Discussion The Students’ Perception on the Teaching Lower Semester in Developing

53 From the last question in the interview, the Microteaching students perceived the importance of teaching lower semester program in developing their teaching skills in general. Some of them were motivated to develop their teaching skills and even wanted to have more chances to teach. They said, “Ya tentu saja, ini sangat memotivasi saya dalam mengembangkan keterampilan mengajar saya.” “Ya mas saya sangat termotivasi dengan pengajaran angkatan bawah dan aku selalu mengambil segala kesempatan mengajar yang datang pada saya.” “Ya karena pertama kita tahu kita kurang dimana bagus dimana kita tahu situasi murid kalo kayak gini kalo laki-laki lebih banyak kayak apa kalo kelasnya sore atau pagi kan beda.” “Ya saya malah ingin ngajar lagi.” The researcher also got responses from two negative interviewees. Even though, the students did not taught lower semester class maximally, she still encouraged to perform teaching better. Another student said that she started to be comfortable with teaching because she had tried teaching in lower semester class. They said, “Ada downnya karena hasil ini gak maksimal beda seperti mengajar dikelas mikroteachingnya sendiri. Ada keinginan untuk mengajar lebih baik karena jadi pingin lebih bagus karena PPL itu.” “Aku ga terlalu tertarik dengan pengajaran adik tingkat sebenarnya karena lebih tertarik pada literature daripada mangajar. Aku jadi sedikit tertarik pada pengajaran karena sudah mencoba.”

3. Discussion

Based on the questionnaire, Microteaching students have positive perception toward teaching lower semester program integrated in Microteaching PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 54 class. They thought that the lower semester teaching program was more interesting than peer teaching in the Microteaching laboratory because the class situation is real. They felt challenged for different situation they found in lower semester teaching. The condition is known as change which was mentioned by Warga 1983 as one of the factors in selecting stimulus. Warga explained that the change is good in grabbing someone’s attention. In teaching lower semester, the Microteaching students were supposed to teach the real university students. The Microteaching students thought that the similar ability with the students challenged them to conduct lower semester teaching program better. This condition is called as set which was explained by Warga 1983 as an emotional disposition that influences perception. The set causes someone to interpret sensation into a meaning that is based on what he or she expects to perceive. Further, the Microteaching students considered that teaching simulation was not enough for teaching real school students, so lower semester teaching is necessary at least to have a feel of how the real teaching could be. The condition was mentioned by Altman, et al. 1985 as situation which is one of four factors which can affect someone’s perception on something. They also added that the situation which influences someone to perceive can be in the form of someone’s familiarity with, expectation about, and his or her past experience. Therefore, the expectation about conducting good teaching in real situation influenced the Microteaching students to perceive the lower semester teaching program positively. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 55 Altman, et al. 1985 argued that the students whether it is positive or negative students’ perceptions on something influences students’ behavioral responses. As a result, there were 47 students 97.9 felt challenged to teach better in the lower semester class. Even, it was also proved by the fact that all of the students participated actively in the teaching lower semester procedure from selecting the lower semester class to getting feedback from lower semester lecturer. Nevertheless, there were some Microteaching students who perceived the implementation of teaching lower semester in negative way. It was because they faced difficulty in selecting the lower semester class to teach. As the result, the students could not teach the subject they liked or they were interested in. The Microteaching students also did not interested in teaching lower semester class, for they did not had enough preparation for teaching as in the interview student E said “Aku kurang persiapan. Sebenarnya ada kuis tapi tidak jadi sehingga aku harus mengajar lebih awal dan saya lupa menghidupkan kontak listrik sehingga sedikit cemas saat itu.” In addition, the positive perception on the teaching lower semester class influenced their teaching skills development. There are three stages linking each other to achieve the effective in mastering teaching skills as stated by Gilarso 1986. They are Planning, Perception, and Performance. The Microteaching students considered the planning stage in teaching lower semester positively. There were 47 students 97.9 exposed that they had good perception toward the way of selecting class, classroom observation in lower PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 56 semester class and lesson plan consultation with lecturer of lower semester class. In the open-ended questions number three deal with suggestion, the researcher found that the classroom observation is necessary for knowing the students’ need before teaching them. Microteaching students could make appropriate materials and activities for the students. Another students wrote “we should know the student better the characteristic before we teach them.” According to Calderhead and Shorrock 1997, observing the teaching learning process is the ability to distance yourself from the specifics of the classroom in order to consider the following: individual strengths, process of the learning to teach, and professional role to which you aspire. In the interview, students D said that the lesson plan consultation with lecturer of lower semester class helped her how to deliver the lesson. She said “Dari konsultasi dengan dosen kan ada materi yang kita ga ngerti bagaimana cara menerangkan dan apa saja yang harus diterangkan dan siswanya seperti apa.” It was supported by the statement on planning stage by Gilarso 1986. He stated that every teaching should be planned to achieve the stated teaching goals including the materials, the methods, the teaching goalsaims, the teaching learning activities, the media, the behavior, and the performances. The Gilarso’s statement goes along with one of the Microteaching objectives by Stones Morris 1977. They argued that microteaching’s objective is an understanding of the need for organization and preparation in any situation and the ability to analyze. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 57 Furthermore, the performance stage which was stated by Gilarso 1986 as the teaching learning practice after planning which is observed by friends and supervised by teacherslecturers. Stones Morris 1977 stated that some objectives of Microteaching are to enable the students to acquire an understanding of the children in the classroom situation: to find out how their minds work and to learn how to make contact with them and to communicate with them, ability to make good relationship with children and personal maturity e.g. social confidence. From the data gathered, the researcher found that the Microteaching students considered that teaching lower semester class gave them possibility to practice some teaching skills such as set induction and set closure, the explaining and stimulus variation and giving verbal reinforcement. Concerning the perception stage, Feedback is “a prime factor in learning skills Borg, Kelly, Langer Gall, 1970: 40. Then Lewis 2002: 4 added that feedback is a form of motivational and feedback lead students toward autonomy”. All of the Microteaching students considered that feedback from lecturer of lower semester class made them motivated to conduct better teach. In the interview, the student C said “Ya karena pertama kita tahu kita kurang dimana bagus dimana kita tahu situasi murid kalo kayak gini kalo laki-laki lebih banyak kayak apa kalo kelasnya sore atau pagi kan beda.” The students knew her strengths and weaknesses dealing with teaching skills. Stones Morris 1977 noted that Microteaching is to give a chance for students to assess themselves. Even so, the data showed that there were some teaching skills which were difficult to be practiced in the performance stage in lower semester teaching PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 58 program. Student F explained that the number of the students to teach in lower semester class was too big as the reason for lack of her enthusiasm. She said “enthusiasm kurang karena harus mengajar 50 anak kelas intensive reading II.” Student F was one of the negative representatives in the interview. From her statement, the researcher analyzed that condition as size which is one of the factors in selecting stimulus Warga, 1983. Warga considered that size as a factor which influences stimuli because the size really grabs someone’s attention. The size made microteaching students to perceive negatively on lower semester teaching program. Therefore, the big size of the lower semester class influenced the Microteaching student’ behavior because she was not enthusiastic while she was teaching lower semester class. In addition, the student F said that she felt discontented with her enthusiasm skill and explaining skill because of lack of preparation and teaching structure. Student F said “Pertama-tama agak blank. Awalnya ku mau gunakan lagu karena topiknya gerund and infinitive tapi saat siapin speaker ga mau nyala. Aku udah kelabakan sendiri. Waktu mundurkan 7 atau 10 menit kalo dipaksa time management kacau kasihan presenter selanjutnya. Ada 2 pengajar dan aku blank jadi ga kasih review. Kesuliat mungkin saat mengajar kalo materi sudah siap seminggu sebelumnya pas mengajar agak ngeblank dan ada beberapa materi yang mungkin dari saya skill menjelaskannya kurang bias explaining karena structure perlu penjelasan.” From the statement above, the students F found difficulty in developing time management because she did not prepare herself well especially in the media PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 59 preparation. Systematic planning almost always yields better result in teaching Peck and Tucker, 1973; Waimon, 1972 cited from Stones Morris 1977. Therefore, it is necessary for the Microteaching students to have good planning deal with media, the teaching learning activities the behavior, and the performances before teaching. According to Gilarso 1986, every teaching should be planned to achieve the stated teaching goals including the materials, the methods, the teaching goalsaims, the teaching learning activities, the media, the behavior, and the performances. The Microteaching students was encouraged to conduct better teaching skills after doing lower semester teaching program integrated in Microteaching class. Walberg 1976 emphasized the importance of the students’ perception, because they mediate the influence of the learning environment on student outcomes. The Microteaching students’ positive perception in their experience of the lower semester teaching program had formed the outcome in the form of motivation to improve their teaching skills.

C. Students’ Suggestions to Improve and to Maximize the Implementation

of Teaching Lower Semester in Microteaching Class Even though the Microteaching students’ perceptions toward the implementation of teaching lower semester in developing their teaching skills was mostly positive, the researcher found that the implementation can contribute more significant role in preparing the students with the high teaching skills. Therefore, the researcher also tried to collect the suggestions from the students PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI