Students’ Suggestions on the Teaching Lower Semester Process Based on Discussion

63 The researcher found an interesting fact that the students suggested that the teaching lower semester class should be done more than once. In addition one of them wrote that the students should teach in two different lower semester class to enhance their teaching skills. “Perhaps it will be more effective if we teach lower semester more than once. Maybe twice is enough. We will learn more about teaching if we teach more than once.” “Make it more than one meeting. Maybe 2 or 3. I love teaching lower semester.” “If there is much time, it’s better that 1 students can teach in more than 1 class let say 1 student has chance to teach in 2 different lower semester classes. It can enhance student teaching skills.” One of the students also suggested that the feedback taken from lower semester students being taught should be considered as one of the assessments aspect in Microteaching students’ teaching in the lower semester class. “I think comments given by the lower semester students should be taken more seriously or included in the grading of the teaching performance.”

2. Students’ Suggestions on the Teaching Lower Semester Process Based on

Interview From the interview, the researcher found the data is similar to the data from open-ended questionnaire. They suggested the Microteaching lecturer to tell the clear information dealing with the time for searching the lower semester class to teach. Because of finding the difficulty in choosing the class, one of the students suggested that the students do not need to find the class by themselves but there should be a lottery for getting the class to conduct teaching lower semester. In other hand, one of the students suggested the Microteaching students PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 64 to be active to ask to the Microteaching lecturer when the time for searching the lower semester class to teach. Further, one of the students did not give any suggestion because he considered that the implementation of teaching lower semester class was good. Another one also proposed that Microteaching students should teach in lower semester class more than once. Moreover, the students gave suggestion to the lower semester students being taught. One of the students said that some of lower semester students seemed underestimated the Microteaching students because they thought they were better than the Microteaching students who taught them. Thus, she suggested that the lower semester students should respect to the Microteaching students who performed the teaching in their class. Another student also suggested to lower semester students concerning the feedbacks or comments to microteaching students after teaching. She suggested that the lower semester students could give the feedback to Microteaching students’ performance not only about their appearance but also the most important was about their teaching quality such as pronunciation and the teaching performance.

3. Discussion

Based on the suggestions gathered from the questionnaire and the interview, the researcher categorized the students’ suggestions into 2 aspects. The suggestions are dealing with the implementation of teaching lower semester and the other one is about the participants of teaching lower semester program. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 65 Initially, the students gave suggestion on the implementation of lower semester specifically referring to the procedure of selecting the lower semester class to teach. They suggested that it would be better that the selecting class procedure was given directly to the Microteaching lecturer. In addition, the Microteaching lecturer needs to carry out a lottery to distribute the lower semester classes for Microteaching students. They also suggested that the feedback and comment from lower semester students could be one of the evaluations in scoring Microteaching students’ teaching in lower semester class. Subsequently, the students proposed some suggestions to all participants involved in the teaching lower semester program consisting of the Microteaching students, Microteaching lecturer, lecturer of lower semester class, and lower semester students. Concerning the lecturer of Microteaching, the students proposed that they might inform the Microteaching students clearly about the time to start searching the lower semester class. Dealing with lecturers of lower semester, the one of the students proposed an idea that the lecturer could give feedbacks toward her lesson plan and teaching in the lower semester class. Johnson and Knaupp 1970 stated that Microteaching students expect two things of their supervisor: first, that he be qualified to render technical assistance in planning for, conducting, and evaluating instruction; second, that he give them an unhampered opportunity to find their own teaching style. To get more preparation, the students suggested that lecturers of lower semester classes should inform the time of teaching in lower semester class to PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 66 microteaching students earlier before lower semester teaching is conducted. Systematic planning almost always yields better result in teaching Peck and Tucker, 1973; Waimon, 1972 cited from Stones Morris 1977. Thus, it is good for microteaching student to have fixed planning for the teaching earlier. Moreover, the lecturers of lower semester classes are expected to give opportunity in having more than one class observation. Observing the teaching learning process is the ability to distance yourself from the specifics of the classroom in order to consider the following: individual strengths, process of the learning to teach, and professional role to which you aspire Calderhead and Shorrock, 1997. Furthermore, the students proposed the lower semester students to respect to the Microteaching students who are teaching in their class. They also added that the feedbacks or comments written by lower semester should not be just oriented in the appearance of the microteaching students but more in their teaching performance as well. The last suggestions were directed to the Microteaching students them selves. The Microteaching students proposed that they should prepare them selves well to face any possibility could happen coming from the lower semester students while teaching lower semester class. They also should do the classroom observation and lesson plan consultation with lecturer of lower semester class before teaching. It would be better if the Microteaching students are friendly to the lower semester students in the class for creating the supportive and comfort teaching learning atmosphere. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 67


This chapter provides two main parts. The first parts are the conclusions of research findings and data analysis discussed in previous chapter. The second part is the suggestions to improve the implementation of teaching lower semester class program.

A. Conclusions

Based on the data gathered, the researcher tried to conclude the Microteaching students’ perception in general for the developing of their teaching skills and the suggestions that offered by the students to maximize the implementation of teaching lower semester program.

1. The Implementation of Teaching Lower Semester Students in English

Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University. From the data interviews with Microteaching lecturers, the researcher obtained detailed information about teaching lower semester students in Microteaching subject. Teaching lower semester students is done after they perform the first teaching practice with the other microteaching students in the laboratory. In the implementation of teaching lower semester, the microteaching students will take apart in five main stages. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI