Perception Microteaching Definition of Terms


4. Lower Semester Students

This research is aimed to give real description of implementation of Microteaching for lower semester students before they involve in Microteaching subject later. By having good teaching lower semester from Microteaching students, it enables the lower semester students to have meaningful teaching in which they can comprehend the material learnt even though they are not taught by their lecturer.

F. Definition of Terms

For the sake of avoiding misuderstanding, the researcher provides some definition of the terms used in this study. They are stated as follow.

1. Perception

In this study, perception is an active process in which a person views a stimulus together with his experiences, motivation, and attitudes Suparinah, 1986. Whether it is positive or negative students’ perceptions on something influences students’ behavioral responses Altman, et al., 1985. Walberg 1976 also emphasizes the importance of the students’ perceptions because they mediate the influence of the learning environment on student outcomes. In this research, the researcher perception defined as students perceives, see and interpret on the implementation of teaching lower semester class in their teaching skill development. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 7

2. Microteaching

Microteaching is a program for teacher candidates to have practice in managing the class structurally for the first time and gradually have some teaching skills required before facing the real class Puji, et al., 2008. In Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Microteaching includes to MKB: Matakuliah Keahlian Berkarya KPE 361 which is to prepare the students skills working in the society by their study program specification. In ELESP, Microteaching class opens every semester. Then, only for the student who passed some required subjects can take the course after students such as Approaches, Methods, and Techniques, Curriculum and Materials Development, Language Learning Assessment and Instructional Design. The main objective of the Microteaching course is to provide the participants with an environment for practice-based teaching to encourage self- evaluative skills. The course is conducted in the Microteaching laboratory with the maximum of 20 - 21 participants from within the English Language and Education Study Program ELESP of Sanata Dharma University. In this study, the Microteaching is specified on teaching lower semester students in which the Microteaching students will have teaching practice in the real class and with the real students. 3 Teaching Skills In this study, teacher is expected to have three basic teaching skills for being a good teaching. Those are opening and closing skills, explaining and stimulus variation skills, and questioning and reinforcement skills Puji, et al., PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 8 2008. In addition, the researcher also added classroom management as teaching skill to elaborate in this study. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 9


This chapter will present you two major discussions. They are theoretical and framework descriptions.

A. Theoretical Description

In this section, the researcher will review the description of perception, the description of microteaching and the description of teaching lower semester deliberately.

1. Perception

According to Suparinah 1986, perception is an active process in which a person views a stimulus together with his experiences, motivation, and attitudes. Whether it is positive or negative, students’ perceptions on something influences their behavioral responses Altman, et. al, 1985. Walberg 1976 also emphasizes the importance of the students’ perceptions because they mediate the influence of the learning environment on students’ outcomes. In this research, the researcher perception was defined as students perceive, see and interpret on the implementation of teaching lower semester class in their teaching skill development. There are four factors which can affect someone’s perception on something Altman, et. al, 1985: 86. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI