Research Method Research Participants



This chapter presents detailed discussion about methodology applied in this research. This includes the description of the research method, research instruments, research subjects, data gathering technique, data analysis technique and research procedure.

A. Research Method

Survey research is set to obtain the students’ perception on the teaching lower semester class designed in Microteaching subject. Ary, Jacobs Razavieh 2002 argued that survey is to measure opinion, achievement, or other psychological or sociological concept. Moreover, Wiearsma 1995 mentioned that survey is able to answer the study dealing with emotion. Surveys are used to measure attitudes, opinions, or achievements. Survey research is abroad in scope including status quo studies to those in which the relationships of sociological and psychological variables are determined and interpreted. Wiersma, 1995:169-170 Initially, the researcher gathered data for finding the second and the third research questions because of the time constraint. The researcher had limited time to distribute the questionnaire because not all of them had performed the teaching lower semester students at the final days before examination period. The researcher distributed the questionnaires and conducted interview with the Microteaching students for achieving the second objective of the research which is to know the students’ perception on teaching lower semester students in PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 26 developing their teaching skills and to gather the students’ suggestions toward the implementation of teaching lower semester students in Microteaching class. According to Altman, et al. 1985, someone’s perception affects hisher behaviors. Afterward, the researcher conducted interview with Microteaching lecturers to obtain information dealing with the procedure of teaching lower semester students in Microteaching subject. The interview data was used for answering the first research question.

B. Research Participants

The participants as sources of data of this research were the Microteaching lecturers and the sixth semester students who were taking microteaching class in the academic year of 20102011 at English Language Education Study Program ELESP of Sanata Dharma University. There are six Microteaching classes which had around 23 students each at maximum. For interview, there were two lecturers being the participants. They were two of Microteaching lecturer coordinators who were considered to provide the data dealing with the implementation of teaching lower semester. Due to limitation of time and economic factors, the researcher only distributed the questionnaire to Microteaching students in four Microteaching classes. Those classes were A, B, D, and E which was considered able to represent the whole population of the Microteaching students’ perceptions toward the implementation of teaching lower semester. There were 48 students being the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 27 respondents submitted the questionnaires. Not all the students submitted the questionnaires because some of them had not taught the lower semester students yet when the researcher distributed the questionnaire.

C. Research Instruments