Review of Related Studies

From those four studies have mentioned, this undergraduate thesis stated on aspects of postmodernism of the social condition as the setting in Bharati Mukherjee‟s The Management of Grief. In this undergraduate thesis, there are different perspectives from the previous studies. The first is Katleen Brogan‟s study. It discusses about “American Stories of Cultural Haunting: Tales of Heirs and Ethnographers.” The second is “Looting American Culture: Bharati Mukherjee‟s Immigrant Narratives” written by Jennifer Drake. The third is from Lusandiana ‟s study that discusses the description of the society through Restrepo‟s The Angel of Galilea by modernism and postmodernism approach. The fourth is Parameswaran‟s study discussing about the background of The Management of Grief is written by Bharati Mukherjee. In this study, it mentions that culture and event at the time influence the short story. This undergraduate thesis attempts to show how the aspects of postmodernism of the social condition are depicted in Bharati Mukherjee‟s The Management of Grief.

B. Review of Related Theories

This undergraduate thesis has two points to be discussed. They are the depiction of the setting and aspects of postmodernism. Therefore, this undergraduate thesis needs theories on the two fields to answer and analyze the problem formulation.

1. Theory on Setting

The aspects of postmodernism of the social condition in the short story can be seen by disclosing the setting. Abrams 1999: 284 argued that The overall setting of a narrative or dramatic work is the general locale, historical time, and social circumstances in which its action occurs; the setting of a single episode or scene within such a work is the particular physical location in which it takes place. In this undergraduate thesis, Abrams theory is used to analyze the setting of the short story in which the action, time, and place mentioned the action and accident occured. Before depicting the social circumstances of the story, it depicts a single episode or scene in which the accident or activity happen. After depicts the single scene of story, the conflict of the characters in the story appears. The conflicts and the condition that characters face can be found through the elements of setting, such as location the accident takes place, time, and the environment in which the characters move and face various condition in life. However, before analyzing the setting in detail by using general local, historical time, and social circumstances, this undergraduate thesis depicts the setting by using the theory of setting of V. Roberts and Henry E. Jacobs in Fiction: An Introduction to Reading and Writing. It is to divide the settings in the short story easily. Such a view follows the theoretical assumption that “Setting refers to the natural and artificial scenery or environment in which characters in literature live and move.” 1987: 190. Roberts and Jacobs divide the term of setting into two types of settings. They are natural setting and manufactured setting. Natural setting is defined as “Nature, in short, is one of the major forces governing the circumstances of characters who go about facing the conflicts on which the plots of stories depend.” 1987: 191. On the other hand, manufactured setting is defined as “Manufactured things always reflect the people who make them. A building or a room tells about the people who built it and live in it, and ultimately about the social and political orders that maintain the conditions” 1987: 191. To support Robert and Jacobs‟ theory, this undergraduate thesis needs another theory of setting. The theory of setting is from Harmon. Harmon 2009: 508 said that The elements making up a setting are: 1 the geographical location, its topography, scenery, and such physical arrangements as the location of the windows and doors in a room; 2 the occupations and daily manner of living of the characters; 3 the time or period in which the action takes place, for example, epoch in history or season of the year; and 4 the general environment of the characters, for example, religious, mental, moral, social, and emotional conditions. This undergraduate thesis uses Harmon theory to analyze the social condition of the short story through the place and time the action and accident happened, occupations and daily manner the characters have, and the moral, cultures, religious, and emotional condition the characters have in facing the grief.

2. Theory on the Aspects of Postmodernism

Lyotard, as a postmodernist, attempts to create a society in which there is a flexibility of narrative knowledge. It is because there is a conflict between narrative and science in which they have their own thought to solve problem by language. Sarup 1993: 145 mentioned that Lyotard believes that there is a conflict between narrative and science theoretical knowledge. Narrative is disappearing and there is nothing to replace it. He seems to want the flexibility of narrative knowledge – in which the aesthetic, cognitive and moral are interwoven – and yet want also to retain the individualism which developed with capitalism. It also mentioned that Lyotard argues that art, morality and science the beautiful, the good and the true have become separated and autonomous. A characteristic of our times is the fragmentation of language games. Sarup, 1993: 145 From those quotations, it can be seen that there are the notion of postmodernism which are about the ability to deal with time. As Sarup 1993: 146 said that “Two significant features of postmodernism, as described by the American critic Fredric Jameson, are „pastiche‟ and „schizophrenia‟.” The explanation of „pastiche‟ and „schizophrenia‟ are mentioned by Sarup 1993: 146 that The practice of pastiche, the imitation of dead styles, can be seen in the „nostalgia film‟. It seems that we are unable to focus on our present. We have lost our ability to locate ourselves historically. As a society we have become incapable of dealing with time. Postmodernism has a peculiar notion of time. Jameson explains what he means in terms of Lacan‟s theory of schizophrenia. The originality of Lacan‟s thought in this area is to have considered schizophrenia as a language disorder. Schizophrenia emerges from the failure of the infant to enter fully into the realm of speech and language. For Lacan the experience of temporality, human time, past, present, memory, the persistence of personal identity is an effect of language. It is because language has a past and a future, because the sentence moves in time, that we can have what seems to us a concrete or lived experience of time. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI By seeing the notion of postmodernism, it draws the attention to three aspects of postmodernist thought. Sarup 1993: 150 said that Firstly, there is a tendency to reduce all truth-claims to the level of rhetorics, narrative strategies or Foucauldian discourses conceived as existing solely by virtue of the differences or rivalries between them, so that no single claimant can assert itself at the expense of any other. Secondly, a related point, there is often an appeal, especially in Lyotard, to the Wittgensteinian notion of „language games‟ sometimes called „forms of life‟. A belief in heterogeneous language games, each involving a different set of cognitive, historical or ethico-political criteria, implies that is not possible to decide between rival interpretations. Thirdly, there is a turn towards the Kantian sublime as a means of devaluing cognitive truth-claims and elevating the notion of the unpresentable that is to say, intuitions that cannot be „brought under‟ adequate concepts to absolute pride of place in the ethical realm. It is also mentioned by Lyotard 1984: xxiv that “Simplifying to the extreme, I define postmodern as incredulity toward metanarratives. This incredulity is undoubtedly a product of progress in the sciences: but that progress in turn presupposes it.” Hence, there are the differences between narrative and scientific text. It is clarified by Lucy 1997: 66 that Before raising them, though, I want to clarify what Lyotard thinks the differences between narrative and scientific texts or knowledge or language games comprise. The basic difference is that narrative language- games are heterogeneous as opposed to the more restrictive outcome- oriented, rule-governed game of science. Science, because it is dominated by rules, is end-directed, whereas narrative or more broadly art, because it produces rules only in and as itself, is completely free from having to legitimate what it „is‟ according to any external criteria. Lyotard also mentioned how the postmodern condition is, in The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge. As he said, the postmodern condition is marked by cultures. That condition influences the way of communication and knowledge of each individuals. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI