For Students in Paragraph Writing Class For Lecturers in Paragraph Writing Class


1. For Students in Paragraph Writing Class

They are suggested not to be discouraged in facing the errors, especially on subject-verb agreement. Besides, they are encouraged to be willing to learn from the errors that they made. Richards 1974 states that errors can be used by learners as a device to learn p. 25. It is because a student may possibly perform better after she makes an error, learns the error she made and understands the correct one. Therefore, they have to be able to learn from the errors they made and always try not to make the same errors as what they did previously. Then, the researcher suggests them to always review all the theories of writing given by their lecturer before facing the Progress Tests. Then, they are also asked not to think that subject-verb agreement is a basic and simple concept, which they do not need to review anymore. Moreover, they are encouraged to be a proactive student who is brave and is willing to ask hisher lecturer about certain parts of the lesson she has not understood yet without waiting for the feedback given by the lecturer to hisher errors in hisher written work.

2. For Lecturers in Paragraph Writing Class

Though subject-verb agreement is only a smart part of English grammatical elements and considered a basic concept, students in Paragraph Writing class, still make some errors on it. Corder 1973 states that studying learners’ errors can bring the benefit for foreign language teachers, e.g., errors can provide feedback and tell the teacher something about the effectiveness of his teaching techniques as cited in Hendrickson, 1981, p. 3. Besides, Corder 1973 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 92 mentions that errors are also able to show the teacher what parts of the syllabus they use which have been inadequately learned or taught and need further attention as cited in Hendrickson, 1981, p. 3. Therefore, lecturers in Paragraph Writing class are suggested to pay attention to this problem through several ways suggested by the researcher. Considering the fact that subject-verb agreement errors still occured in the students’ written work, the researcher suggests the lecturers to sometimes review the theories of subject-verb agreement in the classroom briefly in order to help students remember them. In addition, they are also expected to provide useful feedback to the errors made by the students. Hendrickson 1981 states that learners can learn from their mistakes if they are given supportive feedback from their teachers p. 3. The suggested feedback given to students’ written work are the feedback which both deal with the content and the grammar. Besides, the lecturers also need to have a close relation to their students, so they can encourage their students to be proactive students who are brave and willing to ask their lecturer if they have not understand what their lecturer has explained to them and to see the errors they made, to learn them, and not to make the same errors as what they did.

3. For Future Researchers