Interlingual Error Discussion on the Factors that Caused the Students to Make the Errors


a. Interlingual Error

The researcher, first, tried to give the brief explanation of what is meant by interlingual error, so it could help readers to follow and to obtain the point of what was being discussed in this part. According to Ellis and Barkhuizen 2005, interlingual errors are the result of mother tongue influences p. 65. In the interview, most of the respondents admitted that the errors on subject-verb agreement could happen because they were still influenced by their mother tongue, which is Indonesian language. Some respondents stated that they have been accustomed to Indonesian sentence, which does not require them to apply the complicated rules as what they have to apply in writing English sentences, as what an interviewee said: “Iya, kan kalo di Bahasa Indonesia kan kalimatnya cuman gitu gitu aja tapi kan kalo kaya di Bahasa Inggris tu kaya ada singular plural pokoknya kaya yang tadi...apa...s-v agreement itu, nah itu yang bikin beda dari Bahasa Inggris kayak gitu.” R11, interview result In my opinion, Indonesian sentences are simple and they are totally different with English sentences. In English sentences, we have to consider the singular and plural form of a subject or a verb, the subject-verb agreement. I think it is probably the one which makes Indonesian sentences different from English sentences. In addition, when the respondents wrote an Indonesian sentence, they did not need to think about whether the subject was singular or plural, whether to use simple form or simple past form or past participle form of a verb. It was admitted by an interviewee who said: PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 75 “Iya, soalnya e...kita terbiasa menggunakan, e...,kalo di Bahasa Indonesia kan kata kerjanya gak ada kata kerja satu, kata kerja dua, gak ada simple, gak ada itu, paling kalimatnya cuman kalo di Bahasa Indonesia kalo mau pake V-ing cuman tambah sedang, kalo yang lalu cuman keterangan waktunya, jadi gak ada perubahan bentuk-bentuk kata kerja dari V-I sampai V-III.” R17, interview result Yes I did. It is because, a verb in Indonesian language does not have these forms: the simple form, the simple past, and the past participle. Besides, in Indonesian language, we only need to add sedang if we want to use the continuous form. Then, we only need to consider the adverb of time if we talk about past tense. Hence, there are no changes on forms of the verb. Therefore, when they had to write an English sentence, they might forget to apply the required rules in a sentence that they wrote, especially the rules of subject-verb agreement, even they might still apply the same concepts as those they used in writing Indonesian sentences when they write an English sentence. It was because the concepts of Indonesian language had already influenced them and stayed in their mind when they wrote an English sentence. Consequently, they might forget to consider the subject-verb agreement when they wrote an English sentence. Therefore, that condition would automatically cause them to make errors on the subject-verb agreement.

b. Ignorance of Rule Restrictions