickly some of the men have taken on new families. Selling one‟s house and changing jobs and cities is healthy. The quote shows the legitimation because Templeton must prove the process of grief management in the textbooks she has by facing and meeting many people who are in a grief. Thus, she can know how the condition of people and which process they are. The process she has to face is people who have different culture, customs, and languages. For the reason, she has to ask Bhave to help her. The condition she faces is the economic problem they have. Some of them do not have job. Consequently, they can not pay the bills for their apartment and all services they have. Some of them will lose their places and services. In this case, Templeton offers them a help by asking them to sign the bank forms she has brought. They will get some benefits if they sign the form. The process of legitimation of this case happens when Templeton says her statement about bank paper in order to influence people‟s thought to sign it. People who receive this statement can accept or refuse the offers. In this case, those people refuse to sign bank papers. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI In this condition, legitimation as the language games is played here in which Templeton as the appointee of the provincial government has to ensure and influence people‟s thought to obey the order. As Mukherjee‟s TMoG 1988: 194 mentioned that “Judith asks about the bank papers, the release forms. With a stroke of the pen, they will have a provincial trustee to pay their bills, invest their money, send them a monthly pension.” In this process, Templeton finds a difficulty to ensure them about her offers. They refuse to sign the forms because of any reasons, such as they fear what they do is a wrong decision and they think that government does not try to help them, but the government will get the money. Mukherjee‟s TMoG 1988: 194 said that “Government will get its money. Tell her not to worry, we are honorable people.” I try to explain the government wishes to give money, not take. He raises his hand. “Let them take,” he says. “We are accustomed to that. That is no problem.” In the end of the process, Templeton feels dissapointed because they ignore to sign the forms. She thinks that they are stubborn. In this case, Bhave who feels the grief as them, not accepting what Templeton says. Mukherjee‟s TMoG 1988: 195 mentioned that In the car, Judith says, “You see what I‟m up against? I‟m sure they‟re lovely people, but their stubbornness and ignorance are driving me crazy. They think signing a paper is signing their son‟s death warrants, don‟t they?” I am looking out the window. I want to say, In our culture, it is a parent’s duty to hope.