Translation Other Possible Causes of Errors

156 No Respondent Answer 3. 6 Yes it is because I probably have already been confused. It is due to too many rules I have to think about. Therefore, I just apply the rules that I remember, but it turns out to be wrong. 4. 9 I think the errors are caused by myself who is lazy to study. 5. 11 It is not the matter of laziness. If I do my assignment, I try to do it well though actually I am lazy to restudy the theory of subject-verb agreement. Nevertheless, I try to do it well though I do not know whether it has already been correct or not. 6. 12 The facts that I am unwilling to restudy and to review the theory of subject-verb agreement are correct. Besides, I do not write my sentence carefully. 7. 17 Sometimes, it is not because I am lazy. Sometimes, I have already had too many assigments, so I decide to just write the simple sentences. Moreover, I do not use to check and to reread the written work that I have already finished before submitting it, so I make an error in this case: there are two subjects, so it must use have. 8. 26 I do not think so because I think that subject-verb agreement is basic concept. Before writing English sentences, I have already known the pattern and the rules to apply in the sentences. Therefore, the factor that caused me to make the error is because I cannot differentiate whether a subject is singular or plural. It is not because I do not have motivation.

2. Translation

13. While writing an English sentence, do you often use the technique of word by worb translation from Indonesian into English? Clarify your answer No Respondent Answer 1. 2 I do it, but after thinking about it carefully, it seems weird if I exactly translate the Indonesian word into English. If I do it, the language of my sentence will become weird, I think. 2. 5 Honestly, it happened long time ago. But, now, It rarely happens because I have to understand that Indonesia language has the concept of MD, whereas English language has the concept of DM. However, it is possible that I still cannot apply those concepts correctly. 3. 6 I do it. For the first time, I did the word by word translation of Indonesian to English. It turns out to be wrong, actually. Besides, I get a suggestion from my friends that, when we write an English sentence, not all Indonesian words are directly translated to English. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 157 No Respondent Answer 4. 9 I rarely use that technique. 5. 11 I think sometimes I do it even though I still reread the written work I have written several times. It aims to check whether the sentence is appropriate to write or not. Therefore, do not directly translate the Indonesian sentence into English. I make a draft then I check it again in order to see the form and the pattern of the sentence. 6. 12 Yes, I still do it. My written work is often checked by my brother and he told me that I should not write the sentences and I am not allowed to directly translate the Indonesian words into to English. 7. 17 I start not to do that technique. I start to directly write the English sentence. It is because if I think the Indonesian word and directly translate it into English, it will not be good. I decide to ask my friend and to open the grammar book if I find it difficult to write the sentence. 8. 26 If I write an English sentence, I just directly write the English meaning. I never write the Indonesian sentence first and then translate it into English. It because I find it difficult if I do so. 14. Is subject-verb agreement error when you write an English sentence because you decide to translate every Indonesian word which you want to write in your sentence into English, especially when you find it difficult or you are hesitant about the rule of subject-verb agreement? Clarify your answer No Respondent Answer 1. 2 Yes, it is. That is the solution. When I learnt English at the the beginning time, the teacher asked me to know every word and to translate it word by word. 2. 5 No, it never happens. I think it is weird to do especially in English because I should write my car not car my. The word, My, should be written first before the word, car. 3. 6 Yes it is true, but I still see the structure of my sentence. If the subject is either she or he, the followed verb must be added by the suffix –s. Nevertheless, in my opinion, that is not a factor that caused me to make the error. 4. 9 No, it is not. 5. 11 I think some of students do it and I do too. However, I still see the subject of my sentence, so I do not directly translate it into English. Moreover, I do not directly translate the Indonesian word into English. Besides, in my opinion, they probably use google translate in order to help them to translate the Indonesian words. 6. 12 I do not think so. I never do that. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 158 No Respondent Answer 7. 17 No, it is not. The word by word translation happens in reading lesson. In writing, it never happens because we have already understood the basic concepts. 8. 26 I never do it.

3. Error as a Part of Language Creativity