Method of the Study

of Bhave‟s friends. She lives across the street from Bhave‟s house. Mukherjee‟s MToG 1988: 181 said that “Kusum lives across the street from me. She and Satish had moved in less than a month ago. They said they needed a larger place .” In the grief, Bhave and Kusum face this condition together because they are neighborhood. Besides, they are also immigrants from the same country which is India.

b. A Bay in Ireland

A bay in Ireland is a place where Bhave and Kusum express their grief. Mukherjee ‟s TMoG 1988: 184 said that Four days later, I find Kusum squatting on a rock overlooking a bay in Ireland. It isn‟t a big rock, but it just sharply out over water. This is as close as we‟ll ever get to them. June breezes balloon out her sari and unpin her knee-length hair. She has the bewildered look of a sea creature whom the tides have stranded. From the above quotation, it shows that there is a rock in a bay where Kusum squats on it expressing her feeling. Bhave and Kusum choose to visit this place because they attempt to remember the accident which occured in a bay. It also pictures that in the grief the two women have a hope to find their relatives in the bay. Bhave and Kusum express their grief by ruining their sari in a bay, the place that the accident happened. Mukherjee‟s TMoG 1988: 185 said that Now I‟ve ruined my sari, one of my best. Kusum has joined me, knee-deep in the water that feels to me like a swimming pool. I could settle in the water, and my husband would take my hand and the boys would slap water in my face just to see me scream. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI In this place, they knee-deep and ruin their sari to express their feeling and hope that their families know that they grieve to lose them. Dr. Ranganathan, who also lost his relatives, experiences the sadness as those women feel. He walks to get close with them in the bay. He feels what they feel. It is the reason he tries to join them. Besides, he wants to share his feeling and support them. In this case, Dr. Ranganathan is one of the widowers from Motreal has another way to face his grief. He brings squashed roses and float them on the water. It is mentioned that “Dr. Ranganathan whips the pockets of his suit jacket inside out. Squashed roses, in darkening shades of pink, float on the water.” Mukherjee‟s TMoG, 1988: 186. It shows that he attempts to involve the nature in his grief and remember his wife who loves roses.

c. Canada

In Canada, it depicts the condition of the apartment that immigrants live. Mukherjee ‟s TMoG 1988: 193 said that The high-rise apartment is a tower of Indian and West Indians, with a sparkling of Orientals. The nearest bus stop kiosk is lined with women in saris. Boys practice cricket in the parking lot. Inside the building, even I wince a bit from the ferocity of onion fumes, the distinctive and immediate Indianness of frying ghee, but Judith Templeton maintains a steady flow of information. These poor old people are in imminent danger of losing their place and all their services. The above quotation shows that here are some people who will lose their place and services. Even though it is the high-rise apartment and a tower of Indian and West Indians, there are two rooms which are dark and stuffy because they do not pay the bill. They are old lady and her husband live inside the building. Both of them are people who will be visited by Templeton and Bhave. As Mukherjee ‟s TMoG 1988: 193 said that The two rooms are dark and stuffy. The lights are off, and an oil lamp sputters on the coffee table. The bent old lady has let us in, and her husband is wrapping a white turban over his oiled, hip-length hair. She immediately goes to the kitchen, and I hear the most familiar sound of an Indian home, tap water hitting and filling a teapot. They have not paid their utility bills, out of fear and the inability to write a check. The telephone is gone, electricity and gas and water are soon to follow. They have told Judith their sons will provide. They are good boys, and they have always earned and looked after their parents. Those sentences show the condition of Indian people facing their life in the difficult economic, but they attempt to accept the condition with a hope that their sons will provide what have lost. Besides, it depicts that the condition of the apartment is bad because the services has gone.

2. Occupations and Daily Manner of Living of the Characters

a. Treasurer

After seeing the condition, people in Bhave‟s house try to show their emphaty to Bhave without disturbing her. They try to accompany and help Bhave to face the grief. One of people who helps Bhave to manage her grief is Dr. Sharma. He attempts to help Bhave in economic problem. It is because Dr. Sharma is the treasurer of the Indo-Canada Society.

b. Appointee of the Provincial Government

When they execute their tradition, Judith Templeton as an appointee of the provincial government comes to meet Bhave to ask a help. Templeton thinks that Bhave as an immigrant who lost her family in the terrorist bomb has human touch to face another people with the problem. In this case, the social