Perception on the Teaching Lower Semester Process Based on Interview


2. Perception on the Teaching Lower Semester Process Based on Interview

The interview was done to verify the students’ answers in questionnaire. The researchers had chosen 8 students as the interviewees. They consisted of 4 students who had the most positive perception on their questionnaires and the other 4 students who had the most negative perception on their questionnaires. They were students A, B, C, and D for positive representatives and students E, F, G, and H for the other negative representatives. All students’ responses on the interview were attached in Appendix 6. Firstly, the researcher found facts from interviewees whose positive perceptions. They showed their interest in the teaching lower semester class integrated in Microteaching class. Student A argued that teaching lower semester was interesting because she could practice the teaching skills got in the Microteaching laboratory. Student B added that she was interested in lower semester teaching because she perceived that it could improve her teaching skills before teaching outside school. Furthermore, the researcher knew one of the reasons for the Microteaching students’ interest in the teaching lower semester class was because the student felt challenged for teaching the new students in the real class situation. That fact was reflected from the answer of student C who said, “Tertarik karena lebih menarik daripada mengajar teman-teman karena kita kita tidak tahu watak-wataknya dan tidak mengenal mereka lebih tertantang jadi berasa mengajar. Sauasana kelas jadi kayak beneran gitu.” From the student D, the researcher found that her interest in the Microteaching gave her positive perception in carrying out the lower semester teaching program. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 49 “Tertariknya karena udah tertarik jadi mikroteaching senang aja.” Afterward, the researcher interviewed the four students who had the most negative perception toward implementation on the teaching lower semester class. The student E explained that she did not prepared well so that she thought that lower semester teaching was not interested for her. She said, “Aku kurang persiapan. Sebenarnya ada kuis tapi tidak jadi sehingga aku harus mengajar lebih awal dan saya lupa menghidupkan kontak listrik sehingga sedikit cemas saat itu.” In addition, students F and G felt that the implementation of lower semester teaching program dealing with the selecting the lower semester class to teach and the English level of the students as the factors for not being interested in teaching lower semester program. They said, ”Sebenarnya tertarik tapi kadang-kadang implementasinya yang kadang- kadang kurang dijalani dengan baik. Pengaturan waktu mikro dari dosen yang mau dimintai tolong. Mereka punya schedule sendiri kita tidak bisa seenaknya aja minta janjian.” ”Pada awalnya tertarik cuma bingung dalam pemilihan kelas. Aku sebenarnya mau kelas speaking tapi dapat structure Kalo peer teaching relax banget walaupun mengajarnya sesusah apapun bahannya hanya SMA SMP jadi muridnya bisa follow kalo real students pengetahuannya mereka belum dapat segala macem bener-bener basic jadi tantangannya lebih gede banget.” Then the student H gave the reason for his negative perception on the implementation of teaching lower semester class. Personally, he did not feel comfortable if the lower semester students gave him the support as the teacher who practiced in the lower semester class which he considered too exaggerated. He said, “Sebenarnya tertarik ada tapi ga tinggi karena saat observasi mahasiswa sepertinya sudah siap support dalam arti mereka akan mikro juga mereka PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 50 ngasih sikap baik agak sengaja untuk mendukung yang ngajar dan terbukti sikapnya baik-baik.” Through the second question, the researcher knew that all of the Microteaching students participated actively in the lower semester teaching program. Student B said, “Pertama aku memilih kelas yang akan diajar kemudian saya meminta schedule dosen tersebut mengenai topic yang akan diajar. Setelah itu saya membuat lesson plan untuk dikonsultasikan dengan dosen untuk direvisi atau dichange untuk menambah permainan atau power point Selanjutnya yang pasti mengajar dan kemudian saya meminta feedback dari mahasiswa mahasiswa dan dosen. Kalo mengenai feedback dari adik-adik angkatan bawah sangat penting mas karena mereka berperan sebagai subjek yang merasakan secara langsung kemampuan mengajar saya. Mereka dong atau tidak dengan pengajaran saya.” From the interview, the researcher also tried to verify the students’ perception on the implementation of teaching lower semester class in relation with the development of the Microteaching students’ teaching skills. The data showed that each student had various perceptions about which teaching skills were improved the most from the implementation of teaching lower semester class. The students said that teaching lower semester class gave them opportunities in practicing some teaching skills such as set induction and set closure, the explaining and stimulus variation and giving verbal reinforcement. Some students also said that they practiced for having good interaction with the students while teaching. From students B, D and H statements, the researcher found that lower semester teaching program could enable the Microteaching students to interact actively with the students while teaching. The student B said, “Yang pasti explaining material ya bagaimana kita menerangkan materi. moving confidently in class tidak hanya disatu tempat. Dan juga interaksi dengan siswa-siswa yang diajar.” PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 51 Furthermore, students A, E, and F considered that they were able to practice how to be confident because they could practice how to speak in front of unknown and new people. In addition, some students were confident because they taught their junior not their peers. Students C considered that lower semester teaching made her knew how to have good time management in teaching because she should control the time of the activities in her teaching. She said “Set induction: bagaimana pertama kali kita membuat mereka tertarik untuk mengikuti pelajaran karena tahu mereka dari pertama ga tertarik kebelakang-belakang mereka juga ga akan tertarik. Reinforcement dan terutama time management soalnya aku ngajar speech jadi kita ga tau tu murid akan ngomong kaya gimana kita harus bisa nentui ok cukup.” Nevertheless, the researcher also found that the Microteaching students considered that there were the difficulties in developing some of their teaching skills while taught lower semester class. Students C commented that difficulty was not related to teaching phase but more in material preparation because the lecturer expected that material should be appropriate with the language level of the lower semester students. In teaching lower semester class, some students were not enthusiastic in delivering the lesson. The student E said that she was not too enthusiastic because she got structure class. She perceived that structure is not a fun subject to learn. According to the student F, it happened because she should teach a large number of students and she had not prepared well. She said “ Enthusiasm kurang karena harus mengajar 50 anak kelas intensive reading II. 50 anak juga mereka aktif dan pinter. 10 menit pertama agak gimana tapi lama-lama enjoy juga sih. Dipersiapan belum matang juga ga pede mau antusias juga bingung.Gak begitu bagus dalam reinforcement. Sebenarnya anak suka dari feedback kata mereka materinya bagus tapi suara kurang kenceng sehingga kurang bisa didengar.” PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 52 That answer also indicated that her reinforcement skill was not improved because she knew from the lower semester students’ comments that her voice was not loud enough. Moreover, Students G added that the students did not response her well while teaching, so she was not satisfied with her efforts in giving reinforcement. However, students G deemed that her explaining skill was not improved. She was confused to deliver the structure class because the subject needed more specific explanation. The student G said “ Aku tidak puas dalam reinforcement karena kayaknya murid tidak response bagus saat mengajar. Kesuliatan mungkin saat mengajar kalo materi sudah siap seminggu sebelumnya pas mengajar agak ngeblank dan ada beberapa materi yang mungkin dari saya skill menjelaskannya kurang bisa explaining karena structure perlu penjelasan.” Additionally, the researcher got an interesting fact in interview with students H. The student admitted that he got difficulty in creating interaction and communication with the students to understand each other because of different level of English. However, he considered that it enabled him to learn how to interact and to communicate with the students. He also told that he just knew how to explain in appropriate ways after experiencing the teaching lower semester class. Student H said, “ Skill yang terasah interaksi dan komunikasi terutama masalahnya level bahasa inggrisnya berbeda. saya kesulitan dan mereka kesulitan untuk mengerti saya, saya kesulitan untuk menjelaskan. Kita belajar set induction closing bahasa menjelaskan sesuatu itu justru yang paling penting karena saya mengajar structure yang penting itukan mahasiswa mengerti mengapa begini begitu beda dengan mengajar skill yang dengan latihan atau tidak perlu banyak penjelasan saya kesulitan disitu. Setelah mengajar baru saya mulai mengerti cara menjelaskan dengan baik seperti ini.” PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 53 From the last question in the interview, the Microteaching students perceived the importance of teaching lower semester program in developing their teaching skills in general. Some of them were motivated to develop their teaching skills and even wanted to have more chances to teach. They said, “Ya tentu saja, ini sangat memotivasi saya dalam mengembangkan keterampilan mengajar saya.” “Ya mas saya sangat termotivasi dengan pengajaran angkatan bawah dan aku selalu mengambil segala kesempatan mengajar yang datang pada saya.” “Ya karena pertama kita tahu kita kurang dimana bagus dimana kita tahu situasi murid kalo kayak gini kalo laki-laki lebih banyak kayak apa kalo kelasnya sore atau pagi kan beda.” “Ya saya malah ingin ngajar lagi.” The researcher also got responses from two negative interviewees. Even though, the students did not taught lower semester class maximally, she still encouraged to perform teaching better. Another student said that she started to be comfortable with teaching because she had tried teaching in lower semester class. They said, “Ada downnya karena hasil ini gak maksimal beda seperti mengajar dikelas mikroteachingnya sendiri. Ada keinginan untuk mengajar lebih baik karena jadi pingin lebih bagus karena PPL itu.” “Aku ga terlalu tertarik dengan pengajaran adik tingkat sebenarnya karena lebih tertarik pada literature daripada mangajar. Aku jadi sedikit tertarik pada pengajaran karena sudah mencoba.”

3. Discussion