26 Perception on the Teaching Lower Semester in Developing Their Teaching

41 Table 4.4 The Questionnaire Result of the Students’ Perception on the Implementation on Teaching Lower Semester Program in Performing the Set Induction and Set Closure Skills As showed in Table 4.4, the students perceived that they were able to practice their set induction and set closure skills in lower semester teaching program. There are 89.6 students thought that teaching lower semester class gave them opportunity to practice how to teach enthusiastically for attracting the students’ attention to the learning process in the class. Later, 48 students 100 felt positively about the importance of the ensuring students’ comprehension at the end of the class. In fact, the positive perception led them to create positive behavior which was proved from 43 students 89.6 who had reviewed the material at the end of the class. No Statements Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree 8. You are enthusiastic to attract lower semester students’ attention in teaching lower semester. 5 10.4 29 60.4 14 29.2 9. Teaching lower semester students enables you to practice how to give smooth apperception transition from known material to new or unknown material. 6 12.5 30 62.5 12 25 10. You review the material to the lower semester students at the end of the class. 1 2.1 4 8.3 17 35.4 26 54.2 11. You think it is important to ensure the lower semester students’ comprehension to the lesson you teach at the end of the class. 22

45.8 26

54.2 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 42 c Explaining and Stimulus Variation Skills Afterward, the researcher used 6 statements of the closed-ended questions to find the Microteaching students’ perception on the implementation of teaching lower semester class concerning on the developing of explaining and stimulus variation skill in teaching. Table 4.5 presented the distribution of the 6 statements and the result of the questionnaire. Table 4.5 The Questionnaire Result of the Students’ Perception on the Implementation on Teaching Lower Semester Program in Performing the Explaining and Stimulus Variation Skills No Statements Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree 12. You move around the class confidently when teaching lower semester students. 3 6.2 23 48 22 45.8 13. Teaching lower semester students enables you to practice how to manage your gestures e.g. hands, eyes contact, mimic, etc. well. 4 8.3 21 43.7 23 48 14. Teaching lower semester students enables you to practice how to use the language English well e.g. grammar, volume, intonation, etc. when explaining the lesson. 18 37.5 30 62.5 15. Teaching lower semester students enables you to practice how to explain the lesson systematically. 23 48 25 52 16. Teaching lower semester students enables you to practice how to use media e.g. blackboard, picture, etc. or technology effectively in delivering the lesson. 1 2.1 26 54.2 21 43.7 17. Teaching lower semester students enables you to practice how to have active interaction with the students. 1 2.1 18 37.5 29 60.4 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 43 Based on Table 4.5, the students deemed teaching lower semester class positively toward developing of their explaining and giving stimulus variation skills. All of the students perceived that by teaching lower semester class, they were able to practice to explain the lesson systematically in good grammar, intonation and volume. It was found that 47 students 97.9 perceived that lower semester teaching gave them good place to perform how to use media effectively and how to have active interaction with the students during the teaching learning process. Even though most of the microteaching students’ perception was positive dealing with teaching lower semester program in developing their explaining skills, there were still 6.2 and 8.3 students respectively who perceived negatively dealing with developing their movements and gestures skills while teaching in the classroom. d Questioning and Giving Reinforcement Skills The statements from number 18 to 22 were to find Microteaching students’ perception on teaching lower semester class in developing their questioning and giving reinforcement skills. The result was in Table 4.6. Table 4.6 The Questionnaire Result of the Students’ Perception on the Implementation on Teaching Lower Semester Program in Performing the Questioning and Giving Reinforcement Skills No Statements Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree 18. Teaching lower semester students enables you to practice how to ask good questions. 2 4.2 31 64.6 15 31.2 19. You are satisfied if you can give questions clearly to lower semester students. 2 4.2 24 50 22 45.8 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 44 No Statements Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree 20. Teaching lower semester students enables you to practice how to give verbal reinforcements appropriately. 2 4.2 29 60.4 17 35.4 21. Teaching lower semester students enables you to practice how to give nonverbal reinforcements appropriately. 11 23 25 52 12 25 22. You are satisfied in motivating lower semester students by giving positive response to their answers or performances. 1 2.1 6 12.5 28 58.3 13 27.1 From Table 4.6, the researcher found that 46 students 95.8 felt satisfied if they were able to give questions clearly to lower semester students. The perception produced the positive behavior of those students. It was proved from the statement that they had the opportunity to practice how to give good questions to the lower semester students while lower semester. Regarding the reinforcement skills, the data showed that the Microteaching students felt satisfied if they can give positive response to their lower semester students’ performance or answer as a motivation. The positive perception formed the students’ positive behavior in performing the reinforcement skills when they did lower semester teaching. In specific, 46 students 95.8 had more tendencies to practice to give reinforcement verbally than nonverbally for 77 students while teaching lower semester class. 3 Perception on Perception Stage The researcher used the last two statements to find out the Microteaching students’ perception on the feedback from lecturer of lower semester class in PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 45 perception stage of lower semester teaching for developing their teaching skills. Table below shows the distribution of the statements and the result. Table 4.7 The Questionnaire Result of the Students’ Perception on the Implementation on Teaching Lower Semester Program in Perception Stage Based on Table 4.7, all of the students perceived positively the perception stage. They all agreed that feedback from lecturer of lower semester class was necessary. The students perceived that the lecturers’ feedback the motivated them to perform the better teaching. b Open-Ended Questions The researcher found similar responses see Appendix 4b in open-ended question which showed students’ positive perception toward implementation of teaching lower semester in Microteaching. Teaching lower semester class required them to teach real students, so they needed more preparation before teaching lower semester class. Thus, Microteaching students were so interested and challenged for teaching lower semester program. The students wrote, “Teaching lower semester in microteaching class was really challenging because I did not only prepare lesson plan, material, etc but also build up good communicationcooperation with the lecturer of lower semester class.” No Statements Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree 23. You need feedback from lecturer of lower semester class about your teaching performance in lower semester class. 3 6.3 45 93.7 24. The feedback from lecturer of lower semester class motivates you to teach better. 9 18.8 39 81.2 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 46 “It was very challenging for me. Actually I was not confident to talk in front of the students. I was worried if the student didn’t understand what I meant.” “I think it is interesting enough because I had more experience about teaching skill and it looked like in real class if I will be a teacher.” “It is very useful to accustom us in the real situation of teaching learning activity.” “It is very important for us to improve our skill in teaching and it gives many benefits for us to practice teaching better.” “It’s very good to improve our confidence, our teaching skill as well. I prefer teaching lower semester rather than my friends in class.” “It is very interesting and challenging. I enjoyed teaching lower semester class because they are very enthusiastic. They are very kind and smart students so there is no difficulty to teach them “ “Teaching lower semester students is very challenging and interesting. I like doing that. There is a mysterious sense that makes me addicted to do it again.” “It is challenging because I have to teach the real students in university level whose English is as good as mine. It makes me to be more creative in teaching so that the students will be interested to the lesson.” “It’s challenging. It needs more preparation and energy. It’s good to practice all skills we get from microteaching class.” Obviously, those statements referred to the positive perception on the teaching lower semester as well especially because they thought that the program gave them a lot of experiences for practicing their teaching skills and confidence. Furthermore, the students could feel the benefit of the teaching lower semester program in developing their teaching skills. They perceived that the program accommodated them a suitable condition for developing certain teaching skills. As the response of the open ended question number 2 about teaching skills they improve the most after having teaching lower semester, they wrote PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 47 “Reinforcement, attracting students to be interested in the lesson, improve on grammar accuracy and pronunciation.” “Verbal reinforcements, how to use the language English well, my performance, how to manage my gesture, how to have active interaction with the students.” “After having teaching lower semester, I paid attention more to my pronunciation, grammar, etc. I also could use the media for teaching well. Beside that I could be more active with the students.” “I can improve my speaking skill and writing skill. I can be more critical in analyzing writing because I taught Paragraph Writing.” “Giving reinforcement, eyes contact, voice production, almost all teaching skills.” “How to use reinforcement, how to explain the materials.” “Skill of explaining the material.” “Confident, language, questioning and reinforcement.” “Giving feedback, teaching strategy, using media, improving class activity.” “Speaking, of course. I have to improve much better to speak in front of public with correct grammar and good pronunciation.” “Self confidence, time management, material management, mastering the material, involving students in teaching activity.” “Confidence and material design.” “Volume in speaking, confidence, arranging the material and lesson planning.” “It’s about how to manage the class and how to gain students’ interest.” “Time management, delivering the materials, explaining the materials, setting activities.” Even though the students gave various responses, the open-ended questions showed how teaching lower semester was considered positively by the Microteaching students for developing their teaching skills in general. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 48

2. Perception on the Teaching Lower Semester Process Based on Interview