Research Method Research Setting



This chapter discusses the research methodology employed in this research as a mean to answer the research questions. It consists of six parts which cover research method, research setting, research participants, instruments and data gathering technique, data analysis technique, and research procedure.

A. Research Method

The basic principle underlying this research was qualitative method which deals with data in the form of words, rather than in the form of numbers and of statistics Ary, Jacobs, Razavieh, 2002, p. 425. In particular, the research methodology employed in this research was document analysis. Document analysis could be defined as a research method that is applied to written or visual materials in order to identify specified characteristics of the material Ary et al., 2002, p. 442. In addition, in doing the research, the researcher found some advantages of using document analysis as the research methodology. According to Ary et al. 2002, in using the document analysis, the presence of the researcher will not influence and will not affect what is being observed p. 444. It means that in this research, the students’ written work will not be affected and be influenced because of the presence of the researcher. Moreover, document analysis is easily replicated. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 48 Furthermore, according to Ary et al. 2002, there are some purposes of the document analysis in educational research p. 442. They are 1 to identify bias, prejudice, or propaganda in textbooks, 2 to analyze types of errors in students writing, 3 to describe prevailing practices, 4 to discover the level of difficulty of material in textbooks or other publications, 5 to discover the relative importance of, or interest in, certain topics. The purpose of document analysis in this research referred to the second purpose as mentioned above, which is to analyze types of errors in students writing. The researcher analyzed subject-verb agreement errors in the written documents, which were students’ written work of their Progress Test II.

B. Research Setting

This part explains where and when the research was conducted. The researcher conducted the research in class B of Paragraph Writing at ELESP. Then, the research was conducted from March 2011 until June 2011.

C. Research Participants