What are your suggestions toward implementation of the teaching lower

94 081214125 E Self confidence, time management, material management, mastering the material, involving students in teaching activity.

3. What are your suggestions toward implementation of the teaching lower

semester? 081214001 A Each of the “teachers” should have the same time allocation in practicing teaching lower semester class so that it would be easier to observe. 081214005 A It will be better to have really good preparation. 081214006 A There is an arrangement for the lower semester class that we should be taught. 081214009 A Lecturer’s feedback for student-teacher is very important. It’s better if after doing microteaching, the lecturer gives supporting advice and comments. 081214011 A It will be better if the microteaching students teach lower semester with coupleusing cooperative technique. 081214012 A Always try to do our best. Hearty is must in teaching- learning activities 081214013 A My suggestion is microteaching especially teaching lower semester have to conduct in every year because it is important to improve the teaching skill. 081214014 A I don’t have any idea. 081214015 A I think it helped us to prepare our self before having “PPL”. Teaching lower semester seemed more real as a teaching activity. We had to do our best when teaching lower semester in microteaching class. 081214017 A I hope that teaching lower semester in microteaching class can still be continued in the future to enhance students’ speaking, listening, reading or writing skill. Students will get an experience in teaching. 081214019 A I think when we choose the lower class it should be decided by the lecturer of microteaching class 081214021 A Already good. 081214023 A So far it is good 081214025 B We should know the student better the characteristic before we teach them. 081214026 B I think all is good. 081214028 B None. 081214031 B Time for search and choose the subject between class and other classes is the same. So, it’s fair. 081214032 B Keep holding it. 081214034 B The lecturer of microteaching class should have good communication between the lecturer and the students. Ex: PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 95 about when we should look for the lower semester class for micro and about the requirement how to conduct the microteaching class. 081214035 B Make it more than one meeting. Maybe 2 or 3. I love teaching lower semester. 081214036 B None. 081214039 B I have no idea. 081214065 D - 081214067 D In my opinion, it is good, so that need to be improved is the ability and readiness of the teacher us when going to teach. 081214068 D I think it is already good to continue this program. It has been done so well. 081214069 D It’s good for students because they can face the real class. The suggestion is that all micro teaching students had the same time allocation. all get 100 minutes or 50 minutes 081214070 D Perhaps it will be more effective if we teach lower semester more than once. Maybe twice is enough. We will learn more about teaching if we teach more than once. 081214071 D Observation before do the teaching, consult the lesson plan and the materials are important to do, be friendly with them, appreciate all of their opinions, answer, etc. 081214072 D - 081214075 D It is important to know the students need before teaching observation them so that we can make an appropriate materials and activities for them. 081214076 D I think comments given by the lower semester students should be taken more seriously or included in the grading of the teaching performance. 081214077 D If there is much time, it’s better that 1 students can teach in more than 1 class let say 1 student has chance to teach in 2 different lower semester classes. It can enhance student teaching skills. 08121408x D Make sure the practitioners have enough consultation before teaching. 081214083 D Lecturers should give feedback to our lesson plan my lecturer in lower class I was teaching didn’t give me feedback about my lesson plan. 081214084 D The lecturer should give the materials some weeks before, so that we can prepare it well. 081214087 D From my experience, I suggest the lecturer should give me more time to prepare the material because he informed me 2 days before I practice teaching. It makes me haven’t a good preparation. Better if he informs me one week before. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 96 081214113 D I have no suggestions because I think everything went well. 081214116 D Make it not only once, but at least twice so that we can feel the real situation of teaching. 081214121 D - 081214xxx D Provide the micro teaching class with more spaces to teach. I found that there’s no class available since the other students tried to get the class before the instruction. 081214088 E My suggestion is we need more than one classroom observation in order to prepare us teach them, most of the lecturers just allow the teacher candidate to observe once in their classroom although we are not ready yet with just one observation. 081214092 E Nope. 081214096 E - 081214097 E It is good and it will be better if there is understanding between the teacher student in micro class and the lecturers about teaching junior. 081214099 E I think it’s better if there are clear communication between practitioner, lecturer of microteaching course and lecture of the subjectcourse chosen. 081214103 E Keep it up 081214108 E It is better if we can consult the lesson plan first to the lecturer before teaching. 081214125 E It is a good implementation, so it is better to continue or to be maintained in the next years. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 97 APPENDIX 5 Interview Guide with the Microteaching Students The Interview with the Microteaching students after filling questionnaire 1. Are you interested in teaching lower semester class? Why Yes why No? 2. Do you know the procedure of teaching lower semester? Mention and explain it 3. Do you think that teaching lower semester class improves you teaching skills? Mention the teaching skills 4. Do you have any suggestion to improve the implementation teaching lower semester program in microteaching class? Mention it 5. Does the teaching lower semester class encourage you to teach? Why? PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 98 APPENDIX 6 The Students’ Responses on the Interview 1. Are you interested in teaching lower semester class? POSITIVE REPRESENTATIVES A: Ya tertarik banget karena melalui pengajaran junior ini saya bisa melatih skill- skill yang telah saya pelajari di lab mikro. B: Saya tertarik dengan pengajaran adik tingkat ini karena saya dapat melatih kemampuan mengajar dengan baik. Aku sebagai calon guru diharapkan tidak malu-maluin kalau mengajar keluar seperti mengajar disekolah saat terjun berPPL. Kalau mengajar angkatan bawah lebih menarik karena kalo mengajar temen2, mereka lebih friendly karena udah kenal tapi kalo dengan mahsiswa angkatan bawah sedikit lebih sulit dan menantang. C: Tertarik karena lebih menarik daripada mengajar teman-teman karena kita kita tidak tahu watak-wataknya dan tidak mengenal mereka lebih tertantang jadi berasa mengajar. Sauasana kelas jadi kayak beneran gitu. D: Tertariknya karena udah tertarik jadi mikroteaching senang aja. NEGATIVE REPRESENTATIVES E: Aku kurang persiapan. Sebenarnya ada kuis tapi tidak jadi sehingga aku harus mengajar lebih awal dan saya lupa menghidupkan kontak listrik sehingga sedikit cemas saat itu. F: Sebenarnya tertarik tapi kadang-kadang implementasinya yang kadang-kadang kurang dijalani dengan baik. Pengaturan waktu mikro dari dosen yang mau dimintai tolong. Mereka punya schedule sendiri kita tidak bisa seenaknya aja minta janjian. G: Pada awalnya tertarik Cuma bingung dalam pemilihan kelas. Aku sebenarnya mau kelas speaking tapi dapat structure. Kalo peer teaching relax banget walaupun mengajarnya sesusah apapun bahannya hanya SMA SMP jadi muridnya bisa follow kalo real students pengetahuannya mereka belum dapat segala macem bener-bener basic jadi tantangannya lebih gede banget. H: Sebenarnya tertarik ada tapi ga tinggi karena saat observasi mahasiswa sepertinya sudah siap support dalam arti mereka akan mikro juga mereka ngasih sikap baik agak sengaja untuk mendukung yang ngajar dan terbukti sikapnya baik- baik. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 99

2. Do you know the procedure of teaching lower