Carelessness Other Possible Causes of Errors

154 10. Do you often experience the similar wrong concept especially when you write an English sentence, so it causes you to unconsciously make the subject-verb agreement error in your sentence? Clarify your answer No Respondent Answer 1. 2 Yes, it probably often happens because I still think about whether the subject is singular or plural. 2. 5 It rarely happens. I personally think that the factor caused the error is because I write the sentence uncarefully and hurriedly. 3. 6 Yes, it often happens, so in Paragraph Writing class, we often obtain a lot of feedback to many errors in our written work. 4. 9 Yes, it frequently happens especially in the case of uncountable nouns. 5. 11 In my opinion, it still happens even I find that I often make simple errors, e.g., the errors on is, are. 6. 12 I think that case still happens and I am one of the persons who does it. 7. 17 It happens frequently because I cannot well memorize all uncountable nouns and countable nouns. 8. 26 Yes, I still make the errors because of this case.

C. Other Possible Causes of Errors

1. Carelessness

11. Is subject-verb agreement error when you write an English sentence because before writing the sentence, you feel that you have less motivation to write the sentence, which is caused by the following reasons: you do not like the way your lecturer explains about subject-verb agreement, or there are some notes about subject-verb agreement that you do not like because they are confusing? Clarify your answer No Respondent Answer 1. 2 I experienced it. It happened frequently in the beginning of the structure class. I could not understand the lesson well, so I decided to let this misunderstanding go on. 2. 5 Yes, it is. Honestly, if a lecturer can teach the students interestingly and inawkwardly, the material delivered by the teacher will be understood well. This condition will make me to be able to do my work well. 3. 6 Frankly, there are some lecturers whose explanation makes me confused. Since I am confused and I also do not understand about the explanation, I decide to do the part which I can do, therefore. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 155 No Respondent Answer 4. 9 No it is not because of the lecturer. 5. 11 I was enthusiastic with the previous writing class, so my score on writing was also good. Hence, I do not know what will happen in this second semester. I think it is also because of some factors: the lecturer, the unclear explanation from the lecturer. Besides, the lecturer never gives feedback to us. We do not know how to see the progress of our writing because the feedback is never given by the lecturer. In my opinion, it is because of the lecturer. If we often obtain the feedback to the errors that we often make, e.g., the errors in the case of there is, we will automatically recognize the error and then be able to know the correct one. However, if the lecturer only circles the errors without telling the correct one, we will not understand what the error is. 6. 12 Yes it is because of the lecturer’s explanation and many other things including myself who also affects the occurrence of the error. 7. 17 Yes it sometimes happens. I sometimes see a wrong and unchecked text, but I have already believed that the text is correct. Then, I learn something from the text and apply the same rules as those applied in the text. 8. 26 It is not because of the lecturer who makes me difficult to understand the lesson in the classroom. I think it is probably because I do not pay attention to the lecturer’s explanation. Besides, when I face the questions that I do not understand, I decide to ask my friends. I think it is not a problem whether the lecturer explains something or not since what is explained by the lecturer is the same as that in the textbook. 12. Is subject-verb agreement error when you write an English sentence because before writing the sentence, you do not have the motivation anymore to write your sentence? Clarify your answer No Respondent Answer 1. 2 If I write a sentence, I do not write it carelessly. In the test, in order to avoid an error, I prefer to write a simple sentence rather than a complicated one. If I am careless, it will affect my score. Therefore, it is better for me to just write a simple sentence. 2. 5 Yes, it is. It happens in this case: I have an activity to do in the afternoon and I think I do not have any assignments to do at that time. Then, as soon as I send the message to my friend, I have been realizing that actually I have an assignment to do. This condition does really affect me because at that time, I must be so tired that it is almost impossible to me to think about my assignment. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 156 No Respondent Answer 3. 6 Yes it is because I probably have already been confused. It is due to too many rules I have to think about. Therefore, I just apply the rules that I remember, but it turns out to be wrong. 4. 9 I think the errors are caused by myself who is lazy to study. 5. 11 It is not the matter of laziness. If I do my assignment, I try to do it well though actually I am lazy to restudy the theory of subject-verb agreement. Nevertheless, I try to do it well though I do not know whether it has already been correct or not. 6. 12 The facts that I am unwilling to restudy and to review the theory of subject-verb agreement are correct. Besides, I do not write my sentence carefully. 7. 17 Sometimes, it is not because I am lazy. Sometimes, I have already had too many assigments, so I decide to just write the simple sentences. Moreover, I do not use to check and to reread the written work that I have already finished before submitting it, so I make an error in this case: there are two subjects, so it must use have. 8. 26 I do not think so because I think that subject-verb agreement is basic concept. Before writing English sentences, I have already known the pattern and the rules to apply in the sentences. Therefore, the factor that caused me to make the error is because I cannot differentiate whether a subject is singular or plural. It is not because I do not have motivation.

2. Translation