Ignorance of Rule Restrictions

75 “Iya, soalnya e...kita terbiasa menggunakan, e...,kalo di Bahasa Indonesia kan kata kerjanya gak ada kata kerja satu, kata kerja dua, gak ada simple, gak ada itu, paling kalimatnya cuman kalo di Bahasa Indonesia kalo mau pake V-ing cuman tambah sedang, kalo yang lalu cuman keterangan waktunya, jadi gak ada perubahan bentuk-bentuk kata kerja dari V-I sampai V-III.” R17, interview result Yes I did. It is because, a verb in Indonesian language does not have these forms: the simple form, the simple past, and the past participle. Besides, in Indonesian language, we only need to add sedang if we want to use the continuous form. Then, we only need to consider the adverb of time if we talk about past tense. Hence, there are no changes on forms of the verb. Therefore, when they had to write an English sentence, they might forget to apply the required rules in a sentence that they wrote, especially the rules of subject-verb agreement, even they might still apply the same concepts as those they used in writing Indonesian sentences when they write an English sentence. It was because the concepts of Indonesian language had already influenced them and stayed in their mind when they wrote an English sentence. Consequently, they might forget to consider the subject-verb agreement when they wrote an English sentence. Therefore, that condition would automatically cause them to make errors on the subject-verb agreement.

b. Ignorance of Rule Restrictions

Presenting brief explanation of ignorance of rule restrictions was what the researcher tried to do before coming to the discussion. It aimed to help readers follow and obtain the point of what was being disccused in this part. Richards 1974 states that ignorance of rule restrictions is the application of rules to contexts where they do not apply p. 175. In addition, Richards 1974 adds that PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 76 analogy, the learners rationalizing a deviant usage from his previous experience of English, may cause them to make some rule restriction errors p. 175. When the interview took place, most of the respondents claimed that they sometimes were still confused about the usage of one rule compared to other rules, which were required to be implemented in writing an English sentence. Moreover, it was also admitted that when most of the respondents wrote an English sentence, they still implemented the incorrect rules for subject-verb agreement. It was because when they wrote a sentence, they analogized certain grammatical rule of English language then considered it the same as that of subject-verb agreement. Then, they applied that rule resulting from their analogy to write a sentence. They should have applied the rule of subject-verb agreement in that sentence not the other rules, resulting from their analogy. It was as what an interviewee said. “Ya, ya, karena bingung pake yang mana gitu kan..., akhirnya di sama- samain gitu...” R 9, interview result Yes, I did. It is because I am confused which one I should use, finally, I decide to put it on the same use. In addition, there was also an interviewee who conveyed that when writing an English sentence, the interviewee sometimes came into a confusion because the interviewee did the analogy and they had not well understood yet the basic theory of subject-verb agreement. Thus, it might possibly cause the errors on subject- verb agreement. It was in line with what an interviewee said. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 77 “Iya kadang-kadang suka... ya dibanding-bandingin sama yang kalimat- kalimat misalnya Present Tense sama present perfect ya pokoknya gitu lah, suka kadang ketuker-tuker gitu, bikin bingung sendiri, soalnya dasarnya sendiri juga kurang ngeh kan...,tapi ya coba untuk mbeda- bedain tiap kalimatnya.” R 11, interview result I sometimes like to make a comparison between the sentence using simple Present Tense and the sentence using present perfect tense. It sometimes makes me so confused that I misuse the use of the tense. It can happen because the basic knowledge about it is not well understood well. Nevertheless, I try to differentiate every sentence. It was obvious that almost all respondents did this analogy, the learners rationalizing a deviant usage from his previous experience of English. Then, they applied the analogy to the context that it should not be applied when they wrote an English sentence. Consequently, making subject-verb agreement errors was unvoidable.

c. Incomplete Application of Rules