Interview Instruments and Data Gathering Technique


3. Interview

In this research, the interview was also used by the researcher in order to obtain more information to be able to answer the second research question. Furthermore, by doing an interview to the respondents, the researcher could do immediate follow-up and clarification to responses given by the respondents Ary et al., 2002, p. 434. Then, in order to obtain more information from the respondents, semi-structured interview was used by the researcher. Gall, Gall, and Borg 2007 mention that semi-structured interview involves questionning a series of structured questions to the interviewee and then probing more deedply with open-form questions in order to obtain more additional information from the interviewee p. 246. Furthermore, McDonough and McDonough 1997 also state that in semi-structured interview, the interviewer may change the order of questions and may ask for follow-up of responses even though the framework of the interview has been prepared p. 183. After explaining the instruments used in the research, the researcher, then, tried to explain the data gathering technique of this research. Initially, the researcher would like to explain the data gathering technique of students’ written work, as an attempt to answer the first research question. On 24 th March 2011, the researcher met the lecturer in the selected Paragraph Writing class in order to tell the research and then to ask for the permission to conduct the research in her class. After obtaining the permission to conduct the research in the selected Paragraph Writing class, the researcher, then, started to collect the data of the research. Afterwards, on 30 th May 2011 when students in class B of Paragraph PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 53 Writing did their Progress Test II, the researcher met the lecturer in order to borrow students’ written work. After borrowing the written work, the researcher copied the students’written work in order to obtain the data to analyze. Then, as an attempt to be able to solve the second research problem, the factors that caused students in Paragraph Writing class of ELESP to make subject- verb agreement errors, the researcher interviewed eight students in class B of Paragraph Writing. Since there is no general rule about the number of participants in a research of the qualitative study and the practical considerations, such as time, money, and availabilty of the participants also affect the size of sample of a research Ary et al., 2002, p. 429-430 and since it would not be feasible to interview all students in class B of Paragraph Writing, the reseacher only selected the eight students who made various subject-verb agreement errors in their written work to be interviewed. The researcher chose them because the researcher considered that the result of the interview of those eight students could be as a representative of the factors that caused the second semester students in all Paragraph Writing class at ELESP to make errors in subject-verb agreement. The interview result of the selected students could be the representative of the factors behind the errors because the selected students to interview have the same characteristic as those of other students in the second semester in other Paragraph Writing classes. All of them had to write a descriptive text in their Progress Test II. In writing the text, all students had to apply Present Tense in the sentences. Thus, the researcher considered that all of them were possible to make subject-verb agreement errors of the agreement in number and in person when PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 54 they had to write a descriptive text, whose all sentences were written in Present Tense. Moreover, the researcher also would like to explain the process of conducting the interview. Before starting the interview process, on 3 rd June 2011, the researcher was asked by the lecturer of class B of Paragraph Writing to come to the class in order to introduce himself to all students, to explain the research that the researcher was doing, to tell all students that there would be some of them to be interviewed by the researcher, to ask for the permission from them to do the interview. Then, after obtaining the permission from all students, the researcher started to interview the selected students. When interviewing the interviewees, the researcher decided to use Indonesian language. It was because the researcher wanted to ensure that the interviewees understood the meaning of each question in the interview, so the purpose of the interview could be achieved. Besides, the interviewees were also allowed to answer all questions in the interview in Indonesian language. Its reason was because the researcher wanted to ensure that the interviewees could give clear and deep answer for all questions. Another reason was that the researcher considered that the interviewees were still the second semester students whose English speaking skill had not been sufficient yet to answer all the questions in the interview using English. In addition, the interview process was conducted on 3 rd , 5 th , 6 th , 7 th , 8 th June 2011 in the campus. Before the interview began, the researcher explained the purpose and the sequence of the interview to the interviewee. Then, the researcher PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 55 started asking the questions to the interviewee. In order to keep the information which was given orally by the interviewees and to save time in doing the interview, the researcher used a voice recorder when the researcher interviewed the interviewees. Gall et al. 2007 state that the researcher could obtain a complete verbal record by using the audio recording, and it can be studied much more throughly than data in the form of interviewer notes p. 256. In addition, a recorder also speeds up the interview process because the interviewer does not need to write the information from the interviewee Gall et al., 2007, p. 256.

E. Data Analysis Technique